Super peasants break into the city

Chapter 151 Farming Earthworms

Chapter 151 Farming Earthworms
Wang Minghui saw that the sales director of Wei'er Yu Forest Farm Co., Ltd. had left in front of Wang Lei, and immediately walked up to Wang Lei, and asked suspiciously, "What did Minister Zheng tell you in private just now?"

Wang Lei: "The earthworms of Wei'er Forest Farm Co., Ltd. won't last long, so we have to make another plan."

Following Wang Lei's words, Wang Minghui was startled.

Feeding fry with earthworms is the best way to raise fish.If earthworms are lost, fish farming is simply impossible.

"How is this possible! The earthworms are gone, so how to raise fish..."

Wang Minghui cried out in shock.

Wang Lei hurriedly waved his hand to stop it and said, "Dad, why are you so loud? Now the villagers have finally united as one, so don't make trouble here."

After hearing Wang Lei's words, Wang Minghui was taken aback, realizing that he was a little reckless just now.Hastily covered his mouth.

Subconsciously, he turned his head and glanced at the villagers behind him. Those people were enthusiastically receiving earthworms around Zheng Ming, and they didn't notice the situation here at all. Only then did Wang Minghui feel relieved.

He breathed a sigh of relief at Wang Lei with lingering fear, and asked in a low voice, "Then have you figured out what to do now?"

Under Wang Minghui's gaze, Wang Lei suddenly had a smile on his lips, nodded solemnly, and said, "Don't worry, who is your son? I have already thought about it just now. I plan to raise earthworms."

"After the villagers feed the fish fry every day, they all have nothing to do. I can use this spare labor to let them breed earthworms for our family. In return, I will provide each household with enough earthworms. , As for the rest, there are broiler chickens in the neighboring villages, so we can sell the earthworms to them.”

While speaking, Wang Lei raised his eyebrows at Wang Minghui.

Wang Minghui swallowed his saliva, gave Wang Lei a thumbs up, and said, "Awesome! In this way, we can not only get free labor, but also use earthworms to make money. You kid has too many crazy ideas!"

Wang Lei laughed loudly, and said to Wang Minghui: "Wait a minute, take out some of the earthworms allocated by our family, and the plan for earthworm breeding will start now. This thing grows fast, and I can make it possible for the raised earthworms to grow within a few days." Earthworms prosper."

Wang Minghui nodded repeatedly.

Seeing that the sales director of Wei'er Yulin Farm Co., Ltd. had finished distributing the earthworms, he hurriedly walked forward and said to the villagers who were about to leave: "Everyone, wait a moment, Wang Lei has something to do here. Tell everyone."

Following Wang Minghui's words, the villagers who were about to leave stopped in their tracks.

Now Wang Lei is like a god in the minds of these people, and the villagers in Wang Village obey him from the bottom of their hearts.

Under the gaze of everyone, Wang Lei walked to the center of the crowd, smiled, and said: "Minister Zheng told me about the situation of Wei'er Forest Farm Co., Ltd. in detail just now. Farm Co., Ltd. specially cultivated it, but some time ago, the fruit trees of Wei'er Forest Farm Co., Ltd. encountered a crisis of overpopulation of earthworms, so the big guys can get free earthworms."

"It's just that the fruit tree crisis of Wei'er Forest Farm Co., Ltd. is coming to an end, and it won't be long before we can continue to provide us with sufficient earthworms, so now I want to start earthworm breeding in the village. Everyone present You can actively participate, and for the reward, I will provide a sufficient number of earthworms for free to those who participate in the labor!"

When the villagers heard that Wei'er Yulin Farm Co., Ltd. would not be able to provide enough earthworms in a short time, the hearts of the villagers were all suspended, but after hearing Wang Lei's next explanation, Wang Village present The villagers breathed a sigh of relief.

Within a few seconds of Wang Lei's speech, the emotions of everyone in the field fluctuated violently like riding a roller coaster.

"This is a good thing. As long as I can get enough earthworms, I will sign up!"

"And I!"

"Count me in..."

"How can this kind of thing be without me, I will come too!"

Seeing the surrounding villagers actively sign up, Wang Lei and Wang Minghui showed bright smiles.

And on the side of the sales director of Wei'er Yulin Farm Co., Ltd., his eyes were fixed on Wang Lei, full of admiration.

I thought it would take some time for Wang Lei to come up with a solution to the earthworm problem after telling President Li what he said just now, but unexpectedly, it took only a few minutes before and after this, and Wang Lei had already thought of a solution!
"It's amazing."

The sales manager looked at the back of the farmer and let out a long sigh. If this matter was placed on him, the sales manager thought that there was no way to be as perfect as the farmer in front of him.

"Congratulations, Mr. Wang."

Zheng Ming walked in front of Wang Lei and laughed heartily.

Wang Lei smiled, and said to Zheng Ming: "Minister Zheng, I'm so sorry to ask you to come here to deliver the earthworms in person every time. Please pay attention to safety on the way. Now I have to solve the problem of earthworms quickly. I won't send you off."

Hearing the words of the farmer in front of him, the sales director of Wei'er Yu Forest Farm Co., Ltd. showed a flattered look, waved his hands hastily, and said, "Mr. Wang, don't tell me that, I can't afford it. I can give you Delivery, it is my pleasure. Well, now you are busy, I will not bother you here anymore, I will take people back first. "

After Zheng Ming finished speaking, he gestured to the people around him, then got into the car and drove out of the village.

But on Wang Lei's side, there was no delay, and some of the earthworms were divided out, and they were driven in a tricycle and went straight to the field.

In the countryside, when the cesspit in the farmer's home is full, every household will take out the manure and pile it up in the field. First, there will be room for toilet use, and second, the large manure can be used for field fattening.

And this feces is also the best place for earthworms to reproduce.

"Hehe, living in the countryside, no one can stop my development."

While leveling the land, Wang Lei laughed out loud.

Looking back on the grievances and grievances with Chen's Jewelry Co., Ltd., Wang Lei knew that it was only a matter of time before Chen Aihua, that femme fatale, would be trampled under his feet.

As long as you gradually develop along your own planned route, you can make a comeback and have the strength to compete with jewelry companies!
A farmer took down a jewelry company, haha, just thinking about it is exciting...

(End of this chapter)

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