Super peasants break into the city

Chapter 189 Conquering Forces

Chapter 189 Conquering Forces ([-])

After hearing Wang Lei's words, Gao Mingyu realized that he was completely screwed now.

I thought Wang Lei was a soft persimmon without any backing, but I didn't expect that this soft persimmon was not easy to pinch.

"Then what do you want?"

Gao Mingyu saw that his cleverness was of no use to Wang Lei, so he stopped using any cleverness at the moment, and directly opened the skylight to Wang Lei to speak frankly.

Under the watchful eyes of the gang boss in Sanping County, the farmer squatting in the narration shrugged lightly and said, "It's very simple. Since you have offended me, Wang Lei, you should pay the due price."

"You are a member of society, and you advocate force. Now that I have defeated you, shouldn't you show it?"

Following Wang Lei's words, Gao Mingyu's eyebrows twitched violently. The gang was created by himself, and he put in a lot of hard work to achieve today's results. I am so unwilling.

But looking at Wang Lei's unkind eyes, Gao Mingyu knew that if he didn't follow Wang Lei's request, his end would be very pitiful.

After all, when Wang Lei made the move just now, there was no room for mercy. The move aimed at the vital point of the person, and he didn't take human life seriously at all.

In order to survive and not end up with a disability, Gao Mingyu could only grit his teeth, nodded to Wang Lei, and said, "Okay, winner and loser, now I lost to you, I have nothing to say, The gang will be handed over to you to take charge!"

Wang Lei squatted beside Gao Mingyu, and was taken aback when he heard this.

He couldn't help but lowered his head and took a careful look at Gao Mingyu. After a second, he realized that the other party had misinterpreted what he had just said.

He snorted coldly and said, "Do you think I'm interested in a tyrannical gang like yours?"

"What a joke! I'm a law-abiding citizen, only a scum like you would do gang things."

Gao Mingyu made a lot of determination to say those words just now, but now after hearing Wang Lei's answer, Gao Mingyu's whole brain rang.

Completely stunned, in a state of bewilderment.

I regard the gang as a treasure, but in Wang Lei's eyes, it is like dung, and I don't care at all.

This dealt a severe blow to Gao Mingyu.

Looking at the smile on the corner of Wang Lei's mouth, Gao Mingyu felt that he could not see through this farmer more and more. He didn't know what the other party was thinking at all. After a moment of silence, seeing that Wang Lei never opened his mouth to continue talking, Gao Mingyu Unable to keep silent any longer, he asked Wang Lei, "Then what exactly do you want?"

"This gang is my biggest hole card. If you don't want it, do you have to kill me?"

Gao Mingyu's voice was full of apprehension. Thinking back to his actions of humiliating Wang Lei just now, he now regretted not falling, but there was no way he could do it. After all, his life was already in Wang Lei's hands, even if the farmer didn't dare to really want to He took his own life, but with his means, he would not easily spare himself.

Following Gao Mingyu's words, Wang Lei laughed out loud, his eyes stayed on Gao Mingyu for a moment, and then he turned his head to look at the gangsters standing around him.

"If you set up a gang, no matter what you say, it's harmful to one side. Why don't you take advantage of this opportunity and just wash it off?"

After Wang Lei finished speaking, he turned his head and looked at Gao Mingyu, only to see Gao Mingyu was dumbfounded with astonishment on his face.

" mean to just whitewash the gang? I will take care of other things?"

Gao Mingyu asked Wang Lei subconsciously.

Wang Lei nodded solemnly, and said: "That's right, that's exactly what it means. With your strength, I think no one in Sanping County will trouble Meier Hotel anymore, right? "

In Wang Lei's words, Gao Mingyu swallowed hard. Now he has seen Wang Lei's strength. With his ability, it is easy to protect Mei'er Hotel.

Gao Mingyu knew that Wang Lei was taking this opportunity to give himself a chance to be good.

Thinking of this, Gao Mingyu was silent for a moment, and said, "Just taking care of a Mei'er Hotel, I'm afraid it won't take everyone in the guild, right?"

Wang Lei nodded and said: "Yes, I have other uses for other people. Now the business in the village is developing rapidly, and it is time to need manpower. Your guild is full of strong labor, and it is free. I don't need you, don't you?" Do I have to spend money to hire people from outside?"

Following Wang Lei's words, Gao Mingyu's face darkened instantly, and now he finally understood what was going on in Wang Lei's mind.

With a wry smile, he said, "It seems that I have to accept your request now..."

The people standing around also smiled wryly.Especially on Wu Dong's side, with wry smiles on his lips, the Sanlian Gang is the top underground force in Sanping County, and now it is going to be reduced to other people's free labor. If this spreads to the ears of other gangs, I am afraid that the Sanlian Gang will become Everyone's laughing stock.

Although he smiled wryly in his heart, Wu Dong also knew that Gao Mingyu had always wanted to cleanse the gang, but he was not capable enough. Now that he got this opportunity from Wang Lei, Gao Mingyu was very happy to see it.

That's why Gao Mingyu agreed to Wang Lei's request without any hesitation just now.

"Look how good this is, get up."

Wang Lei smiled heartily at Gao Mingyu. Now that he has the power of the Sanlian Gang, in Sanping County in the future, Meier Hotel can be guaranteed to be safe and sound.

You can also stay in Wangcun, and continue to develop with peace of mind.

Gao Mingyu put his right hand on Wang Lei's wrist, and was pulled by Wang Lei to stand up.

"Brother Wang..."

Just now, Wang Lei's strength had already conquered Gao Mingyu. At this time, the name of Wang Lei by the gang boss had changed.

"If you have anything to say, just say it."

Wang Lei turned his head and said directly to Gao Mingyu.

"Although we won't take action against Meier Hotel, Zhou's company has to guard against it. In order to marry Zheng's Real Estate Co., Ltd., Zhou Fan has been persuading Zhou Mei to agree to the marriage with Zheng Hangfan..."

"Now that you are helping Zhou Mei, it is equivalent to openly challenging Zhou's Enterprise and Zheng's Real Estate Co., Ltd. These two companies are recognized as big consortiums in Huahai City..."

Gao Mingyu didn't finish his sentence, seeing the fluctuating expression on Wang Lei's face, he already knew that he didn't need to continue talking.

"Don't worry about that, I don't care what company or consortium he is, as long as he dares to mess with me, I, Wang Lei, will definitely make him look good!"

"Let's go, now come with me to Mei'er Hotel."

After saying this, Wang Lei turned around straight away and walked towards the BMW sports car parked not far away.

(End of this chapter)

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