Super peasants break into the city

Chapter 210 Someone Escaped

Chapter 210 Someone Escaped
Wang Lei noticed that even though the criminal was handcuffed and shackles, the police officers who escorted him were already acting as if they were facing an enemy.

The look is tense, and everyone is on alert.

"It seems that this is an individual's extraordinary skill."

Wang Lei muttered to himself, attracting the attention of the people around him.

Said: "That's for sure. We took a lot of effort to arrest this robber. He is as strong as a calf. If it weren't for a dozen of our colleagues who rushed up and knocked him down to the ground, he would have been arrested. There is no way to subdue him."

Wang Lei smiled lightly, and said: "It seems that you should be more careful, don't let him run away from here, otherwise, you will be in big trouble."

The policeman gave Wang Lei a blank look, and snorted, "You should take care of your own affairs. You dare to kill someone. If you tell the truth later, you might get a chance to be sentenced."

Wang Lei rubbed his chin and said with a smile, "I was wronged."

The officer nodded, "Well, I know."

Wang Lei regained his energy immediately, and said, "I admire you very much, you have a good eye, and you can see that I was wronged..."

Before Wang Lei could finish speaking, the police officer waved his hand impatiently, stared at Wang Lei as if looking at two hundred and five, and then sighed: "Every prisoner who came in said he was wronged."

These words made Wang Lei speechless for a moment.

At the same time, Li Dayong had already brought Jin Yue to the central hall. Looking at Wang Lei who was brought over, Li Dayong showed a smile on his face. If the murderer is caught, Li Dayong's black hat will be lost.

Unexpectedly, at this moment, a real-name report was received, which made Li Dayong particularly interested in this case.

When Li Dayong glanced at the people around him from the corner of his eye, he was instantly attracted by the felon who was narrating!

"You caught him!"

Li Dayong fixed his eyes on the serious prisoner, but he didn't expect that he was so lucky that he not only caught the murderer, but also arrested the robber. This made Li Dayong laugh again and again. Not only did Wu Shamao keep it, but he could also get rewards from above.

"Congratulations to Director Li, under your guidance, we have solved major cases one after another."

Jin Yue laughed out loud at Li Dayong.

Li Dayong said to the policeman who was escorting the felony criminal: "Okay, don't just stand here now, take him to the interrogation room quickly, and let him tell the truth about the other accomplices."

Although Li Dayong was excited because he solved two major cases in one day, Li Dayong also showed a refined ability at this time, suppressed the excitement in his heart, and gave instructions directly to the police officers who escorted the felons. You have to strike while the iron is hot and work hard to solve the case perfectly.

Standing by the side, Wang Lei saw Li Dayong's performance in his eyes, showing appreciation.

The bureau chief was so focused on his work that he would not accept the benefits of framing his own people as he had speculated on the road earlier. Li Dayong must have been deceived by the other party.

And the person who can make Li Dayong believe so firmly, the other party must have an unusual identity.

Thinking of this, Wang Lei recalled the people who were hostile to him, and a figure slowly appeared in his mind...

"Damn it! You can still laugh now?"

When Jin Yue noticed the emotional fluctuations emanating from Wang Lei, she froze instantly. She had seen an arrogant prisoner before, but she had never seen him so arrogant.

After entering the police station, he didn't realize it at all, as if he regarded this place for maintaining social justice as his back garden.

Wang Lei turned his head and looked at the woman with a S figure and a surging chest in front of him. He laughed lightly and said, "I was wronged by others. Now that I see such a good official like Li Dayong who is dedicated to serving the people, I know that the grievances in me It will be resolved soon, which is a good thing, so why can't I laugh?"

Li Dayong listened to Wang Lei's words and felt very useful.

Looking back at Wang Lei, he snorted and said, "Are you really framed? Do you think Lu Zixiong will frame you?"

Following Li Dayong's words, a smile appeared on the corner of Wang Lei's mouth.

This time he willingly followed the police to the police station in order to know who was seriously injuring him behind the scenes, and now Wang Lei knows from Li Dayong.

"Hehe, since you say I'm a murderer, when did I commit the crime? You have to give me a period of time to think about it, right?"

Li Dayong listened to Wang Lei's words, looked at the smile on the other's face, and was surprised. He had dealt with criminals thousands of times over the years, but he had never met such a different kind of person.

"A half month ago."

Li Dayong said to Wang Lei, "Think about it for yourself. If you want to confess truthfully, I can give you a chance to be sentenced, but if you dare to resist or have any hidden behavior, you will be punished by the law." severe punishment!"

In Li Dayong's words, Wang Lei nodded lightly, without any thought at all, and said to Li Dayong: "This matter, I was dealing with the chairman of Fuhong Group half a month ago, you can call him Give me a call, if possible, call him over to confront me face to face, that would be even better."

Wang Lei's words instantly attracted the attention of the people around him.

Everyone is staring at the farmer.

"Is he in contact with the chairman of Fuhong Group?"

"No way, his wealth..."

"How can a farmer have a relationship with the chairman of Fuhong Group? They are people from two different worlds..."

However, on Li Dayong's side, he became contemplative.

As a guardian of the law, he cannot judge anyone with colored glasses. From Wang Lei's attitude, Li Dayong knows that the other party has not deceived him.

"Jin Yue, please contact Fuhong Group and ask Wu Fuhong to come over."

Li Dayong turned his head and said to Jin Yue.

Wang Lei saw Li Dayong's behavior in his eyes, and smiled heartily. It is a blessing for the common people to have an upright person like him as the guardian of the law.

"Hehe, you two communicate first."

After Wang Lei finished speaking, he pulled a chair straight over and sat down as if no one else was there.

Everyone saw Wang Lei's performance in their eyes, and they were all shocked.

At the same time, the felon who had just been brought into the interrogation room suddenly broke free.

(End of this chapter)

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