Super peasants break into the city

Chapter 187 Single-handedly

Chapter 187 Going Alone ([-])

The gangster standing in front of the BMW sports car rolled his Adam's apple twice after hearing Wang Lei's words.

There was horror in his eyes, and he carefully looked at the farmer driving a BMW sports car in front of him.

"You... are you looking for our boss Gao?"

The gangster who watched the gate asked Wang Lei, his voice was unbelievable, he had been in Gao Mingyu's gang for more than a year, and he had never encountered anyone who dared to come to the door to provoke Gao Mingyu.

If he hadn't seen the person opposite him driving a million-dollar BMW sports car and wearing fancy clothes, the gangsters would definitely hit him on the spot.

Wang Lei couldn't be bothered to waste time with this kind of helper watchdog, looked at the main entrance of the villa in front of him, and shouted directly: "Gao Mingyu, you fucking man, get the hell out of here, don't just stay in there and be a grandson! "

After Wang Lei's yell came out, the younger brother who was watching the door became confused for an instant, and the way he looked at Wang Lei changed again and again.

Unexpectedly, someone would dare to come to Gao Mingyu's house to play games...

At the same time, on Gao Mingyu's side, just after he walked out of the villa, he heard the scolding from outside, his whole face fluctuated instantly.

As the underground emperor of Sanping County, others are respectful to him. The farmer in front has been suppressed by him now, and now he dares to come to his house to make trouble. This is really a shame.

"Damn, what are you still doing in a daze, teach me a lesson for this wretch!"

Gao Mingyu turned his head and roared at Wu Dong, full of anger.I couldn't swallow the fussy crying.

After receiving Gao Mingyu's instructions, Wu Dong quickly gestured to the younger brother beside him, and then rushed towards Wang Lei.

At this time, Wang Lei stood at the door of the villa, looking at the crowd rushing in front, with a sneer on his lips.

Ignoring those bastards, he cast his eyes directly on Gao Mingyu, and said aloud: "Grandson, you dare to cut off my food and send people to my hotel to make trouble, I think you are impatient what!"

"If the tiger doesn't show its power, you treat me as a sick cat!"

Wang Lei didn't want to have conflicts with Gao Mingyu before, but now, the other party has bullied him, so swallow it!A scum like Gao Mingyu must be taught a lesson, otherwise, he will definitely show off in his hotel in the future.

Gao Mingyu stood in the villa, listening to Wang Lei's continuous yelling and cursing, he could no longer keep his composure on his face.Damn it! "What are you still doing in a daze, give it to me! Kill this damn farmer!"

Gao Mingyu growled at the younger brother in front of him.

The younger brother closest to Wang Lei, after hearing Gao Mingyu's order, hurriedly waved his right hand towards Wang Lei. It seemed that he wanted to show off in front of Gao Mingyu, but before his right hand attacked On Wang Lei's body, Wang Lei, who was standing on the spot without any movement, suddenly stepped back. Then, his right hand came out and grabbed the little brother's right hand.

Like an eagle's claws, it makes the opponent unable to move.

"Boy, you followed the wrong person!"

The bastard Wang Lei sneered, then flicked his right hand, and threw the opponent out, hitting the ground three meters away.



"What a terrifying strength..."

"He, he turned people around..."

Following this simple action by Wang Lei, the people who were rushing over suddenly froze in place, their eyes fixed on Wang Lei, their expressions full of horror.

I have never seen or heard of a person with such terrifying wrist strength, who can easily lift a person weighing more than 100 kilograms.

For a while, a terrifying atmosphere gradually spread out from those people.

Feeling the atmosphere coming from the front, Wang Lei raised the corners of his mouth and smiled. This was exactly the result he wanted. Now that he came to find Gao Mingyu alone, he had to let him clearly see his own strength.

"I just made a random move, and scared all of you into such a virtue... Hey, I really blush for you..."

"Since you dare not make a move, then I have no choice but to do it..."

At this point, the smile on the corner of Wang Lei's mouth became wider, and then under the gaze of those people, his aura suddenly changed, as if he had changed in an instant, his feet were slightly bent, and with a kick, the whole person was like The shells generally rushed past.


Standing in the distance, watching Wang Lei's performance, Gao Mingyu's eyebrows twitched violently, and subconsciously swallowed his saliva.

To be able to have today's status, I don't know how many rounds of fighting in the underground world. In Gao Mingyu's eyes, he thinks that he can conquer anyone with his own means, but now, Gao Mingyu's eyes are constantly changing when he looks at Wang Lei. , the previous self-confidence is completely invisible at this time.

Under Gao Mingyu's watchful eyes, Wang Lei rushed to the nearest gangster and kicked him directly, causing the opponent to rise up like a scarecrow, and flew backwards until he flew three meters away. It's over when you fall to the ground.

"Ah...the devil!"

"This guy is the devil!"

"It's really scary..."

The people who besieged Wang Lei were gangsters under Gao Mingyu's subordinates, and they used to be ruthless on weekdays, but now, after seeing Wang Lei's attack methods, these people realized what the real ruthlessness is.

With a simple action, directly kicking the opponent's ribs, this is even more of a hooligan than a hooligan.

Amidst the exclamation of those people, Wang Lei didn't stop his movements, and his footsteps were running fast. Anyone who dared to stop in front of him was directly eliminated with simple and rude moves, and he approached the place where Gao Mingyu was standing.

Gao Mingyu originally thought that Wang Lei's coming this time was an act of death, but now, Gao Mingyu realized that he was wrong. This farmer dared to single-handedly come to his own territory to make trouble. His strength has already proved everything.

If this farmer is allowed to continue on his own territory, then he will no longer be able to mess around in Sanping County.

Thinking of this, Gao Mingyu pondered for a while, and then without any hesitation, he directly reached out and took out his self-defense weapon.

A Type 54 pistol, with its pitch-black muzzle aimed at Wang Lei's head.A silencer has been installed on the muzzle.

Wang Lei froze, never expecting that Gao Mingyu would own such a thing.

"Why, are you scared now?"

Gao Mingyu watched Wang Lei's actions, and laughed loudly, "Boy, why are you being so arrogant to me again! I feel that I am acting wild on my territory, and I think you are getting impatient!"

"If you dare to move, I will definitely make your head explode!"

(End of this chapter)

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