Super peasants break into the city

Chapter 206 Shooting Video

Chapter 206 Shooting Video

Chen Aihua moaned, and then her whole body completely limp in Lu Zixiong's arms...

In the hotel room, there were voices one after another.

Half an hour later, the two had just finished their work when Lu Zixiong's phone rang.

"Who, why are you calling at this time!"

Listening to the ringtone of the mobile phone, Chen Aihua's face was sullen, and she snorted dissatisfiedly, but on Lu Zixiong's side, she took the mobile phone in front of her and took a look. He made a silent gesture and said, "There is news about Wang Lei now."

After Lu Zixiong's words came out, Chen Aihua became quiet for an instant, and hurriedly said: "What are you still doing in a daze, hurry up and pick it up."

Lu Zixiong answered the phone...

"Master, Wang Lei, I have already investigated it for you."

The moment the phone was connected, there was already a flattering voice coming from it.

"Tell me, how is that guy doing now?"

Lu Zixiong's voice was flat, but also a little nervous.

As previously analyzed by Chen Aihua, Wang Lei was able to establish a good relationship with the chairman of Fuhong Group within half a year. This person must have great luck.

If you want to deal with Wang Lei, you must know him well.

In Lu Zixiong's words, Chen Aihua pricked up her ears nervously.

"Wang Lei is now farming in Wangcun. Apart from the Fuhong Group, he has no other backing..."

When Chen Aihua heard this, she secretly breathed a sigh of relief. If Wang Lei only had the Fuhong Group as his backer, it would be much easier to deal with Wang Lei.

However, before a smile appeared on Chen Aihua's face, there was another voice on the phone:

"It's just that, according to the investigation, Wang Lei is cultivating super ingredients. Three months ago, relying on the super fruits cultivated, he established a good relationship with Fuhong Group. Now most of the ingredients of Fuhong Group are provided by Wang Lei..."

"The Fuhong Hotel's turnaround is entirely related to Wang Lei, and the Mei'er Hotel in Sanping County was on the verge of bankruptcy half a month ago, but since using the ingredients provided by Wang Lei, it has now achieved a daily income of several Ten thousand……"

As the voice on the phone slowly came out, the smile on Chen Aihua's face had completely disappeared.

His hands were gripping the bed sheet tightly, his eyes full of horror.

" is this possible..."

"He was able to cultivate this super ingredient..."

"Lu Zixiong, quickly think of a way!"

For a moment, Chen Aihua fell into a complete panic, as if she had seen the young man who was seriously injured by herself three years ago, rose again and appeared in front of her.

"Why are you panicking? I didn't hear what he said. Now Wang Lei doesn't have any influence. It's very easy to deal with this kind of person!"

Lu Zixiong said coldly to Chen Aihua.

Then hang up the phone directly.

After hearing Lu Zixiong's words, Chen Aihua felt much less panic in her heart. After all, Wang Lei has not fully grown up yet, and with Lu Zixiong's strength, it is more than enough to deal with him.

"Then what are you waiting for, call and order now, and deal with Wang Lei quickly."

Chen Aihua urgently urged Lu Zixiong. In Chen Aihua's heart, there was a vague worry, and she told her directly that this matter must be resolved as soon as possible, otherwise, it may be too late to avoid accidents.

"Okay, I'll let you know now..."

Lu Zixiong was very dissatisfied with Chen Aihua's performance, but he still suppressed the dissatisfaction in his heart and said aloud.

However, before Lu Zixiong could finish speaking, the closed door was suddenly kicked open!

"Presumptuous! Who let you in!"

After noticing the movement at the door, Chen Aihua hurriedly pulled the quilt over her body, and yelled at the door in a low voice.

However, when the woman saw the person standing at the door, her expression instantly became unnatural...

" did you come here..."

This person is Wang Lei!

"Hehe, why can't I come here? You bastards are doing nasty things here, I have to appreciate it..."

Wang Lei sneered at Chen Aihua, never expecting to see such a scene now.

"You solved all the people outside?"

Chen Aihua asked Wang Lei subconsciously.

It was outside the door before, but someone was sent to guard it. Now Wang Lei is standing at the door. What does this mean?
"It's just a group of cats and dogs, I have already dismissed them easily."

"Why, Chairman Chen can send someone to assassinate me, don't you want me to stand in front of you?"

After Wang Lei sneered, he threw the burly man in his hands towards the bed.

Lu Zixiong saw that Wang Lei didn't look at him directly after he came in, and couldn't help becoming furious, "Presumptuous! This is the place where you play wild, get out!"

When Wang Lei heard this, he turned his attention to Lu Zixiong.

Recalling that this guy sent someone to assassinate him just now, Wang Lei snorted coldly, moved his body quickly, and came to Lu Zixiong in the blink of an eye, before the other party made any reaction, Wang Lei had already controlled Lu Zixiong in his hands.

Everything happens in the blink of an eye.

There was no time for the people standing around to react at all.

"You...what do you want..."

Lu Zixiong struggled vigorously in Wang Lei's hands, but the strength on the opponent's wrist was surprisingly strong, even though Lu Zixiong tried his best, he could not move at all in Wang Lei's hands.

For a moment, a wave of panic arose in Lu Zixiong's heart.

The strength of the farmer in front of him, even in the sea gang, is the top.Even, no one in the Hai Gang can compare with Wang Lei.

"What do I want?"

Seeing the coldness on Lu Zixiong's face, Wang Lei laughed aloud, and said, "When you sent people to assassinate me earlier, you should have made preparations now..."

While speaking, Wang Lei slapped Lu Zixiong on the face.

Then he took out his mobile phone, turned on the camera, pointed at the couple lying on the bed, lifted the quilt covering them with his right hand, and started recording...


Chen Aihua saw Wang Lei's actions and panicked instantly.

As the chairman of Chen's Jewelry Co., Ltd., if this kind of indecent video gets out, it will definitely deal an incalculable blow to the stock of Chen's Jewelry Co., Ltd.!
Before Chen Aihua finished speaking, Wang Lei had already slapped Chen Aihua on the face, and spat in a low voice: "What am I, I, if I don't smack you to death, you will already burn incense, and you dare to talk to me?" Speaking in this tone, I think you are desperate!"

"Now you know you're afraid?"

 Recommend "The Most Powerful Farmer", the story of leading farmers to get rich

(End of this chapter)

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