Super peasants break into the city

Chapter 184 Notify Wang Lei

Chapter 184 Notify Wang Lei ([-])

Under Zhou Mei's gaze, Zhao Fei shook her head and said to Zhou Mei: "I don't know. Didn't the people in the hotel inform you?"

Following Zhao Fei's words, Zhou Mei was stunned for a moment, then realized something, and hurriedly reached out to take out the mobile phone from her bag, only to find that the mobile phone had been turned off at some point.

"Oh, how can you turn off the phone at this time!"

Zhou Mei made a dissatisfied voice, secretly blaming her for being too careless, then ignored the matter, gestured to Zhao Fei, and hurriedly turned and walked towards the crowd in front.

"Manager Zhou, you're finally here now. What's going on with your Mei'er Hotel? Do you still want to do business?"

"We have been waiting here for more than half an hour, why is the door still not open!"

"You just opened yesterday, and now you have a problem with ingredients?"

Zhou Mei was very puzzled about the situation in front of her. At this time, after hearing the other party's complaint, her expression was shocked, and she hurriedly turned her head and asked the other party: "The food crisis, who told you?"

"The person in your hotel said it himself just now. As a hotel manager, you don't know about it, do you?"

"What? As a manager, you don't even know that something like this happened in the hotel!"

"I go……"

"Your Mei'er Hotel is well managed..."

Zhou Mei's face immediately became hot when she heard the discussions coming from her side. If she didn't know that her phone was out of battery, how could such a thing happen.

"Everyone, please be quiet. This incident happened too suddenly. Our Meier Hotel did not expect it. Here, on behalf of Meier Hotel, I would like to express my apologies to everyone. In order to express Meier Hotel's apology, everyone present Everyone enjoys three free chances at Meier Hotel."

Seeing Zhou Mei's embarrassment, Zhao Fei hurried over to help out.

"I, Zhao Fei, guarantee with my personality that I will definitely not let you down."

After saying this, Zhao Fei turned her head and signaled to Zhou Mei, asking her to go to the hotel to ask about the details.But Zhao Fei continued to stay where she was, calming the emotions of the people around her.

Entering the hotel from the staff passageway, turning to the right, Zhou Mei saw that all the staff in the hotel were gathered together and discussing, the whole hotel gave off a very boring feeling.

"What the hell happened, where did the ingredients go!"

Looking at the situation in front of her, Zhou Mei became furious instantly. She finally saw the development space of Meier Hotel. Unexpectedly, after only one night, Meier Hotel is now facing such a difficult predicament.

"Manager Zhou, you are finally here now, I kept calling you just now..."

Someone hurried to Zhou Mei's side, but before the other party could finish speaking, Zhou Mei waved her hand and said, "Tell me the main point, tell me why this happened in the hotel?"

The other party paused, and then said: "It's Gao Mingyu! Our food suppliers have all received threatening phone calls from Gao Mingyu, and now we have no other source of food except Manager Wang's food channel."

Listening to the staff's explanation, Zhou Mei snorted heavily, damn it!

In an instant, he realized that Meier Hotel's encounter with such a blow had something to do with his father.

Thinking of this, without any hesitation, Zhou Mei took out her mobile phone and dialed the number of the chairman of Zhou Enterprises: "Isn't it a bit too much for you to do this! I am your daughter anyway, how can you treat me like this!"

After Zhou Mei yelled out, a confused voice came from the phone: "What happened, I don't know anything?"

Zhou Mei listened to the voice coming from the phone, her mouth curled up coldly, and she said coldly, "Don't you know? Gao Mingyu cut off all my food supply channels, don't you know? It's fine if you suppressed me before." , I can bear it, but now I finally see the hope of the development of Meier Hotel, how can you be so ruthless! You know how much effort I have put in for it!"

The voice on the phone suddenly realized, "Oh, you are talking about this matter, I did it, that's right..."

The people standing around knew from Zhou Mei's phone call that Zhou Mei was calling her father.

But everyone present shook their heads.Very dissatisfied with the man on the other end of the phone.

"Hey, I didn't expect there to be such a cruel father in the world who would do this kind of trick to his daughter."

"Flesh and blood... This kind of father is not qualified..."

"Whoever gets this kind of father is unlucky..."

"Manager Zhou is so pitiful. Now he finally saw improvement from the Meier Hotel. It's good that he didn't fall on someone else, but on his own father..."

Amid these people's low-pitched discussions, Zhou Mei gritted her teeth with hatred when she heard the voice coming from the phone. Before the other party could finish speaking, she said directly: "Just wait! I will make you regret it No matter how much you suppress me, I can develop the Meier Hotel with my own ability, and! Since you are so ruthless, don't blame me for being unrighteous, even if I die, I will not agree to your arrangement marriage!"

After saying this, Zhou Mei hung up the phone directly.

After thinking for a moment, he dug out Wang Lei's contact information and dialed out: "When will your ingredients arrive?"

At this time, Wang Lei had just returned home after a busy early morning. Hearing the anxious voice coming from the phone, Wang Lei twitched his eyebrows twice and said aloud: "Now Huang Fei is on the way. It's up in a few minutes. What's going on?"

Listening to the caring voice on the phone, Zhou Mei suddenly felt like crying.

My father targeted me in every possible way, but Zhou Mei's voice became sobbing that a person he had just known for a day cared so much about him.

"Now the hotel is in trouble. Except for your food supply channel, all other channels have been cut off. Come and have a look now..."

After hearing the voice from the phone, Wang Lei was stunned. The Meier Hotel was not only proved by Zhou Mei to her family, but also an opportunity for her own development. Unexpectedly, only one day has passed, and she was attacked Such an accident.

This made Wang Lei's face instantly angry.

He comforted Zhou Mei twice, then turned around and briefly confessed to Wang Minghui, then hurriedly turned and walked outside.

Start the BMW, turn the car around, and leave along the main road in the village.

"Hey, what an eventful year, I didn't expect such a thing to happen..."

Seeing the back of Wang Lei leaving, Wang Minghui sighed for a while. Although he was worried, he was full of confidence in Wang Lei.

(End of this chapter)

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