Super peasants break into the city

Chapter 150 Prepare in advance

Chapter 150 Prepare in advance
Just as the villagers of Wang Village gathered in the village committee compound to discuss, Zhao Mingming had already walked into the compound.

With the appearance of Zhao Mingming, the atmosphere in the compound changed instantly.

The villagers stopped discussing and turned their heads to look at Zhao Mingming, with envy and admiration in their eyes.

"Brother Zhao, I heard that all the fish fry in your family have come back to life. Congratulations."

Someone walked up to Zhao Mingming and said aloud.

Looking at the adoring eyes of the people around him, Zhao Mingming was full of complacency and enjoyed the current feeling very much.But after laughing loudly, he waved his hands to the people around him and said, "Everyone, don't envy me. The one who contributed the most to this matter is Wang Lei. I was so powerless to him before, so I thought Wang Lei would be angry with me. But I didn't expect that Mr. Wang Lei didn't remember the villain's mistakes, he didn't get angry with me at all, and he took the initiative to help me solve the fish fry crisis. Through this incident, I deeply realized that it was right to hang out with Wang Lei! "

"He really wants to lead us guys to make a fortune."

Following Zhao Mingming's words, the villagers of Wang Village standing in the village committee compound nodded their heads one after another.

I don't know who gave the applause first, and then, the applause in the compound resounded like a mountain roar and a tsunami.

"I've said it long ago. Wang Lei is sincerely leading the big guy to make a fortune. Now the big guy has seen through Zhao Mingming's incident. He will be suspicious of Wang Lei in the future."

"Yes, yes, yes! We want to follow Wang Lei and make a fortune!"

"It's really a blessing for us to have Wang Lei in our village..."

Standing in the crowd, Wang Shaogang listened to the discussions and emotions of the surrounding villagers, his face was full of smiles, he slowly turned his head to look at Wang Yangtian, and laughed aloud: "Dad, my previous persistence was right, we Wang Lei in my family is not an ordinary character, and it is right to have a good relationship with him. If I hadn't insisted on making you reconcile with Uncle Wang, our family would not be able to take advantage of Wang Lei now..."

In Wang Shaogang's big laugh, Wang Yangtian's face darkened instantly.

I Cao!This is really which pot is not opened and which pot is lifted!

Now I have already regretted that I targeted Wang Lei back then, you fucking brought up this kind of thing, you are really my own son!

"Bah! You talk too much! You can die if you don't talk!"

Wang Yangtian spat heavily at Wang Shaogang.

At this moment, Wang Yangtian suddenly felt a commotion in the crowd, and the atmosphere of the crowd became even more heated.

"Look quickly! Now Wang Lei is here..."

As the voice reached Wang Yangtian's ears, Wang Yangtian withdrew his gaze from Wang Shaogang, and subconsciously turned his head to look outside the compound, only to see a farmer wearing a big vest walking towards here step by step.

The surrounding crowd fixed their eyes on the farmer with respectful expressions, as if they were treating a god.

"That's right, it's really good, it's much better than my worthless son..."

Wang Yangtian stared at Wang Lei, and sighed with emotion, he was very envious of Wang Minghui's ability to adopt such an outstanding son as Wang Lei.

Wang Shaogang who was standing next to him turned dark instantly after hearing the self-talk from his father's mouth. He looked back at Wang Yangtian with a grin at the corner of his mouth, but finally he didn't say anything, he could only let out a long sigh.

"On par with Wang Lei... Hehe, I don't have that qualification at all..."

Then he withdrew his gaze from Wang Yangtian and walked straight towards Wang Lei.

He beat Wang Lei's chest affectionately with his right hand, and said: "You have done a good job in Zhao Mingming's affairs. The big guys were talking about you just now. Now your prestige in the big guys' eyes has increased to a higher level."

Hearing Wang Shaogang's words, Wang Lei frowns, this is an unexpected harvest.

Regardless of the opposition of his family, he helped Zhao Mingming from the bottom of his heart.Now that I am rich, I also want to lead more people to get rich, but I never thought about getting something through this matter from the beginning to the end.

"Hehe, that's really great. Now that the villagers are willing to follow me in development with confidence, it will be easier for me to do things."

"Okay, now the earthworms sent by Wei'er Forest Farm Co., Ltd. have arrived, let's go there."

After Wang Lei said a few simple words to Wang Shaogang, he walked directly into the courtyard.

"Everyone, thank you for being able to sincerely follow my side to develop with Wang Lei."

Wang Lei stood in the crowd and said politely, and then opened his mouth and said directly: "Because of what happened at Zhao Mingming's house yesterday, you will get less earthworms later, and give Zhao Mingming more to raise those fry. opinion?"

"No! We all follow your orders!"

"Yes, yes! Everything is up to you!"

Listening to the responses from the people around him, Wang Lei slowly smiled, turned to Zheng Ming and said, "Okay, let's start distributing the earthworms now."

Standing by the side, Zhao Mingming was extremely grateful to Wang Lei.

On the other hand, Zheng Ming, the sales director of Wei'er Yulin Farm Co., Ltd., also admired Wang Lei's courage.

It is the most troublesome situation for Wangcun to have troublesome people in poor mountains and rivers, but the farmer in front of him can condense all the villagers of Wangcun without any effort, which is really amazing.

"Okay! Divide the earthworms!"

Zheng Ming smiled heartily at Wang Lei, then turned his head and gestured to the people around him.

"By the way, Mr. Wang, our general manager has something to tell you."

When everyone started to act, Zheng Ming suddenly made a gesture to Wang Lei to speak.

Wang Lei nodded, and came to a relatively secluded place with Zheng Ming, and said, "Say something now?"

The sales director of Wei'er Yulin Farm Co., Ltd. looked at the farmer in front of him, calmed down, and said: "After going back yesterday, Mr. Li asked me to take someone to roughly count the number of earthworms in the fruit forest. The amount is large, so Mr. Li told me to tell you that you have to make plans to look for earthworms from other sources now."

After Wang Lei heard this, he nodded slowly, and said, "I will thank you Mr. Li when I go back to my descendants. I know what to do."

The sales director of Wei'er Yulin Farm Co., Ltd. knew the strength of the young man in front of him. Although he was born as a farmer, he possessed extremely strong strength.Seeing the other party's statement at the moment, he didn't say anything more, and nodded respectfully at Wang Lei.

"Well, since Mr. Wang already knows, I'll go over and help first."

After speaking, he turned and walked towards the crowd in front of him.

Wang Lei fell into deep thought. In addition to buying earthworms, they can also be bred!
(End of this chapter)

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