Super peasants break into the city

Chapter 203 Accidental Encounter

Chapter 203 Accidental Encounter
As the general manager of the Ferrari 4S store in Huahai, she has dealt with Wu Fuhong for many years, and Liu Lan knows Wu Fuhong very well.

He has a high vision, and ordinary people can't get into the eyes of the chairman of Fuhong Group.

But at this time, Wu Fuhong was very polite to the shabby-dressed farmer, and his expression was full of undisguised flattery.

Liu Lan knew in an instant that the identity of the farmer must be very important. Amidst the laughter at Wu Fuhong, the general manager of the Ferrari 4S store looked at Wang Lei with a smile...

"Let me introduce to you, this is our young talent from Huahai City, Wang Lei."

Wu Fuhong laughed loudly at Liu Lan.

Liu Lan stretched out her hands enthusiastically to Wang Lei, and introduced herself: "Hello, my name is Liu Lan, and I am a few years older than you. You can call me Sister Lan."

Wang Lei laughed and called out to Sister Lan, which instantly made Liu Lan's affection for Wang Lei double in her heart.

"Okay, now I brought Wang Lei here to look for cars, you take him around the hall carefully, and introduce the performance of each car in detail in an instant."

Wu Fuhong spoke to the general manager of the Ferrari 4S store.

However, on Liu Lan's side, the next second later, his face showed a look of embarrassment, and he turned his head and whispered to Wu Fuhong: "Chairman, now I have something to tell you..."

After hearing Liu Lan's words, Wu Fuhong turned around and saw the embarrassment in Liu Lan's eyes.Liu Lan has worked with him for many years, and Wu Fuhong knows this woman very well.

He is very professional, and the Ferrari 4S shop is handed over to Liu Lan, which saves him a lot of worry.Now that Liu Lan, a strong woman, is showing such a posture, what she is about to tell her must be a big deal, but when she thinks that she has already said it just now...

"It's fine to put aside what you need first, and now choosing the right car for Mr. Wang is the most important thing."

Wu Fuhong laughed out loud at Liu Lan.

In the heart of the chairman of Fuhong Group, even if he gave up the 1000 million contract, he must win Wang Lei's favor.

At this time, Wang Lei was standing in the hall, and he had already turned his eyes away from the luxury cars not far away. Feeling the emotional fluctuations emanating from the two people around him, Wang Lei smiled at Wu Fuhong and said, "I'm sorry Che understands a little bit, since Manager Liu has something important to discuss with you, Chairman Wu, it’s fine for the two of you to get busy first, and I’ll just take a look here myself.”

Wu Fuhong smiled awkwardly, knowing that Wang Lei had seen through his thoughts just now, nodded, and said, "Well, just choose the car you like and just drive away."

Then he signaled to the surrounding staff that he must entertain Wang Lei well.

After finishing these things, Wu Fuhong turned and walked towards the general manager's office on the second floor.

During the whole process, Liu Lan stood beside Wu Fuhong without saying anything. Seeing that the dignified chairman of Fuhong Group flattered a farmer to such an extent, Liu Lan secretly exclaimed in her heart.

"Hehe, Sister Lan will leave for a while..."

Liu Lan giggled at Wang Lei, turned around and chased after Wu Fuhong.

Watching the man and woman walk up the stairs, Wang Lei turned his gaze away and walked towards the Ferrari-F12berlinetta parked on the right.

Ferrari-F12berlinetta, with wild shape and graceful lines.

Like a beast ready to go, it gives people a strong visual impact.

"Hey, isn't this Wang Lei, the sales director of our company..."

"Oh, I almost forgot, it's the former sales director..."

Just as Wang Lei was gently stroking the soft lines of the Ferrari-F12berlinetta with his right hand, a strange voice suddenly came from behind.

The expressions of the people in the hall changed in an instant. Just now, how the chairman of Fuhong Group flattered the farmer, everyone really saw in their eyes, and now someone is humiliating the farmer...

what does this mean?
Looking back, I saw a middle-aged woman with a bloated figure and a thick gold chain around her neck, staring at Wang Lei coldly...

"What's the origin of this person? I've never heard of such a person in Huahai City."

"This woman is quite rich, but she is too scumbag. I don't like wearing this kind of gold chain the most. She is just like a nouveau riche..."

"It looks like it should have some strength..."

Amidst the low-pitched discussions of the crowd, Wang Lei's body froze, and anger instantly appeared on his face.

I am so familiar with this drake-like voice, I want to meet her even in my dreams!

Withdrew his right hand on the Ferrari-F12berlinetta, looked back slowly, and stared at the most familiar stranger.

"Hehe, not bad. Since I left the company, Mr. Chen's taste has become better and better. Gold chains, gold rings all over his hands... he looks like a nouveau riche."

"By the way, with Mr. Chen's personality, there should be more than a dozen scoundrels around him. Why don't you see them now? Hey, if you don't bring them with you, the image of this nouveau riche is not good."

Chen Aihua has a deformed pursuit of gold, and she hates others saying that she is a nouveau riche...

Just now, I entered the Ferrari [-]S store in Huahai City and wanted to find a sports car, but here I met Wang Lei by accident. After seeing that familiar figure from the back, Chen Aihua wanted to humiliate him, but she didn't expect that now Wang Lei would take the nouveau riche Instead, it's to humiliate yourself.

This made Chen Aihua furious, gnashing her teeth with hatred.

Looking at the trembling muscles on Chen Aihua's face, Wang Lei had complicated feelings for this bloated woman. While he hated her deeply, he was also full of gratitude in his heart. If it wasn't for Chen Aihua, it would be impossible for him to achieve today's success with his business talent alone. score……

"People say that the Ferrari [-]S store in Huahai City is the top [-]S store in Huahai City, but judging by the situation, it is not as described by outsiders. It is really a pity to let such lowly people in. I just said I wanted to buy a Ferrari here, but it seems that there is no need to do business with you."

Chen Aihua changed the subject and sneered at the surrounding Ferrari [-]S shop staff.

The staff of the [-]S shop did not have the slightest affection for this fat pig woman.

"Grass, I am not Mr. Wang's opponent in terms of words, but now I want to use our strength instead."

"Stupid woman."

"Hey, what an idiot..."

"It seems that this fat pig woman has a deep grievance with Mr. Wang in the past, and she still doesn't know about Mr. Wang's achievements..."

"Haha, there is a good show to watch!"

(End of this chapter)

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