Super peasants break into the city

Chapter 176 Investigating Wang Lei's details

Chapter 176 Investigating Wang Lei's details ([-])

After Gao Mingyu walked out of the Meier Hotel with his men, he stood there and looked back at the farmer in the hotel lobby.

Killing intent flashed in his eyes.

"Boss, why did you stop just now?"

Feeling the killing intent coming from Gao Mingyu, Wu Dong stopped and asked aloud.

As Gao Mingyu's military adviser, he followed Gao Mingyu and witnessed the process of Gao Mingyu developing his territory from small to large. Gao Mingyu will do anything to achieve his goal, and Gao Mingyu will not let anyone who angers him go.

But just now, it was such a person who chose to back down in the face of the humiliation of a farmer.

He has been with Gao Mingyu for six years, and this is the first time Wu Dong has seen Gao Mingyu make such a choice.If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes just now, no matter what, Wu Dong would not have believed that Gao Mingyu, a man who must pay back, would make concessions in front of a farmer.

Following Wu Dong's words, the anger emanating from the guild boss next to him became heavier, and the guild members standing around all lowered their heads subconsciously, not daring to look at Gao Mingyu at all.

Under Wu Dong's watchful eyes, Gao Mingyu turned his eyes away from the farmer in the lobby of Meier Hotel, looked at his military adviser with disappointment in his eyes, and said in a cold voice: "The one just now knew my identity, but still Dare to be presumptuous, his identity is definitely not as simple as it seems on the surface, you send someone to check his details. I, Gao Mingyu, have never been so humiliated by anyone, I will take this revenge on that damned guy Get it back twice as much."

Listening to Gao Mingyu's words, Wu Dong immediately realized Gao Mingyu's worry. He was worried that there was a 'white way' power behind that farmer!
Now Gao Mingyu still has a 'case' on him, and no matter what, he can no longer attract the attention of 'Bai Dao', that's why Gao Mingyu chose to retreat just now.

Thinking of this, Wu Dong solemnly nodded at Gao Mingyu, and said, "Don't worry, brother, I will send someone to investigate right now, and I will definitely give you a satisfactory answer."

Gao Mingyu sneered, and looked back at the farmer in the lobby of Meier Hotel, "Wait and see!"

At the same time, Zhou Mei stood in front of Wang Lei, recalling the scene that happened just now, she still felt unbelievable. This farmer was so courageous that he dared to openly challenge the boss of the gang.

"Mr. Wang, from now on, you have to be more careful. Although Gao Mingyu made concessions just now, I know him a little bit. Gao Mingyu will take revenge if he has a grudge, and he will definitely trouble you in the future."

Now, Zhou Mei finally saw hope in Wang Lei, she didn't want this person to fall so soon.

During Zhou Mei's reminder, Wang Lei smiled lightly and said, "You don't have to worry about this matter, Manager Zhou. I'm not afraid that Gao Mingyu will come over, but I'm afraid that he won't come."

Afterwards, Wang Lei changed the subject and continued to speak to Zhou Mei: "Okay, Manager Zhou shouldn't take this kind of thing to heart. Now that we have reached a cooperation, should I express my opinion?" up."

Zhou Mei saw that Wang Lei didn't take Gao Mingyu's matter to heart, and she didn't say anything more at the moment, she nodded solemnly at Wang Lei, with dimples on her face, and said, "Okay, I really want to I know what magical powers you have in the hotel area, Mr. Wang."

While speaking, Zhou Mei's eyes were fixed on Wang Lei.Now that the business of Meier Hotel is on the verge of bankruptcy, it's too late for others to hide, but the farmer in front of him took the initiative to post it, which made Zhou Mei really want to know how confident Wang Lei is in opening a restaurant.

Feeling the anticipation from Zhou Mei, Wang Lei smiled, remembering the conversation between Zhou Mei and Zhou Zheng when he came in earlier, it seems that Zhou Mei is under a lot of pressure now, otherwise, with her Zhou family How could she behave like this with her honorable status as the daughter of an enterprise.

"Hehe, in fact, there is no supernatural power, it's just that you have better ingredients. Manager Zhou must have heard of it at Fuhong Hotel in Huahai City, right?"

After Wang Lei said this, the smile on the corner of his mouth became wider, and his eyes were fixed on Zhou Mei.Running a hotel business, of course, I know this thing very well. Sanping County is under the jurisdiction of Huahai City, more than 100 kilometers away. Fuhong Hotel is the only five-star hotel in Huahai City. Zhou Mei is very familiar with the situation of Fuhong Hotel very clear.

When Wang Lei first mentioned the name Fuhong Hotel, Zhou Mei's eyes became envious. Some time ago, Fuhong Hotel was facing pressure from the industry and was on the verge of bankruptcy. At that time, Fuhong Hotel and Meier Hotel are now The situation is exactly the same, but since Phu Hong Hotel got a mysterious supplier, its situation has been reversed.

In just a few months, he reversed his losses and regained his standing in the hotel field of Huahai City, becoming a well-deserved leader.

Especially recently, Fuhong Hotel has obtained a super carp from that supplier, which has made Fuhong Hotel's performance skyrocket and caused a sensation in several surrounding provinces.

"Of course I know the situation of Fuhong Hotel. I really envy it. I got a good supplier."

Zhou Mei sighed sincerely at Wang Lei, her eyes were full of envy, and then asked Wang Lei suspiciously: "Mr. Wang mentioned Fuhong Hotel to me now, is there any special hint?"

Wang Lei listened to Zhou Mei's words, smiled heartily, waved his hands at Zhou Mei, and said, "There is no hint. Since Manager Zhou is very familiar with the situation of Fuhong Hotel, there is no need for me to explain. What I want to say now is Yes, the reason why Fuhong Hotel was able to come back to life in a short period of time is entirely due to my help. Fuhong Hotel's main carp series dishes, the ingredients are provided by me."

Zhou Mei originally had many speculations in her heart, but now she was stunned after hearing Wang Lei's explanation.

His face was full of disbelief, "This...this...really?"

Zhou Mei's voice was horrified, and she stuttered.

Lost the calmness and composure of the past.

Under the gaze of this young lady, Wang Lei nodded lightly and said, "That's right. That's why I still chose to cooperate with Meier Hotel when I knew that Meier Hotel was facing huge losses. Manager Zhou You should know that the hotel industry is hugely profitable, relying on the ingredients I provided, does Manager Zhou think it will be difficult to reverse the current situation of Meier Hotel?"

Wang Lei stared at Zhou Mei, wanting to see the horrified expression on Zhou Mei's face after hearing his explanation.

(End of this chapter)

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