Super peasants break into the city

Chapter 192: The Rich Is Not Kind

Chapter 192: The Rich Is Not Kind
"You cow..."

After a moment of astonishment, Liu Ting could only sigh towards Zhou Mei who was tens of kilometers away.

"It is absolutely impossible to subdue someone like Gao Mingyu under your current situation, Miss Zhou. It seems that you have met a noble person."

Hearing the words from the phone, Zhou Mei nodded again and again, and said to herself: Yes, when I was desperate, God sent Wang Lei to her, and he was the noble person in my life.

"Hey, I'm lucky, I shouldn't die."

"Okay, you can go to the company now, I will arrange for someone to go and get the seeds."

After Liu Ting pondered, she said: "If you want to get the seeds from me, then you can let your nobleman come here in person. I want to see how capable this nobleman of yours is. Subdue it."

These words made Zhou Mei's face change in an instant. Zhou Mei knew the character of that woman Liu Ting very well. Now that Liu Ting made such a request, she definitely wanted to make a fuss about Wang Lei.

Thinking of this, Zhou Mei's heart skipped a beat, she brought the phone to her mouth, and wanted to stop it, but before Zhou Mei could speak, there was already a beeping voice on the phone.

"Bah! You..."

"Well, Liu Ting, you dare to hang up on my phone..."

Zhou Mei muttered and called back, but after a few times, the other party simply turned off the phone.

Wang Lei stood aside, feeling the emotional fluctuations coming from Zhou Mei's body, he couldn't help being stunned, and subconsciously asked, "What happened?"

Zhou Mei grumbled fiercely, and said to Wang Lei, "That girl Liu Ting wants you to get the seeds in person."

Thinking that Liu Ting might use coquetry to seduce Wang Lei, Zhou Mei felt aggrieved.

Wang Lei was the savior he had worked so hard to find, and he must not let Liu Ting, that vixen, go, but if he didn't obey Liu Ting's words, according to Liu Ting's temperament, he would definitely not take out the seeds.

"Hehe, I thought it was a big deal. Didn't I just go to get the seeds in person? Then I'll just go there. Anyway, that's what I planned from the beginning."

Seeing the expression on Wang Lei's face, Zhou Mei smiled wryly in her heart, if only things were as simple as you think...

After a moment of silence, he said aloud: "Well, you have to be careful, but you must remember that Liu Ting is not something you can provoke, so you must be on guard against her."

Wang Lei was speechless for a moment.

I'm here to buy seeds, not to enter the wolf's den. Is it as exaggerated as you said...

"Yeah, I see, do you have any orders now? If there is nothing else, then I'm leaving now?"

Having said that, Wang Lei wanted to turn around and leave.

Zhou Mei stood in front of the desk, watched Wang Lei's movements, opened her mouth several times, and finally could only say: "It's okay, you can go over now."

Wang Lei turned and left.

Walk out of the Meier Hotel, walk directly towards the BMW sports car parked not far away, start the vehicle, turn around, and go straight to the company where the seed supplier is located.

A few minutes later, when Wang Lei was driving a few hundred meters away from the provincial road, the crowd gathered not far away attracted Wang Lei's attention.

At this time, there was a lot of traffic on the road, but there were an Audi and a tricycle parked around those people.

The front face of the Audi was already damaged, and the tricycle was upside down.

Apparently it was a car accident.

"How can you be like this! You want to leave when you bump into someone?"

"You are still not human!"

After Wang Lei rolled down the car window, he heard the scolding sound from there, and realized on the spot that something infuriating had happened.

Without any hesitation, he opened the car door and walked straight there.

Passing through the crowd, walking straight to the center of the crowd, I saw an old man in his 80s lying powerlessly on the cold ground, his lower body was already stained red with blood.

Paled face.

Wang Lei hurriedly bent down, and checked the old man's injuries through the Shennong Collection.

Three ribs in front of her chest were broken, and her lungs were bleeding.

This is the rhythm that will rise to the sky at any time.

If the old man is not treated quickly, the old man will die in a few minutes.

"Have you called an ambulance?"

Wang Lei asked anxiously to the people around him.

"Yes, but it will take some time for the ambulance to come over now."

Hearing this, Wang Lei knew that he couldn't hide his supernatural ability. After all, human life is at stake, and the old man's injury cannot be delayed.

Thinking of this, without any hesitation, Wang Lei stretched out his right hand again towards the old man lying on the ground, lightly pressed on the other's chest, and secretly punched the divine energy of the Shennong Treasure into the old man's body.

Nourishes the wounded body of the old man.

A few minutes later, seeing that the old man was fine and could recover after a period of rest in the hospital, Wang Lei slowly withdrew his right hand.

Looking behind.

"Where's the perpetrator just now?"

After Wang Lei's words came out, the crowd standing around realized that the person who drove the Audi just now had walked out of the crowd at some point.


At this moment, an urgent voice came into Wang Lei's ears. Looking in the direction indicated by the other party, he saw that the perpetrator was about to get into the Audi car.

"Damn, want to leave after bumping into someone?"

Wang Lei sneered, stood up from the ground, and walked quickly towards the Audi parked in front.

"Grass! Grandson, come down for me!"

When the Audi door was about to close, Wang Lei grabbed the door and said coldly to the perpetrator sitting in the driver's seat.

"Are you scolding me?"

After the perpetrator heard the words of the farmer in front of him, his expression turned cold instantly.

The right hand slowly moved towards the seat...

"Calling you? Hehe, I still want to slap you! If you bump into someone and want to leave, you can do it. Shouldn't you send the old man to the hospital?"

Wang Lei said coldly to the perpetrator.

The people standing around were stunned when they heard Wang Lei's scolding. You must know that the person who was scolded by this farmer was a rich man who drove an Audi.

"That old bastard was able to be hit by me Gao Mingming. It was a blessing he cultivated in his previous life. It's fine if I don't let him thank me. I'll give her an apology?"

Gao Mingming's voice was extremely arrogant and his attitude was indifferent.

This made the people standing around see it, and they were all extremely angry.

"Bastard! Why are you so cold-blooded!"

"It's really not a thing. You can still say such things after bumping into someone!"

"People like you who are rich and unkind, really deserve to die..."

(End of this chapter)

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