Super peasants break into the city

Chapter 207 Playing With You

Chapter 207 Playing With You

Following Wang Lei's words, the body of the chairman of Chen's Jewelry Co., Ltd. trembled violently twice.

The expression on his face also changed...

Indecent video...

For ordinary people, this may not matter, the big deal is to cause a family conflict. However, for listed companies like Chen's Jewelry Co., Ltd., as long as the indecent video is spread, it will cause huge waves .

It will cause an unacceptable blow to the stock of Chen's Jewelry Co., Ltd.!
"You...what do you want..."

Chen Aihua struggled for a while, regretting that she had underestimated Wang Lei. Since she humiliated Wang Lei half a year ago, Chen Aihua no longer cared about Wang Lei, thinking that this person had been completely defeated by her and was an irrelevant person.

But now, Chen Aihuahui's intestines are turning green...

Wang Lei is like Xiaoqiang who can't be beaten to death, it's too scary.

While Chen Aihua was struggling, Wang Lei's voice had brought Chen Aihua's thoughts back and forth to reality...

"Hehe, what do I want to do? It's actually very simple, as long as you kowtow to me three times and then say 'Grandpa, I was wrong', then I can forgive you."

After Chen Aihua heard Wang Lei's words, anger appeared in her eyes instantly.

As the chairman of Chen's Jewelry Co., Ltd., he has attracted the attention of thousands of people, and now he wants to kowtow to a farmer with his noble status to admit his mistake?
This is really a great shame!
However, hatred turns into hatred, now all the initiative is in Wang Lei's hands, Chen Aihua knows that what she can do now can be done according to Wang Lei's request...

Under the gaze of everyone in the room, the general manager of Chen's Jewelry Co., Ltd. slowly got up from the bed and knelt down in front of Wang Lei.

Lu Zixiong watched Chen Aihua's actions from the side, feeling powerless in his heart.

My woman is being humiliated like this now, but I have nothing to do with her. As the son of the leader of the Hai Gang, how have I ever been humiliated like this...

However, upon seeing the smile on Wang Lei's mouth, Lu Zixiong completely froze.

Although the farmer in front of him broke in alone and faced the six thugs he arranged alone, but the strength of this farmer was indeed terrifying. With a few simple moves, he controlled his elite bodyguards to the ground and pinched himself in his hands. ...

"You wait for me, sooner or later I will double the shame on you!"

Lu Zixiong looked at Wang Lei, with murderous intent emerging from the depths of his eyes.

"I'm sorry Grandpa, I know I was wrong, please forgive me."

At this moment, Chen Aihua's apology to Wang Lei rang in Lu Zixiong's ear.

There were 1 resentments in Chen Aihua's voice.

"Hehe, good granddaughter."

Wang Lei laughed out loud at Chen Aihua, "Chairman Chen, is this the first time you kneel down and call someone grandpa?"

Following Wang Lei's words, Chen Aihua's body shook violently as if bitten by a poisonous snake.

As the chairman of a listed company with a net worth of tens of billions, it is a great humiliation to kneel down in such a capacity, but now, he has to be sprinkled on the wound...

Looking up, looking at the smile on the corner of Wang Lei's mouth, although Chen Aihua harbored boundless killing intent, she didn't dare to do anything, and she didn't even have the thought of revealing her true inner feelings!
Catching the emotional fluctuations emanating from Chen Aihua, Wang Lei's eyes were full of coldness.

If it were someone else, I would definitely not humiliate him like this, but now this person is different, she is Chen Aihua, just because she coveted her talent, she sent someone to beat her seriously, and after she recovered, she came to the door to humiliate herself again .

This is an out-and-out femme fatale, Wang Lei told himself that the story of the farmer and the snake must never happen to him!
"Isn't it? Chairman Chen made a statement."

Just when Chen Aihua was thinking hard about how to reverse the situation in front of her, Wang Lei's voice rang again in the chairman's ear.

Seeing the smile on the corner of Wang Lei's mouth, and looking at the helpless people around him, Chen Aihua felt a sense of powerlessness in her heart that she had never felt before.

Even in the mall, it has never been so lackluster...

"I'm sorry, please let me go..."

"Also please have a lot of adults, don't be as knowledgeable as a person like me..."

Wang Lei listened to Chen Aihua's words, nodded in satisfaction, and said, "You are so good."

"Okay, granddaughter, you stay here, grandpa, I'm leaving now."

After finishing speaking, Wang Lei turned around and was about to go outside.

This action of his instantly stunned Chen Aihua, and her brain rang loudly. The reason why she kowtowed and apologized to Wang Lei for bearing this kind of humiliation was entirely because Wang Lei had filmed an indecent video of herself just now...

" deleted the video on your phone..."

Chen Aihua hurriedly got up and said to Wang Lei.

Wang Lei froze, turned around slowly and looked at Chen Aihua, and asked suspiciously, "Delete? Why?"

Chen Aihua: "Didn't you just say that as long as I agree to your conditions, you will delete the video..."

Wang Lei suddenly realized, and opened his mouth and said, "This is what you said, hehe, sorry, I have changed my mind now."

As Wang Lei said these words, Chen Aihua saw the mockery flashing in Wang Lei's eyes, which made Chen Aihua tremble all over.

Immediately afterwards, there was a bang in the brain, and the reaction came...

"'re lying to me..."

Chen Aihua hissed at Wang Lei.

"Haha, so what if I lie to you, do you dare to fight with me, grandpa?"

"I told you, the things between the two of us will never end, unless one of us falls down!"

After Wang Lei finished speaking, he ignored the chairman of Chen's Jewelry Co., Ltd., turned around, and walked out of the room.

Chen Aihua looked at Wang Lei's back until the other party disappeared around the corner of the door, and the chairman didn't react from the bewilderment just now.


Chen Aihua picked up the pillow beside her and slammed it on the wall, shame, this is a shame!

The dignified chairman of the board was being played around by a farmer!
"What are you still doing in a daze! Hurry up and get more people to come over, I'm going to cut this damned farmer to pieces!"

Chen Aihua turned her head and yelled at Lu Zixiong.

"Of course he has to die, but now he can no longer use the power of the gang."

The corner of Lu Zixiong's mouth showed a gloomy coldness, and he whispered to Chen Aihua.

Chen Aihua: "Why! Are you afraid of that farmer now!"

 Recommend the story of "The Strongest Farmer" leading farmers to get rich.

  On the omni-channel, limited free.


(End of this chapter)

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