Chapter 201 Give Help
With the appearance of the chairman of Fuhong Group, Wang Lei's situation was unilaterally reversed, and in the blink of an eye, he had already stepped on the head of Zhou's enterprise.

Seeing Zhou Fan's performance, Zhou Mei felt sympathy in her heart, but more anger.

This father, for the benefit of the family, completely disregarded his daughter's happiness. He was really incompetent, and there was no way for him to forgive him.

As for the other people around, seeing the actions of the head of Zhou's enterprise, they all shook their heads and sighed.

Relying on the power in his hands, Zhou Fan acted arrogantly and did not take others seriously.

Now it is finally kicked on the iron board.

Although the poorly dressed farmer in front was not as powerful as Zhou Fan, he was backed by the Fuhong Group.

Relying on this aspect alone is enough to suppress Zhou's enterprise to death...

"Hey, this time Zhou Fan is completely screwed."

"That farmer has the backing of Fuhong Group, and now he will definitely step on Zhou Fan..."

"It deserves it, who made him so arrogant just now..."

However, on Wang Lei's side, the scene that everyone had guessed did not happen. Standing in front of Zhou Fan, he had no intention of doing anything.

This made everyone feel suspicious in their eyes.

"What does he mean..."

"Does he want to let Zhou Fan go?"

"Impossible! Just now Zhou Fan humiliated him so arrogantly. Now that this farmer is backed by the chairman of Fuhong Group, he has the upper hand. He will definitely not stop Zhou Fan easily..."

Amidst the low-pitched discussions among the crowd, Wang Lei stood in front of the chairman of the Zhou Corporation and said aloud, "Now do you know my strength?"

Zhou Fan's body trembled subconsciously, fearing that Wang Lei would do something to him, he hurriedly said: "Yeah, I know now, it's my blindness, I shouldn't offend Mr. Wang..."

Wang Lei smiled faintly, not paying attention to the begging words of the head of Zhou's enterprise.

He glanced at the other party, and then asked lightly, "Now I'm taking Zhou Mei away, do you have any objections?"

Following Wang Lei's words, Zhou Fan's face changed instantly.


Zhou Fan's mind spun quickly, how to keep Zhou Mei and not offend Wang Lei.

"Hehe, it seems that Chairman Zhou is still a little bit reluctant..."

Wang Lei saw the exact change of expression on Zhou Fan's face, and laughed out loud.

At this time, the people standing around saw the farmer's actions and understood what he was doing.

"Amazing, now that he has completely gained the upper hand, he is still reasoning with Zhou Fan!"

"Hehe, I'm ashamed. If it were me, with the support of the chairman of Fuhong Group, I would definitely prevent Zhou Fan from coming to Taiwan on the spot..."

"Che, your thoughts are too outrageous, so you can't compare with this farmer!"

The chairman of Fuhong Group stood beside him, listening to the discussions of the people around him, but there was a wry smile on the corner of his mouth.

Although in the eyes of outsiders, the Fuhong Group is an economic tycoon that needs others to look up to, but Wu Fuhong knows how terrifying the strength of the farmer next to him is. Even if he couldn't come here just now, Wang Lei's ability can also It is easy to resolve the conflict with Zhou Fan...

"Zhou Mei has already told me about her marriage. Do you think that sacrificing your daughter's happiness can really bring prosperity to Zhou's business?"

"If you can change your mind, then I don't mind helping you, so that even if your Zhou's enterprise does not marry with Zheng's Real Estate Co., Ltd., you can still take a big step forward on the road of development."

During Wang Lei's words, the chairman of Fuhong Group's eyebrows twitched violently. He had seen Wang Lei's ability before, and now he heard Wang Lei's words, and wished to change his identity with Zhou Fan in an instant.

Wang Lei tried his best to help. This is undoubtedly a rocket, and the Zhou family's economy will surely rise rapidly in the future.

Even if he becomes an economic tycoon in Huahai City, there is no problem.


After Zhou Fan heard Wang Lei's words, his face was shocked, and he looked at Wang Lei subconsciously, his expression was full of doubts.

"Can you really?"

These words were said to Wang Lei almost subconsciously.

However, before the voice of the head of Zhou's enterprise fell, Wu Fuhong had already snorted heavily at Zhou Fan and said, "It's because of your Zhou family's previous life that you can get help from Mr. Wang." What a blessing to come, if you don’t hurry to thank Mr. Wang now, you dare to question it!”

Zhou Fan felt the strong emotional fluctuations emanating from Wu Fuhong, and subconsciously turned his head to look at Zhou Mei who was locked in the Ferrari by himself. The other party's face was also excited.

"Well, thank you Mr. Wang for your full support!"

After Zhou Fan saw the performance of those two people in his eyes, he almost didn't think about it, so he said anxiously to Wang Lei.

Following Zhou Fan's words, Zhou Mei finally let out a long sigh of relief.

Cast a grateful look at Wang Lei...

"In that case, shouldn't you let Zhou Mei go?"

Wang Lei turned his head to look at Zhou Mei who was still locked in the car, but his voice was directed at the head of Zhou's enterprise.

Zhou Fan reacted almost as soon as Wang Lei's voice fell, and hurriedly ran towards the Ferrari, opened the car door, and let Zhou Mei out.

"Mr. Wang, the cooperation you mentioned..."

The head of Zhou's enterprise returned to Wang Lei's side and asked nervously.

For a person who can make the chairman of Fuhong Group care so much, his advice must be no small matter.

Seeing that Zhou Mei was safe and sound, Wang Lei turned his eyes back and cast his eyes on Zhou Fan, watching the other party beg for mercy at him like a pug, which made Wang Lei feel extremely sick in his heart instantly.

Said lightly: "I will leave the matter of cooperation to my subordinates to contact you. You can rest assured about this."

"By the way, I'm not engaged in real estate development like you, Chairman Zhou. I'm just a farmer, so now you'd better re-plan the development route of the enterprise. Only in this way can you develop with my help. stand up."

These words made Zhou Fan's eyebrows twitch violently, and he asked Wang Lei anxiously, "Mr. Wang, you want me to open a hotel?"

Wang Lei nodded and said, "It's fine if you don't open a hotel, you can do vegetable wholesale."

Wu Fuhong laughed instantly. Although Wang Lei's words were meant to ridicule Zhou Fan, Wu Fuhong knew that Wang Lei's achievements in agriculture and the vegetables he cultivated were hard to find in the market. It was also a good idea for Zhou Fan to engage in vegetable wholesale. A great way to make money...

(End of this chapter)

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