Chapter 144 Fry Death
Hearing Wang Minghui's words, Sun Xiaoxue nodded solemnly and said, "I believe Wang Lei, he will definitely make people like Zhao Mingming regret it!"

"By the way, Uncle Wang, Wang Lei hasn't come back yet?"

After venting the anger in her heart, Sun Xiaoxue turned her head and asked Wang Minghui.

"This one……"

Wang Minghui spread his hands and said, "I'll call now and ask."

After speaking, he directly dialed Wang Lei's cell phone.

"When will you come back?"

Wang Lei: "It's on the way now, and it will take about ten minutes."

Wang Minghui: "Well, I'll wait for you at home."

Hang up the phone immediately after the call.

Turning back to Sun Xiaoxue, he said, "Okay, come home with me and wait for a while. After Wang Lei comes back, let's discuss the current matter in a long-term way."

Sun Xiaoxue nodded and followed Wang Minghui towards his house.

After the two returned home, Wang Lei arrived at the door of the house in a car personally arranged by the general manager of Wei'er Forest Farm Co., Ltd. before his buttocks settled down.

"Dad, what happened, did you sound a little angry on the phone just now?"

Wang Lei got out of the car and asked directly into the open door.

"Come back! Go, get out!"

Wang Minghui was sitting on a chair sullen, when he heard a familiar voice from outside, he hurriedly signaled to Sun Xiaoxue, then stood up and walked outside.

After seeing Wang Lei, Wang Minghui immediately showed a long-lost smile on his face, and said aloud: "If you don't come back, our village will be messed up. Now Zhao Mingming is forming gangs in the village. Some villagers use feed to raise them with him. Fish. I came forward to stop it. You know what that old guy Zhao Mingming said. He even said that if you have the ability, you can take back all the fish fry in his pond. Look at him, isn't he just a rascal... "

Hearing Wang Minghui's angry words, Wang Lei gave a wry smile, and comforted him, "Dad, you don't have to be angry with Mr. Zhao. After all, he did this because he wanted to live a better life. Just understand each other."

These words made Wang Minghui's eyebrows twitch twice, and he looked at Wang Lei carefully.

The corner of his mouth instantly grinned, and he snorted and said, "You are the only one with a big heart! If it were me, I would have to teach Zhao Mingming a lesson! This kind of person specializes in poaching, and he can say such things in front of me. What nonsense would you do?"

"By the way, what's going on with you at Wei'er Forest Farm Co., Ltd., have you helped them solve the crisis of fruit tree illness?"

Seeing that the person who was still angry just now became concerned in a blink of an eye, Wang Lei gave a wry smile, and opened his mouth and said, "Don't worry, the matter at Wei'er Yulin Farm Co., Ltd. has been perfectly resolved. I'll go this time, and there is still more to come." An unexpected harvest, we can solve the feed problem for our fish..."

Before Wang Lei could say these words, the man and woman standing in front of the farmer were startled, and they raised their heads almost subconsciously, and their eyes were cast on Wang Lei.


"Hurry up! What good solution have you found?"

Wang Minghui and Sun Xiaoxue questioned Wang Lei almost at the same time.

"The sickness of the batch of imported fruit trees from Wei'er Nursery Farm Co., Ltd. was entirely caused by the excessive number of earthworms in the soil. I told Mr. Li and asked her to dig out the earthworms in the soil and give them to us. This not only solves the disease problem of her fruit trees, but also finds food for the fry in our village. This earthworm is a good thing, rich in protein, and is the best choice for fish farming."

After listening to Wang Lei's explanation, Sun Xiaoxue jumped up and down excitedly.

"That's great! Now I don't have to worry anymore!"

"Wang Lei, you are capable, and you actually solved such a difficult problem when you went out..."

Wang Minghui suppressed the excitement in his heart, and asked Wang Lei urgently: "Where's the earthworm, why didn't I see the earthworm?"

Wang Lei smiled wryly and said, "Dad, this earthworm has to be transported here. This BMW car is the special car of the general manager of Wei'er Yu Forest Farm Co., Ltd. How could it be used to transport earthworms? Just now I saw that you hung up the phone quickly, I I thought something was wrong, so I rushed here first. The truck transporting earthworms is still behind, and it will arrive later.”

"Let's go, let's gather the villagers first and divide the earthworms. It's also thanks to the large number of sick fruit trees of Wei'er Forest Farm Co., Ltd., which can provide us with enough earthworms to raise fish."

Wang Lei walked towards the village committee while talking.

When Wang Lei walked into the village committee, Sun Xiaoxue had already turned on the village's broadcasting system.

Half an hour later, the earthworms began to be distributed in the compound of the village committee.

"Haha, let me just say, I believe Wang Lei is right! He will definitely help us tide over the difficulties!"

"Look, these earthworms are the best fish feed that Wang Lei found for us."

"This earthworm is a good thing for raising fish. It has high nutritional value!"

Standing in the crowd, Wang Yangtian flattered Wang Lei with all his might.

"Everyone, after you get the earthworms, you can feed them to the fish. From today onwards, Wei'er Forest Farm Co., Ltd. will provide us with enough earthworms every day."

"Please also believe me, since I want to lead you to develop, I will definitely not let you suffer..."

Wang Lei stood in the middle of the crowd and shouted.

"Yeah, I believe Wang Lei is right!"

"This earthworm is better than the feed you bought!"

"Without any additives, the perfect quality of the fish can be guaranteed..."

The villagers happily left with the earthworms they got from Wang Lei.

Seeing that they were almost divided, Wang Lei transferred some of the earthworms to the cart, and said to Wang Minghui, "Dad, you and Sun Xiaoxue scatter these earthworms into the ponds of our two families."

Wang Minghui nodded and pushed the car away.

After distributing the last branch of earthworms, Wang Lei left the village committee and walked towards his pond.

Come to the pond and scatter earthworms into the pond with Wang Minghui.

At the same time, in Zhao Mingming's pond, fish fry emerged from the water with their belly facing upwards.

Zhao Mingming was completely dumbfounded when he saw that the fry started to die in large numbers after feeding.

"You old bastard! Didn't you say that it's right to use feed to raise fish? Now that the fry are dead, how do you explain this!"

"I asked you to go according to Wang Lei's request, you have to show your strength, it's all right now!"

An elderly woman stood beside Zhao Mingming and kept scolding her.

"Don't stand still here, hurry up and think of a way out! If these fry are all dead, what else can we use to make money!"

 Recommend the story of "The Strongest Farmer" leading the farmers to get rich, Class [-]'s own book


(End of this chapter)

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