Super peasants break into the city

Chapter 211 Consent Requirements

Chapter 211 Consent Requirements
Following Wu Fuhong's words, Li Dayong's face changed instantly, and he was a little stunned.

Regarding the matter of the whistleblower, there are express regulations. The information of the whistleblower must not be disclosed, and it must be kept strictly confidential.

But now, after Wu Fuhong came in, he directly revealed the identity of the whistleblower, which made Li Dayong subconsciously look back at the people around him.

It is suspected that someone in the bureau secretly reported to Wu Fuhong.

However, wherever Li Dayong looked, there were innocent expressions.

"Don't think about it, your subordinates didn't inform me at all."

Wu Fuhong saw the expression on Li Dayong's face, and said lightly: "Yesterday Lu Zixiong and someone went to the Ferrari 4S shop and had an unpleasant incident with Wang Lei. Now that Wang Lei has been framed, even if you think about it with your toes, you know it must be Lu Zixiong." Made tricks here."

"As for why Lu Zixiong wants to deal with Wang Lei, it has something to do with Chen Aihua, chairman of Donghai Chen's Jewelry Co., Ltd. Three years ago, Chen Aihua coveted Wang Lei's talent..."

In Wu Fuhong's explanation, Li Dayong quickly understood the details of the incident.

"Bastard! How dare you frame a good person!"

"I'm sorry, Wang Lei, I did something wrong and made you feel wronged..."

Li Dayong hurriedly walked up to Wang Lei and apologized, "I hope you can forgive me, I promise, I will definitely give you justice."

In Li Dayong's voice, Wang Lei shrugged his shoulders faintly. Li Dayong was bewitched by others in this matter from the beginning, no wonder he.Moreover, after this brief contact, Wang Lei found that Li Dayong was a good man and devoted himself to his duties.After learning that he was wronged, he was able to put down his body and admit his mistakes to himself, which won Wang Lei's great favor.

In today's society, it is precisely this kind of good officials who are dedicated to their duties to work for the welfare of the people.

"Hehe, since I've made it clear, Director Li doesn't need to take it to heart."

Wang Lei said lightly to Li Dayong.

"If there is nothing else, can I leave now?"

Lu Zixiong blatantly provoked himself and was able to do such a thing. If he knew that his goal had not been achieved, he would definitely continue to attack. Now he must go back and make comprehensive preparations.

But on Li Dayong's side, after hearing Wang Lei's words, his expression changed instantly.

Now that Wang Lei was framed, Li Dayong saw clearly Wang Lei's performance when he subdued the criminal. At that time, Li Dayong had the idea of ​​asking Wang Lei for help.

At this time, seeing that Wang Lei had already turned around, Li Dayong stopped him without any hesitation, and said, "Mr. Wang, there is something I would like to ask you..."

Wang Lei stopped in his tracks, turned around and looked at Li Dayong, and asked suspiciously, "What's the matter?"

Li Dayong walked up to Wang Lei and said, "Take a step to speak."

After entering the office, Li Dayong closed the door, and said directly to Wang Lei: "I want to trouble Mr. Wang with something. Now the bureau is encountering some difficulties, and we need Mr. Wang's skilled people. I want to ask Mr. Wang Make a deal with a criminal gang for us, and subdue the other party during the deal."

"Of course, I will definitely send someone to protect your personal safety..."

"Full protection? Hehe, this matter must be very dangerous, otherwise, Director Li wouldn't be looking for someone outside."

Wang Lei laughed out loud at Li Dayong, seeing the embarrassment on Li Dayong's face, Wang Lei shook his head and said, "Okay, just leave this matter to me, and tell me the time and place."

Li Dayong did not expect that Wang Lei would agree so happily.

He laughed happily at the moment.

Now with the help of Wang Lei, with his skills, the hope of subduing the leader of the criminal gang during the transaction is much higher.

"Tomorrow at ten o'clock in the morning, I will send someone to pick you up."

Wang Lei nodded and said, "Very well, that's it."

Li Dayong: "I know the predicament Mr. Wang is facing now, but don't worry, as long as you can help me complete this matter, I will definitely send someone to pay attention to your affairs, and I will never let anyone take the opportunity to attack your career. "

When Wang Lei agreed to Li Dayong just now, he was still a little worried about Chen Aihua's secret attack, but now, after hearing Li Dayong's words, Wang Lei's worries completely disappeared.

With the protection of the police, even Chen Aihua dared not do anything if she had the guts of a leopard.

"Then thank you Director Li."

Wang Lei said something politely to Li Dayong, then turned and walked outside.

At this time, a tall, delicate-looking woman saw Wang Lei coming out of Li Dayong's office, and hurriedly pressed You on the door that was about to close, pushed the door forward with her right hand, and walked straight in.

"What's with you?"

Li Dayong just sat down on the chair, when he saw Jin Yue walking in from the outside, he raised his head and asked suspiciously.

"Director Li, are you going to let Wang Lei take part in the action?"

Jin Yue looked at the smile on the corner of Li Dayong's mouth, and her heart skipped a beat. She has worked with Li Dayong for many years, and she knows Li Dayong's temperament very well. Whenever this person shows this kind of smile, it means that the difficulties in his eyes have been resolved. A solution has been found, or has been solved.

Although the homicide case has not been solved yet, the matter of the criminal gang is far more important than the homicide case. Just now, when Wang Lei subdued the felon, Jin Yue caught Li Dayong's eyes looking at Wang Lei. Now he knows The reason why Li Dayong is so happy is probably related to the criminal gang.


Under Jin Yue's gaze, Li Dayong smiled heartily.

"I know you have always wanted to participate in this operation, but you are a daughter's family after all, and your skills are far inferior to Wang Lei. If you want to dissuade me now, then there is no need. Now I have made up my mind."

After Li Dayong's words came out, Jin Yue hesitated to speak, feeling very unwilling, but there was nothing he could do. No one could change Li Dayong's decision.

"ok, I get it."

After a moment of silence, Jin Yue said this to Li Dayong.

Knowing that Jin Yue worked hard, Li Dayong shook his head and comforted him: "You will have a chance to perform in the future, so don't rush now, work hard, you have a bright future in the police station."

Jin Yue smiled wryly, she didn't care too much about the future of the police station, this woman just wanted to prove herself that women are not weaker than men.

(End of this chapter)

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