Super peasants break into the city

Chapter 209 Difficulties

Chapter 209 Difficulties
Following Zhao Fei's words, Zhou Mei's eyebrows jumped twice.


This word popped up in Zhou Mei's mind instantly.

But thinking that Wang Lei is a villager in Wang Village, who earns his living by farming, how could a person like him who lives an ordinary life have enemies...

Could it be father!
Zhou Mei staggered two steps when she thought of this. However, remembering that her father told her not long ago that she wanted to have a good relationship with Wang Lei, and even directly signaled herself to make Wang Lei the son-in-law of Zhou's enterprise, Zhou Mei knew that this Zhou Fan would never have done this.

"Hehe, don't think about it, anyway, someone is framing Wang Lei, as long as there is evidence, it will be fine."

Just as Zhou Mei kept guessing in her mind, Zhao Fei's laughter sounded from beside her.

Zhou Mei's face turned down instantly, she looked back at the smile on Zhao Fei's face, and said dissatisfiedly: "Now that Wang Lei has encountered such a big thing, how can you still laugh!"

Zhao Fei shrugged her shoulders lightly, and said, "What if you don't laugh, do you want me to cry? This is not my style."

Seeing Zhou Mei's dissatisfaction grew even more after hearing her words, Zhao Fei shook her head involuntarily, worrying makes people easy to make mistakes.

Straightening his attitude, he said to Zhou Mei: "Okay, I won't tease you anymore. In fact, this is all what Wang Lei meant. I wanted to stop him just now, but Wang Lei hinted at me. I miss him. This should be to go deep into the tiger's den and find out who is behind his back."

After listening to Zhao Fei's explanation, Zhou Mei showed an expression of enlightenment. After thinking about it, she said: "But this is not okay. After all, that kind of place is not for good people to stay in. Since someone seriously injured Wang Lei on purpose, then Wang Lei's visit to the police station this time must definitely be done. More bad luck, I have to rescue him quickly."

"Well, you should quickly call Wu Fuhong and ask him to talk to the people at the police station."

Wu Fuhong has a detached position in Huahai City. If he finds out that something happened to Wang Lei, he will definitely take action with all his strength.

On Zhao Fei's side, after hearing Zhou Mei's explanation, she sighed and said, "Meier, Meier, you are usually quite calm, but now something happened to Wang Lei, look at you, you are in a hurry." What's it like, you don't like Wang Lei, do you?"

Following Zhao Fei's words, Zhou Mei's face turned red instantly.

The atmosphere on the body also changed.

"You... don't change the subject..."

At this time, Zhou Mei's voice had become unnatural.

Feeling Zhou Mei's emotional fluctuations, Zhao Fei sighed secretly, it seemed that she would definitely become a love rival with Zhou Mei in the future.

"Hehe, it is certain to save Wang Lei, but there is no need to be in a hurry. After all, Wang Lei has not yet arrived at the police station. If we rush to take action now, Wang Lei's goal will not be achieved. Let's do this. After an hour, I will notify Wu Lei Chairman, let him come forward to solve it, what do you think?"


Zhou Mei knew that it would take a while for Wang Lei to walk into the police station, and it would take a while to find out who was behind the attack. One hour was enough for Wang Lei.

"Everyone, I'm sorry, there was an accident just now, which made everyone laugh."

Zhao Fei saw that Zhou Mei had already stated her position, so she ignored Zhou Mei at the moment, and turned her head and said to the diners sitting in the hall.

There are so many people talking now, if these people are allowed to spread the story of what happened just now, it will definitely have an unimaginable catastrophic blow to Mei'er Hotel and even Wang Lei.

However, after Zhao Fei said those words, the reaction of the diners in the hall was beyond Zhao Fei's expectation.

"Don't worry, we believe that Manager Wang is a man. He must be innocent and must have been framed by others."

"Yes, Manager Wang is dedicated to being a human being, so why would he do something that violates the law..."

While talking, some people fixed their eyes on the members of the Sanlian Gang who worked as security for the Meier Hotel, "If Wang Lei is really a bad guy, then he will definitely not fight against the Sanlian Gang."

Listening to everyone's responses, Zhao Fei showed a gratified smile on the corner of her mouth.

"Wang Lei's support from the big guys is really a blessing he cultivated in his previous life. Thank you for your understanding."

Zhao Fei comforted the diners in the Meier Hotel, while in the office of the director of the Nanguan Police Station, Li Dayong looked at the screen displayed on the computer with a sad face.

In recent days, the city has been eyeing a criminal gang. Li Dayong originally wanted to arrange undercover agents to meet with the other party and attack them all at once, but the criminals were too cunning and cruel, and the people they sent out were injured one after another.

The case was at a standstill for a while.

"The other party obviously knows the undercover personnel here very well. It is really too difficult to find a candidate who has extraordinary skills and will not arouse the suspicion of criminals..."

At this moment, the door of Li Dayong's office was knocked lightly from outside.


Li Dayong stared at the computer screen and responded, "Come in."

A second later, a woman in a police uniform walked in from the outside and said, "Director Li, Wang Lei has brought it here now, do you want to go out and have a look now?"

The murder case some time ago also needs to be dealt with urgently. Now the person in charge of that case is not here for the time being. Li Dayong nodded and said, "Got it. You go out first, and I will go there later."

However, after Li Dayong finished speaking, the beautiful policeman still stood there.

"Jin Yue, do you have anything else to do?"

Li Dayong asked the policeman aloud.

Jin Yue stared at Li Dayong for a moment, nodded, and said, "Ju Li, I want to participate in an undercover mission..."

Before Jin Yue could finish speaking, Li Dayong's brows were already wrinkled, and he snorted, "I told you already, no! Although you won't arouse the suspicion of criminal gangs after putting on makeup, you are a Ladies, how can such a dangerous matter be entrusted to you, once the criminal gang becomes suspicious, your life will be seriously threatened without any foreign aid."

Jin Yue: "But..."

Li Dayong slapped the table heavily with his right hand, and said: "There is nothing good, I can't bet on the lives of my subordinates! I will find other candidates for this matter, so don't say any more."

Li Dayong turned off the computer, stood up from the chair, ignored Jin Yue, and walked directly outside.

At the same time, when Wang Lei walked into the police station, a man in handcuffs, under the escort of the police, walked into the police station with Wang Lei...

(End of this chapter)

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