Chapter 202
Zhou Fan listened to Wang Lei's words, and his face turned cold instantly.

He knew that the farmer in front of him wanted to humiliate himself in front of everyone, but looking at Wu Fuhong, the chairman of Fuhong Group who was standing beside him and staring at him, Zhou Fan could only suppress his dissatisfaction with Wang Lei.

Forced a smile from the corner of his mouth, he said to Wang Lei, "I don't need this, I'll follow your instructions, Mr. Wang, to develop the hotel."

Wang Lei saw the hostility that flashed deep in Zhou Fan's eyes, and shook his head secretly. After what happened just now, this person still hasn't learned a lesson...

But Wang Lei didn't want to get too entangled with Zhou Fan on this kind of matter. With his current strength, he could easily step on the head of Zhou's enterprise. own mood.

Nodding to Zhou Fan, he opened his mouth and said, "Okay, just wait for the call at home. I'll let my younger brother contact you later."

After saying this, Wang Lei walked straight towards Zhou Mei, and said aloud: "Let's go, Manager Zhou, look, all these stupid things are caused by you, hey, it took so long , how much less money will be made..."

In Wang Lei's sigh, Zhou Mei rolled her eyes and snorted, "Bah, I'm almost working for you now, you can die if you help me a little."

Zhou Fan stood behind and saw Zhou Mei's attitude towards Wang Lei, especially when he caught the love that emerged from the depths of Zhou Mei's eyes, Zhou Fan changed his mind. The young master of the limited company, but Zheng's real estate is much inferior to Wang Lei, who has the big backer of Fuhong Group.

It would be great if I could let my daughter marry Wang Lei.

Thinking of this, Zhou Fan showed a smile on the corner of his mouth, happy to see his daughter getting closer to Wang Lei.

On Wu Fuhong's side, seeing the relationship between Zhou Mei and Wang Lei, she shook her head and smiled wryly, secretly hating herself for not giving birth to a daughter...

"Wang Lei, have you been driving Zhao Fei's car?"

After meditating for a moment, Wu Fuhong hurriedly walked towards Wang Lei and said aloud.Although the relationship between himself and Wang Lei cannot be promoted through marriage, there are still many ways to have a good relationship with Wang Lei.

After all, no matter how strong Wang Lei's potential is, he hasn't developed it yet, and there are some things he still can't do with his own strength.

After Wu Fuhong's words came out, Wang Lei was obviously taken aback, looked back at the smile on Wu Fuhong's face, and nodded subconsciously.

If he hadn't already known about Wu Fuhong's character, Wang Lei would have thought that Wu Fuhong was making fun of him.

"Oh, with your current worth, you should have your own car..."

"Well, while you have free time now, I'll take you to see the car."

Listening to Wu Fuhong's words, Wang Lei rolled his eyes, nodded happily and said, "Okay, since there is no chairman to pay, then I will definitely not refuse."

Wu Fuhong was very excited when he heard this.

"Brother Wang is really quick to talk, let's go!"

Wu Fuhong smiled heartily at Wang Lei, and then motioned Wang Lei to walk towards the Audi A8 she was riding in.

Wang Lei turned his head and said a few simple words to Zhou Mei. After handing over the keys to the BMW sports car beside him to Zhou Mei, he followed Wu Fuhong, took a few steps forward, and got into the car worth more than 200 million yuan. In the luxury car.

It wasn't until the special car of the chairman of Fuhong Group disappeared at a corner not far away that Zhou Fan came to his senses. When Zhou Mei was about to sit in the BMW sports car, he took two quick steps forward and came in front of Zhou Mei.

Reach out and grab the door that is about to close.

Seeing Zhou Fan's actions, Zhou Mei showed a little sullenness on her face, and said aloud, "Chairman Zhou, do you have anything to do?"

The tone is flat, without any emotion.

Zhou Fan trembled slightly, knowing that his previous decision had severely hurt Zhou Mei's heart, he sighed and said, "Daughter, you should also understand how I feel about being a father. Our family's property is all It was worked so hard by your grandfather, can you just watch it die in my hands?"

"Now that I know I was wrong, please forgive me for my previous mistakes."

The current achievements of Zhou's enterprise are enviable, but only the people of the Zhou family know how much pressure they are facing behind this envy.

It is not unreasonable for Zhou Fan to do so.

"I know, when I told you to sever the relationship between father and daughter, it was just a moment of anger..."

Seeing that Zhou Mei was no longer angry with herself, Zhou Fan showed a smile on his face.

Said: "In the future, the more you get closer to Wang Lei, it would be great if you can make him the son-in-law of our Zhou family."

Zhou Mei's face turned red in an instant, she fixed her eyes on Zhou Fan's face, nodded, and said, "Don't worry, Wang Lei is the most outstanding man I have ever met, and I will definitely win him by my side."

"Okay, if there is nothing else, I have to leave now. There are still a lot of things in the hotel that I need to deal with."

Zhou Fan nodded hastily, and said, "Okay, then I won't bother you, you go first..."

Then, under his gaze, Zhou Mei started the car straight away, turned around, and drove towards Sanping County.

While the rich lady was driving her sports car to Meier Hotel, the special car of the chairman of Fuhong Group had already parked in front of a Ferrari 4S shop.

"You don't want to buy me a Ferrari, do you?"

Wang Lei looked at the majestic 4S store in front of him and smiled at Wu Fuhong.

"Hehe, this is necessary. Only a car like Ferrari can be worthy of the status of brother Wang. Now I, the brother, will buy you a car. You can just pick the one you like, and leave the rest to me. Just do it."

Wang Lei laughed and said, "That's a good relationship. I have to choose a car with top equipment. Don't feel bad for Chairman Wu after a while."

There was a greeting on his face, but there was no politeness in his voice.

"Of course, let's go."

Wu Fuhong laughed loudly at Wang Lei, then gestured to Wang Lei, and walked towards the Ferrari 4S shop.

Huahai Ferrari 4S store is the largest one in Huahai City, and it belongs to one of the industries under the name of Fuhong Group.

"Chairman, why are you here now? This is..."

When Wang Lei walked into the lobby of the 4S store, a middle-aged woman with a S figure and a handsome face hurried down from the second floor and said to Wu Fuhong.

(End of this chapter)

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