Super peasants break into the city

Chapter 185 Being Attacked

Chapter 185 Being Attacked (Part [-])

More than an hour later, under Wang Lei's full driving, he arrived in front of Mei'er Hotel.

There were many people surrounding the Meier Hotel before, but now the number of people gathered here is even greater, and the road has been completely blocked.

Looking around, there are crowds of people.There was restlessness in the arena.

Looking at the scene in front of him, Wang Lei shook his head secretly, and found Zhao Fei who was standing in the crowd to comfort the crowd...

"Mr. Wang, you are finally here..."

At this time, Zhao Fei was in a state of anxiety, and after seeing Wang Lei's figure, she hurriedly ran in front of Wang Lei, and before Wang Lei could open his mouth, she had already spoken aloud.

Seeing the worry and eagerness on Zhao Fei's face, Wang Lei waved at the beautiful woman in front of him to signal her to calm down, and asked aloud, "How are things going now?"

After Wang Lei's words came out, Zhao Fei sighed heavily, her face was full of helplessness, she turned her head to look at the crowd around her, and said to Wang Lei, "It's a bit out of control now, these people may cause trouble at any time .”

Over the years, I have been with Wu Fuhong and dealt with the affairs of the group, but I have never met such unreasonable people as before. This makes Zhao Fei's teeth itch with hatred, but when he thinks of opening a hotel, he must appease the emotions of these people Zhao Fei could only suppress the dissatisfaction in her heart.

Listening to Zhao Fei's explanation, Wang Lei looked back at the people gathered at the entrance of the hotel. After a moment of silence, he realized that this must have a lot to do with the interruption of the food supply channel. Someone was obviously targeting Meier Hotel.

"Everyone, I would like to apologize to everyone for what happened at Meier Hotel. Although other ingredients in the hotel are temporarily unavailable, the supply of carp series dishes at Meier Hotel is sufficient. If you like the dishes at Meier Hotel, for today's For the matter, Meier Hotel will give you a free day to express your apology. If someone wants to take the opportunity to make trouble, don’t blame Meier Hotel for being rude!"

Following Wang Lei's words, the originally commotional crowd gradually quieted down.

"Really, can we really eat the dishes of Meier Hotel for free?"

Someone in the crowd asked Wang Lei a question, and the voice was full of expectation.

For these people, the dishes at Meier Hotel cost hundreds of dollars for a meal, which is not something ordinary people can afford.

"That's right, today is a free day!"

Wang Lei stared at the quiet crowd, and said briskly, "I know that everyone is very fond of the dishes of Mei'er Hotel. Diners who want to feast on this opportunity should firmly seize this opportunity. If you miss it, you can buy it in the future." It is very difficult to have such an excellent opportunity..."

When Wang Lei finished speaking, his voice paused slightly, his eyes swept over the people around him, and then he changed the topic, and then said: "If anyone wants to make trouble here, then don't blame me for being rude!"

As soon as these words came out, the chaotic atmosphere in the field suddenly quieted down. Everyone turned their heads and fixed their eyes on the farmer.

"What an aura..."

"It's amazing that a farmer dares to say such a thing!"

"Boss, what should we do now?"

"Let's take a look first. Anyway, we have already cut off his food supply channel. I would like to know what kind of tricks this farmer can make with the only one channel of carp..."

During the discussions among the crowd, Wang Lei gave Zhao Fei a few simple words, and then Zhao Fei walked towards the Meier Hotel under the gaze of the crowd.

A few minutes later, the door of Meier Hotel opened.


The sound of welcoming guests sounded in unison, and the people surrounding the Meier Hotel stepped in one after another.

At the same time, on Wang Lei's side, after following the crowd into Mei'er Hotel, they went straight to Zhou Mei's office.

"Wang Lei, you are finally here..."

Zhou Mei was fidgeting in the office and kept wandering around.After hearing the commotion outside, the young lady hurriedly walked away, and when she walked to the door and saw the farmer in sight, the young lady finally breathed a sigh of relief, saw hope, and rushed to the door. The savior shouted anxiously.

Feeling the mood swings from Zhou Mei, Wang Lei shook his head secretly. This is the daughter of Zhou's enterprise, and she never expected to be forced to such a point.

"Don't worry, what happened, you tell me the details."

Wang Lei gave Zhou Mei a simple comfort, and then went straight to the topic.

Now that Meier Hotel has been hit one after another, Zhou Mei has been completely panicked, but after feeling the calm from the farmer in front of her, Zhou Mei's worries are reduced a lot in an instant, she calms down, and raises her head again , and said to Wang Lei: "The reason why the hotel is in this situation now is entirely because of my father's obstruction. He asked Gao Mingyu to suppress the Meier Hotel."

"Now the hotel's other food channels except for you have been cut off. If you hadn't arrived in time just now, I'm afraid Gao Mingyu's gangsters outside have already successfully stirred up the emotions of the crowd..."

Standing in the office, listening to Zhou Mei's words, Wang Lei's face gradually showed sullen anger, and he was very dissatisfied with Zhou Mei's father. He never thought that in this world, there would be such an unreasonable father who would ignore everything for the benefit of the family. Daughter's happiness.

Looking at Zhou Mei's eyes that were gradually turning red, Wang Lei sighed, reached out and wiped the teardrops from the corners of the young lady's eyes, and said, "With me here, don't worry, I will help you through the difficulties. "

Following Wang Lei's words, Zhou Mei's eyes lit up, seeing the calmness on the face of the farmer in front of her, the worries in Zhou Mei's heart gradually disappeared.

After contemplating for a while, Zhou Mei raised her head and asked Wang Lei, "What should I do now?"

Now that Mei'er Hotel has been hit hard, Zhou Mei is unable to deal with it. Ever since Wang Lei appeared, this young lady who broke up with her family has pinned all her hopes on Wang Lei.

Seeing the worry in Zhou Mei's eyes, Wang Lei smiled lightly and comforted him, "Don't worry, since Gao Mingyu dares to find fault, then I'm not someone to mess with..."

When Wang Lei said this, Zhou Mei's expression suddenly became astonished, and she stared at Wang Lei incredulously, "You, you said you want to find Gao Mingyu?"

"Are you crazy? Gao Mingyu is the emperor of the underground in Sanping County. Even our Zhou company would not dare to offend someone with great influence. You are alone and want to challenge Gao Mingyu. Are you out of your mind? !!"

These words were almost yelled by Zhou Mei at Wang Lei.

(End of this chapter)

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