Super peasants break into the city

Chapter 188 Violently beat up the opponent

Chapter 188 Beating the Opponent Violently (Part [-])

As Gao Mingyu targeted Wang Lei with a lethal weapon, the surrounding crowd immediately breathed a sigh of relief.

"Haha, it's still Boss Gao who is so powerful that this grandson was so scared that he didn't dare to move!"

"You are awesome, you should be even more awesome. With this kind of weapon, let me see if you can be more arrogant..."

"If you dare to come here to act wild, you don't open your dog eyes to see clearly!"

"A poor farmer, you really think of yourself as a superman..."

The people who had suffered at the hands of Wang Lei just now stood up from the ground and sneered at Wang Lei.

His eyes were full of disdain and mockery.

Although they still have lingering fears about the attack method that Wang Lei showed just now, these people know that no matter how powerful Wang Lei's skills are, he can only be caught without a fight if he is held up with a gun.

Under the ridicule of these people, Wang Lei's mind turned quickly. Now he must come up with a solution. If he sits and waits to die, he will only be abused if he falls into Gao Mingyu's hands.

Secretly mobilize the power of the Shennong Collection, acting on every part of the body.

"Hehe, what's the matter? Don't dare to move now?"

"Where did your arrogance go?"

Gao Mingyu laughed arrogantly at Wang Lei, playing with the black pistol in his hand, his expression was full of contempt for Wang Lei.

"If you're scared now, kneel down and kowtow to me three times. As long as Grandpa is in a good mood, maybe you'll be spared."

Gao Mingyu laughed loudly at Wang Lei, in his eyes, Wang Lei is now a fish on the chopping board, he can only be slaughtered by himself.

"Did you hear that! Kneel down to Boss Gao!"

"Damn, your ears are stuffed!"

"Grass, hurry up and kneel down!"

The people standing around Wang Lei started to act at this time, and surrounded Wang Lei again. The timidity just now disappeared without a trace with the movements of Gao Mingyu's hands, and their expressions were full of arrogance.

Some people even walked towards Wang Lei at this time.

"Damn, let you kneel down, do you hear..."

The opponent walked up to Wang Lei and was about to kick Wang Lei's knee, forcing Wang Lei to kneel down for Gao Mingyu. However, just as the opponent's foot was about to kick on Wang Lei's knee, Wang Lei, who hadn't made any movement, suddenly Turning sideways, kneeling down, hitting the bastard directly on the back.


A miserable voice came out from that gangster's mouth, and then, under the gaze of everyone, the gangster's feet became unstable and he fell heavily to the ground.


This was a scene that Gao Mingyu never expected. Under such circumstances, Wang Lei dared to fight back, which made Gao Mingyu swallow subconsciously.

But when he thought of the guy in his hand, Gao Mingyu's panic disappeared in an instant. He aimed at Wang Lei with his weapon, and said coldly, "It seems that you really want to die..."

Before Gao Mingyu finished speaking, Wang Lei rushed over.

The action is simple and rough.

The figure was fast, everyone's eyes were blurred, and the next second, Gao Mingyu flew out backwards.

Where Gao Mingyu was standing before, he was replaced by Wang Lei.


"I'm not mistaken, it's so fast!"

As Gao Mingyu fell to the ground, there was an instant exclamation, and everyone stared at Wang Lei in fear.

"He's still human..."

"How can there be such a terrifying speed, there is no chance for Boss Gao to react..."

Those people were all in a panic about Wang Lei's skills, and completely forgot to help Gao Mingyu.

At the same time, on Gao Mingyu's side, his heart was also full of turmoil, and he stared at the farmer in front of him in disbelief. The arrogance he had just now completely disappeared.

His expression was full of panic.

The gun I was holding just now was loaded, as long as I lightly touched the trigger, the opponent's head would explode in an instant. In this situation, most people would be scared to death, but Wang Lei dared to attack himself.

Thinking of what happened in the blink of an eye just now, Gao Mingyu couldn't help but gasp.

It is unheard of to be able to cross a distance of ten meters in the blink of an eye. This is completely beyond the limit of human physical strength. I am afraid that only the speed of the bullet when it leaves the chamber can be compared with him.

At this time, Gao Mingyu finally realized what the farmer's hole card was. His terrifying skill was his biggest hole card. In this world, he could completely walk sideways.

"Why, are you not arrogant now?"

In Gao Mingyu's horror, a hearty laughter suddenly entered Gao Mingyu's ears, interrupting Gao Mingyu's contemplation in an instant, and brought Gao Mingyu's mind back to the real world.

As soon as he opened his eyes, he saw the fierce farmer squatting in front of him at some point.

There is a bright smile on the corner of the mouth, giving people a feeling of harmlessness to humans and animals.

However, Gao Mingyu's expression kept changing...

"Fuck! I'm asking you something! My ears are stuffed!"

Just in the blink of an eye, Gao Mingyu was still trying hard to humiliate Wang Lei just now, but now, Wang Lei has already put the words of humiliating him just now on himself.

This made Gao Mingyu grit his teeth angrily.But he didn't dare to get angry at all.

"Wang... Brother Wang... I was just kidding with you just now, why do you take it seriously..."

Gao Mingyu showed a bright smile at Wang Lei, but on Wang Lei's side, he shrugged his shoulders and also showed a bright smile on his face.

But it made Gao Mingyu's heart tremble with fear, and his hairs exploded.

"Tell me, what do you want!"

Gao Mingyu withdrew his smile and said coldly to Wang Lei.

"Oh, not bad. You have a lot of backbone. What I admire most is a hero like you."

Wang Lei smiled, and at the same time slowly stretched out his right hand, pressed it on Gao Mingyu's shoulder, and continued: "On weekdays, the two of us don't interfere with each other. You are your emperor, and I run my hotel. The two have nothing to do with each other." , You said it’s great, but you have to provoke me, tell me, are you a second..."

Amid Wang Lei's sighs, Gao Mingyu's face turned blue and purple. As the underground emperor of Sanping County, he had never been humiliated like this before, but the farmer in front of him was too aggressive. Gao Mingyu could only hold back Angrily swallowed into the stomach.

"Then I will withdraw all the outsiders now, you run your hotel, and we will have nothing to do with each other from now on!"

Gao Mingyu said to Wang Lei.

However, the reply he got from Wang Lei was shaking his head.

With a bright smile on the corner of Wang Lei's mouth, he stared at Gao Mingyu for a while, and then he opened his mouth and said, "I only said such things now that it was in my hands. What did you do earlier? Now withdraw the person." , isn't it a bit late?"

 Recommend "The Most Powerful Farmer" Class [-] is over, the story of leading farmers to get rich.

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(End of this chapter)

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