Super peasants break into the city

Chapter 191 Buying Seeds

Chapter 191 Buying Seeds
Following Gao Mingyu's statement, Zhou Mei instantly felt that her outlook on life was messed up.

This is the earth emperor who dominates the underground world of Sanping County. Normally, the wind and the rain will make the whole Sanping County shake. But now, this earth emperor is Wang Lei's younger brother...

Zhou Mei only felt dry mouth, swallowed with difficulty, and looked back at Wang Lei.

Horror flashed in his eyes, and he really wanted to know what magical means this farmer had used to develop the local emperor of Sanping County into his younger brother.

Under Zhou Mei's gaze, Wang Lei just smiled lightly, then turned his head and said to Gao Mingyu: "Now you arrange work for the people under your command, and in the future all the security issues of the hotel will be left to you. If there is any mistake, I take you as a question."

Gao Mingyu nodded hurriedly at Wang Lei, and said, "Brother Wang, don't worry, leave this matter to me, and I'm sure there won't be any problems."

Listening to Gao Mingyu's reply, Wang Lei nodded in satisfaction, ignored the new recruit, turned around and looked at Zhou Mei.

At this time, Zhou Mei was still immersed in horror.

It wasn't until Wang Lei stretched out his hand and shook it in front of him that Zhou Mei had a hard time recovering.

Looking up at Wang Lei, he asked suspiciously, "What's the matter?"

Wang Lei was quite speechless about Zhou Mei's performance, hey, you are also from a wealthy family, why can't you bear the blow...

With a wry smile, he said, "Go to the office and tell me, I want to hear your opinion on something."

After finishing speaking, Wang Lei walked straight towards Mei'er Hotel, ignoring Zhou Mei who was stunned.

When Wang Lei's figure was about to disappear in the hotel lobby, Zhou Meicai came to her senses and hurriedly stepped up to follow.

After entering the office, Wang Lei was already sitting on a chair. Seeing Zhou Mei walk in, Wang Lei said bluntly, "Do you know any seed dealers?"

Following Wang Lei's words, Zhou Mei froze for a moment, closed the door, and looked back at Wang Lei.

He stared at the farmer for a moment, then asked suspiciously, "Is this the important thing you want to tell me?"

Seeing the puzzlement on Zhou Mei's face, Wang Lei shook his head secretly, this woman lacks the ability to grasp business.

She nodded at Zhou Mei and said, "That's right, that's exactly what I want to tell you."

"Now Mei'er Hotel has just experienced the danger of food being cut off. Haven't you learned any lessons from this?"

After Wang Lei's words came out, Zhou Mei's expression changed instantly.

Since the hotel food was cut off, I fell into a panic, just thinking about how to reverse the hotel's predicament. Just now Wang Lei brought the Sanlian Gang to help, and I was shocked by Wang Lei's performance. Under these successive incidents, I didn't even think about it other things.

"Yes, that's right, now we have to completely solve the problem of food ingredients. We must not let Mei'er Hotel face the food crisis again."

"But now you are asking me about the seed merchant, do you mean you want to grow vegetables?"

Zhou Mei's voice is full of doubts. Although Wang Lei's method is feasible, it will be a few months later. No one can guarantee that there will be no other accidents in the hotel during this period. After all, his father Now he has been staring at himself and making trouble.

Thinking of this, Zhou Mei couldn't help exuding anger. She was full of displeasure with her father. She never thought that there would be such a person in this world who would ignore her daughter's lifelong happiness for the benefit of the family.

Feeling the emotional fluctuations emanating from Zhou Mei, Wang Lei sighed secretly. On the surface, this woman is the daughter of Zhou's enterprise, but in fact, she is not as happy as the outside world imagined.

Now Zhou Mei is facing enormous pressure. If she can't develop the hotel, her lifelong happiness will be ruined.

Smiling at Zhou Mei, Wang Lei said: "You don't have to worry about this, I can guarantee that the vegetables will be cultivated in a very short period of time. Now that we have known each other for a while, you must know that I used to be in Let the transplanted fruit trees bloom and bear fruit within three months?"

These words made Zhou Mei's eyebrows twitch violently. The incident that Wang Lei had done had already spread around. Even if she didn't inquire in detail, she could still learn a thing or two from the mouths of the people around her.

"Haha, if you didn't say it, I would have almost forgotten about it. Yes, you can make that kind of achievement in three months. Now growing vegetables is much easier than transplanting fruit trees. I happen to have a best friend next to me who is in the seed business, and I will introduce her to you now."

When Zhou Mei said this, she hurriedly took out her mobile phone, found out Liu Ting's contact information, and dialed it.

A few seconds later, when the call was connected, a lazy voice came from the phone, "I just wanted to sleep, what are you doing..."

Zhou Mei ignored the other party's complaints, and asked directly, "Are you at home or at the company now?"

"Nonsense, if I don't sleep at home, I'm still sleeping in the company. If you have anything to say, hurry up and don't delay my sleep!"

Wang Lei stood aside, listening to the voice coming from the phone, he was speechless for a moment, feeling that the seed dealer Zhou Mei had provided him had a bad temper.

"The thing is like this, now I am in urgent need of some vegetable seeds, and your seeds are the best. You go to the company quickly, and I will send someone to get them."

"Has the crisis in your hotel been resolved?"

After Zhou Mei finished speaking, the person on the other end of the phone regained his energy in an instant and hurriedly asked.

Hearing Liu Ting's astonishment, Zhou Mei giggled and said, "That's right, not only are the ingredients in Mei'er Hotel restored now, but I'll tell you something that you can't even imagine, Gao Mingyu is bringing Let the people below show me the gate."

Following Zhou Mei's words, in a luxury villa dozens of kilometers away from Mei'er Hotel, the phone in Liu Ting's hand slipped to the ground instantly.

"Gao...Gao Mingyu will show you the gate..."

" it true..."

Listening to the astonishment coming from the phone, Zhou Mei subconsciously turned her head and glanced at the farmer standing next to her, her eyes were full of gratitude, then she took the phone to her mouth and said, "This is necessary, if you don't If you believe it, you can come here to see for yourself, do I need to deceive you?"

"Now I want the seeds just in case. After all, you know my current situation. No one knows what method Chairman Zhou of Zhou's enterprise will use to deal with me next. I can only do well now." All you have to do is prepare..."

(End of this chapter)

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