Chapter 177 Re-planning ([-])

Under Wang Lei's watchful eyes, Zhou Mei nodded again and again, and said in a raving voice: "That's right, people's living standards are now higher, and people are paying attention to the concept of health preservation. The hotel industry has unlimited room for development, and it is a full-fledged profiteering industry. Ordinary people If you buy cucumbers for a portion, your value can be multiplied several times in a hotel."

"Mr. Wang, you are really my nobleman!"

Excited, Zhou Mei held Wang Lei's big hand tightly, expressing her gratitude.

It has been ten months since I fell out with my father, made a bet, and accepted the Meier Hotel, but the benefits have been declining. There are still two months left before the date of the agreement with my father. He thought that he would never have a chance to break through his father's oppression, but he never thought that in such a desperate situation, God would send Wang Lei to him.

This made Zhou Mei feel as if she had suddenly grasped for a life-saving straw when she was about to drown.

The whole face is smiling like a flower.

Feeling the tenderness from Zhou Mei's hand, Wang Lei's heart fluttered and he couldn't help swallowing.

In front of her, this is the daughter of Zhou's enterprise. In the eyes of outsiders, she is a well-deserved pride of heaven. She never thought that the other party would be so intimate with her now.

"Cough cough..."

Wang Lei coughed heavily, and withdrew his hand without a trace. Facing such a tall beauty, one must have extraordinary concentration, otherwise accidents will easily happen.

On the other side of Miss Zhou's enterprise, after hearing the coughing sound from Wang Lei's mouth, she instantly realized her gaffe just now.His face couldn't help but startled, like a conditioned reflex, he retracted his fair hand, and at the same time, his pretty face was flushed.

"I...I was so enthusiastic just now...God, what's wrong with me..."

Zhou Mei's heart is like a deer bumping around, her heart is thumping wildly. As the daughter of Zhou's enterprise, the proud daughter of heaven in the eyes of outsiders, she has shown herself as a lady since she was a child. ladylike.

Since childhood, this was the first time that he had close physical contact with a man other than his father.

Zhou Mei was extremely flustered in her heart. After she withdrew her hands, she quietly sized up Wang Lei. He is quite handsome. It would be great if she could take over the position of my fiancé and become my man...

At this time, after Wang Lei noticed the emotional fluctuations emanating from Zhou Mei, he shook his head secretly, nympho!

Now that Chen Aihua's grievances have not been resolved, Wang Lei didn't care about emotional matters, smiled at Zhou Mei, and then opened his mouth and said: "Gather all the employees in the hotel, I want to hold a meeting."

Following Wang Lei's words, Zhou Mei's expression darkened, and she looked at Wang Lei carefully. Seeing that the farmer was indifferent to her intimacy just now, Zhou Mei felt a sense of loss in her heart. I am the owner of Zhou's enterprise. Miss Qianjin, it's too late for others to flatter me. I took the initiative just now, but you didn't respond at all. Am I too unattractive?

This thought flashed through Zhou Mei's mind, then she nodded to Wang Lei and said, "Okay, I'll gather the people now."

Three minutes later, Wang Lei stood in the lobby, looked at the staff of Meier Hotel in front of him, and shook his head repeatedly.

The current situation of Meier Hotel is not as worrying as usual. Almost all of them are old, weak, sick and disabled. The chef does not look like a chef, and the waiters do not have the spirit of a waiter. The feeling of weakness from these people is extremely uncomfortable.


Wang Lei stared at those people in front of him for a moment, and then turned his head to look at Zhou Mei. The other party was the daughter of Zhou's enterprise, who had the ambition to make the hotel bigger and stronger. As far as I am concerned, I will definitely not find some old, weak, sick and disabled to affect the hotel business.

Zhou Mei left these people to work in the hotel, which made Wang Lei very puzzled.

Seeing the puzzlement in Wang Lei's eyes, Zhou Mei smiled wryly, and said, "In order to make me obey the family marriage, my family kept suppressing me. I couldn't find good chefs and waiters at all, so I had to arrange these people in work here..."

Having said that, Zhou Mei lowered her head in shame, not daring to look Wang Lei in the eyes, for fear of being ridiculed by the other party.

Immediately afterwards, he continued to say: "Actually, life for these people is not easy. If I don't take them in, they won't even have food."

Listening to Zhou Mei's words, Wang Lei sighed, hey, you are in a precarious situation, and now you still have time to take care of other people's life and death. At the same time, Wang Lei admired Zhou Mei more and more in his heart. Being able to worry about other people's lives made Wang Lei tell himself clearly that he must help Zhou Mei turn the situation around.

"It's okay, I can just re-plan now. The old people will stay in the back kitchen to help wash the dishes and wash the dishes. For the young people, let them serve the dishes in the back kitchen."

After hearing Wang Lei's words, Zhou Mei was taken aback for a moment, then raised her head hastily, and looked towards Wang Lei.

"But according to your plan, who will be the chef?"

Wang Lei shrugged, and said to Zhou Mei: "You still expect them to cook, stop messing around, if I read correctly, the chefs you selected are all of the most ordinary level..."

Zhou Mei rolled her eyes at Wang Lei's words, and snorted, "Aren't you talking nonsense, I would like to invite some high-end chefs, but there are families suppressing them outside, so where can I find them?"

Wang Lei looked at the dissatisfaction on Zhou Mei's face, smiled aloud, and said: "Zhou's company does have a strong strength, but he is not alone in Huahai City. If you want to find an existence that can fight against Zhou's company, there is no one. Difficult, right now I have a good candidate, Fuhong Group."

While speaking, Wang Lei saw the change of expression on Zhou Mei's face, and continued: "When I left Fuhong Group earlier, the chairman of Fuhong Group personally promised to give me some senior chefs."


After Wang Lei finished speaking, Zhou Mei froze for an instant, dumbfounded, like a lonely boat in a strong wind and waves.

Fuhong Hotel is a five-star hotel. The chefs inside are all top-notch, and they cannot be recruited with money. The chairman of Fuhong Group will give Wang Lei some senior chefs...

Zhou Mei suddenly felt dry mouth, stretched her neck, and swallowed her saliva.

"You cow!"

Although there are thousands of emotions in her heart, the daughter of Zhou's enterprise can only spit out two words at Wang Lei in the end, her eyes are full of admiration.

 It is recommended that the eleventh class of "The Most Powerful Farmer" has been completed. It has been free, omni-channel, and the quality is guaranteed. The story of leading farmers to become rich.


(End of this chapter)

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