Super peasants break into the city

Chapter 205 Heading to the Hotel

Chapter 205 Heading to the Hotel
As the celebrity next to the chairman of Fuhong Group, Liu Lan naturally knows when to say something.

Since Wang Lei didn't pay attention to Chen Aihua's hostility just now, at this moment, Liu Lan knew that what he had to do now was to obey Wang Lei's wishes. If he continued to entangle in the matter just now, it would cause the other party's dissatisfaction.

"That's right, this Ferrari-F12berlinetta suits my taste, that's it."

Wang Lei captured the emotional fluctuations emanating from Liu Lan's body, and smiled faintly.

"Okay, now I'll arrange to pick up the car..."

Half an hour later, Wang Lei drove out of the 12S shop in a Ferrari-F4berlinetta...

At the same time, the members of the Hai Gang waiting at the corner saw Wang Lei's figure and hurriedly started the Jinbei car to catch up.

200 meters...

100 meters...

80 meters...

When the distance between the Jinbei car and the Ferrari-F12berlinetta driven by Wang Lei reached 60 meters, the Jinbei car slowed down.

Through the reflector, Wang Lei looked at Jin Bei who was biting the car's butt behind him, and there was a sneer on the corner of Wang Lei's mouth.

"Hehe, it fits your Chen Aihua's style very well. Send someone to follow me, want to cause a car accident, or intercept it?"

The car turned around, and after passing the red street light, Wang Lei drove the Ferrari-F12berlinetta onto the road leading to the suburbs...

Three or ten minutes later, on an empty road, three burly men stepped on Wang Lei's feet.

"Grandpa... please let me go..."

"I don't dare anymore..."

Those three burly men are much stronger than Wang Lei in stature, but now, those three burly men are much stronger than Wang Lei in stature, but now, these people have been beaten to pieces by Wang Lei, and they can only kneel Begging for mercy on the ground.

"Forgive you?"

"Hehe, it's too easy to say. If it weren't for my extraordinary skill, if it were someone else, would you say such a thing?"

Wang Lei sneered at the three burly men, and from the other's posture just now, he realized that the identities of these three killers must be extraordinary.

"Tell me, where did that bitch Chen Aihua find the three of you, if you answer Hua that satisfies me, maybe I will spare the three of you."

What Wang Lei needs to do now is to understand the details of Chen Aihua's current situation. Since there has been a collision, it is necessary to make comprehensive preparations.

Thinking back on the grievances with Chen Aihua in the past three years, Wang Lei swore that he must completely defeat this femme fatale.

Let her have nothing, the only way to vent her hatred.

Following Wang Lei's words, the body of the burly man who was controlled under his feet suddenly trembled. Feeling the emotional fluctuations emanating from the other party, Wang Lei showed a sneer at the corner of his mouth.

For this kind of scum, I don't have any good feelings at all.

With a strong foot, he kicked the opponent's arm off...


A hog-killing howl came from the mouth of the burly man.

"Do you want to continue to suffer, or do you want to tell me everything right now?"

"If you want to continue to grit your teeth and resist, then I don't mind playing with you for a while, anyway, I have plenty of time..."

In Wang Lei's words, the faces of the three burly men changed drastically. When Wang Lei lifted his right foot, one of the burly men couldn't bear the torture of the devil anymore, and hurriedly said: "I said ……I say……"

Hearing this, Wang Lei smiled aloud, and said, "That's right, it's better to be sensible, tell me, what kind of strength do you belong to."

The burly man swallowed his saliva and said, "Hai Gang."

"Now Chen Aihua has walked with our young master. The relationship between the two is a lover. Chen Aihua has been secretly suppressing her opponent with the help of the Hai Gang..."

Sea gang?

"No wonder that bitch dared to be so crazy, so she found the Hai Gang as a backer, hehe..."

Wang Lei sneered.

The three burly men who were controlled on the ground saw the smile on Wang Lei's face and felt shuddering.

If he had known that this farmer was so terrifying, he would not have obeyed Lu Zixiong's orders just now.

"Grandpa... can you let us go now..."

The burly man just now wiped the sweat off his face, and asked Wang Lei cautiously.

"Let go? Hehe, don't worry, I will not only let you go, but I will also personally send the three of you back."

While speaking, Wang Lei already pulled the burly man off the ground and threw him into the car with his backhand.

The strength is so great that it is frightening.

At the same time, in a hotel, after Chen Aihua came out of the bathroom, she threw herself directly into Lu Zixiong's arms...

Looking at the fat on Chen Aihua's belly, Lu Zixiong felt disgusted, but when he thought of the financial strength this woman possessed, Lu Zixiong could only suppress the nausea in his heart.

A moment later, on the bed in the hotel, there was already an erosive sound...

"It's so's so cool..."

Chen Aihua's mouth spoke intermittently.

"Is there any news about the person you sent out?"

Chen Aihua opened her eyes and asked Lu Zixiong.

Lu Zixiong hugged Chen Aihua in his arms and said, "Wait a minute, they are already investigating. You are the dignified chairman, why are you so afraid of a farmer?"

There was dissatisfaction in Lu Zixiong's voice. In his eyes, with the strength of the Hai Gang, it was more than enough to deal with Wang Lei.

However, on Chen Aihua's side, she shook her head and said, "Don't underestimate that farmer. You saw Liu Lan's attitude in the 4S store just now. The reason why she dared to contradict me in public must be because of her help." Wu Fuhong, the chairman of Fuhong Group, hinted... Think about it, Wang Lei just recovered from his recovery half a year ago. It is really unbelievable that the chairman of Fuhong Group can be so flattering in such a short period of time. If the investigation is clear, I will have trouble sleeping and eating..."

During Chen Aihua's explanation, Lu Zixiong's eyes slowly changed, the disdain just now disappeared, full of dignity.

"Yes, ordinary farmers will never have this ability!"

"Don't worry, with me here, I will definitely help you with all my strength..."

When Lu Zixiong said this, he reached out his hand towards Chen Aihua's twin peaks.

(End of this chapter)

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