Super peasants break into the city

Chapter 145 Looking for Wang Lei

Chapter 145 Looking for Wang Lei

Zhao Mingming was also anxious when he heard his wife's scolding.

I wanted to make a lot of money from these fry, but I didn't expect that after feeding them, there would be a large area of ​​death.

"What's the use of you worrying about me! I didn't see that I was trying to find a way!"

Distraught by the old woman's urging, Zhao Mingming turned around and scolded.

"You think of a way? It's so funny! I didn't agree with your reckless behavior before, and you had to listen to the persuasion. Now it's all right, and all the fish in the pond have been fed to death by you. Now I think you should hurry up and beg Wang Lei to go, and only He can help us."

After Zhao Mingming heard this, his eyebrows twitched violently, he turned his head and yelled at the old woman, and said, "Fart! I don't believe that I can't live without Wang Lei. Now that I have these fry, I can definitely Figure out a way to make money yourself."

"Okay, you can only make trouble for me here, hurry home!"

After saying this to the old woman, Zhao Mingming ignored her, squatted on the ground, and sighed while looking at the pond where fish fry kept floating in front of him.

Seeing Zhao Mingming's actions, the old woman snorted heavily and stared at Zhao Mingming with disappointment in her eyes.

Although Zhao Mingming really wants to prove himself through practical actions, it also depends on how capable he is.

"Okay, okay, think of a way here, I'll go back!"

After the old woman glared at Zhao Mingming, she walked towards the house without looking back.

Zhao Mingming squatted by the pond, watching the fish fry constantly emerging from the water, his head was pounding.

I thought I could make a fortune by fattening these wild fry with feed, but I didn't expect such an unexpected thing to happen.

"You wait for me!"

Looking at the fish fry with belly constantly rising, Zhao Mingming could no longer maintain his composure, so he hurriedly stood up from the ground and said to the old woman who hadn't gone far.

"Do you think Wang Lei will really help us?"

Zhao Mingming asked the old woman aloud.

The old woman stopped in her tracks, looked back at Zhao Mingming, sneered, and said, "Do you have the money to invite someone to come and see it? You had your tail up in front of Wang Minghui before, if you go to ask Wang Lei now, Then you can ask for blessings, and hope that he won't care about people like you."

Listening to his wife's sarcasm, Zhao Mingming lowered his head and began to think.

Then he stepped forward and walked forward, and when he passed by the old woman, he said aloud: "Let's go and find Wang Lei."

Seeing Zhao Mingming's performance, the old woman shook her head inwardly.

But I can only pray secretly in my heart, hoping that Wang Lei can forgive Zhao Mingming for his previous excessive behavior.

Ten minutes later, the old woman saw Zhao Mingming standing at the door of Wang Lei's house and refused to knock, so she went up and knocked on the door with her hands.

"Aunt Liu? This is you?"

When Wang Lei opened the door, he saw Liu Hua standing opposite him, and his voice became confused.

A smile piled up on the old woman's face, and she said to Wang Lei, "Little nephew, my aunt came with you, Mr. Zhao, to ask you something..."

Before Liu Hua finished speaking, a cold voice came from the courtyard: "Isn't Zhao Mingming very powerful? After getting the fish fry from Wang Lei, he has already raised his tail to the sky. Did Wang Lei not?" It would be great to take back your fish fry. If you are sensible, go back, don't come here to be an eyesore."

After Sun Xiaoxue put the food on the table, she went straight to Liu Hua and said aloud.

"Look at what you said, Zhao Mingming is an asshole and I am not an asshole. I have come here to apologize...Little nephew, please help me..."

Liu Hua withdrew her gaze from Sun Xiaoxue, cast it on Wang Lei, and said flatteringly.

Looking at the indifferent old man standing behind Liu Hua, Wang Lei smiled faintly, gave way to Liu Hua, and said to Liu Hua, "Ms. Liu, come in with Mr. Zhao first, and just tell me if you have anything to do. If I can help, I will definitely help.”

After Wang Lei's words came out, Sun Xiaoxue hurriedly tugged at the corner of Wang Lei's clothes, and stopped him aloud: "You are crazy, people like Zhao Mingming are not worthy of your help at all, this kind of people are the most abominable. After you got the fish fry in your hands, you did the thing of rebelling in the nest, and now he is in trouble, so he came to beg you. If this allows him to survive the crisis, he will put you aside in a blink of an eye."

In Sun Xiaoxue's voice, Zhao Mingming, who had just walked into Wang Lei's home, trembled.

Slowly turned back to look at Wang Lei, and said aloud: "I'm sorry, I was too self-righteous before, thinking that I could do something by relying on the fish fry I got from you, but I didn't expect that the fish fry not only did not ask me They grew as expected, but they all started to die..."

When Zhao Mingming said this, he lowered his head slowly, not daring to look at Wang Lei.

Sun Xiaoxue looked at Zhao Mingming, and snorted coldly, crocodile tears, such a poor person must have something to hate!After getting the fry from Wang Lei, he bit Wang Lei back, shit!

On Wang Lei's side, after feeling the emotional fluctuations coming from Sun Xiaoxue, he smiled helplessly, then turned his head to look at Zhao Mingming, and said, "Master Zhao, if you have anything to do, just come in and sit down and talk. "

"It's all from neighbors, so don't look outside."

Zhao Mingming looked at Wang Lei's enthusiastic performance, and stood stiffly in place. When he came here, he had already figured out how Wang Lei would humiliate him. He didn't expect to meet Wang Lei now. It seemed that this farmer had never happened to him. Any unhappiness, but he is still as enthusiastic about himself as before.

This boldness made Zhao Mingming feel ashamed.

His face turned red instantly.

With a sigh in his mouth, he nodded to Wang Lei, then walked into the courtyard, looking at the chair in front of him without the face to sit down.

"Hehe, Mr. Zhao, I can understand your insistence on using feed. After all, it was hard to get high-quality wild fish fry. You want them to grow up as soon as possible and sell them at a good price. I respect your decision. , now you don’t have to take it to heart. Sit down quickly.”

Wang Lei captured the change of expression on Zhao Mingming's face, smiled heartily, and patted the chair beside him.

Looking at Wang Lei's enthusiastic appearance, Zhao Mingming felt even more ashamed. Thinking back to his previous performance of raising his tail to the sky, he wished he could find a crack in the ground and sneak in.

"I'm sorry, I did something wrong earlier. After getting the fry from you, I shouldn't set up my own family and not listen to your command..."

After Zhao Mingming said this, he slapped himself on the face.

(End of this chapter)

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