Chapter 212

"Well, I see. If there is nothing for me, then I will go back now."

After Jin Yue said this to Li Dayong, she turned around and walked outside.

At the same time, on Lu Zixiong's side, he had already received a call from his eyeliner, "Brother Lu, your plan did not succeed. Not only was Wang Lei's crime not confirmed, but he was also valued by Li Dayong, and he wanted to let him participate action."

Lu Zixiong became very angry when he heard the voice coming from the phone.

"Bastard, why did you let him turn over? Instead of seriously injuring him, you let him have a relationship with Li Dayong, shit!"

Chen Aihua was lying in Lu Zixiong's arms, cursing again and again, this is really a steal.

"What's the situation with Wang Lei now?"

Lu Zixiong ignored Chen Aihua's cursing, after thinking for a moment, he brought the phone to his mouth and asked aloud.

"Now that Wang Lei has returned to Sanping County, tomorrow morning, Li Dayong will arrange for people to make false appearances and let Wang Lei contact the criminal gang."

Following the voice on the phone, Lu Zixiong nodded slowly, a thought arose in his heart.

"Okay, pay more attention to Wang Lei's affairs, and let me know the latest situation as soon as possible."

After saying this, Lu Zixiong hung up the phone directly.

"Do you have a new plan?"

Sensing the emotional fluctuations coming from Lu Zixiong, Chen Aihua subconsciously raised her head and asked Lu Zixiong.

Lu Zixiong nodded and said: "Didn't you hear what was said on the phone just now? Tomorrow Li Dayong will create an opportunity for Wang Lei to join a criminal gang. According to my understanding of Li Dayong, he will definitely create the illusion that Wang Lei committed a crime. Let's It’s a good time to take advantage of this opportunity.”

Chen Aihua frowned, very puzzled by Lu Zixiong's words.

Doubtful voice asked: "Use? How to use it?"

Lu Zixiong laughed twice, and said: "You can't write articles on Wang Lei, so let's focus on Wang Lei's family. If they know that something happened to Wang Lei, what do you think they will do in a hurry?" What's your reaction?"

"Tomorrow, as long as Wang Lei participates in the action, that's when we take action."

After Lu Zixiong finished speaking, he got up and pressed Chen Aihua under him. After a while, the room was filled with voices one after another.

The bed board creaked.

After Wang Lei returned home from Meier Hotel, it was already late at night.

However, Wang Minghui hadn't fallen asleep yet. When Wang Lei tiptoed open the door, he happened to see Wang Minghui sitting on a chair with his eyes wide open.

"Dad, why are you still awake at this late hour?"

Seeing Wang Minghui's state in his eyes, Wang Lei felt warm in his heart, knowing that Wang Minghui hadn't slept so late because he was worried about himself.

"You can't get through on your cell phone. I'm worried that you haven't come back so late."

Wang Minghui showed a bright smile at Wang Lei.

The drowsiness just now seemed to have completely disappeared with Wang Lei's return.

"My phone was turned off just now."

"Okay, let's go back to the house and sleep."

Wang Lei walked up to Wang Minghui and smiled lightly. He and Wang Minghui had been dependent on each other for so many years. In Wang Lei's eyes, Wang Minghui was everything to him. In the past, he didn't let his father enjoy a day of happiness. Now that he is getting better, he must be filial to him. Only the father can.

Don't let yourself have any regrets.

"alright, I got it."

Wang Minghui smiled at Wang Lei, yawned, turned around and walked towards the inner room.

Wang Lei returned to the room where he slept, sat on the bed, and continued to practice Shennong Baodian.

Now with the development of his career, the cultivation of Shennong’s Collection has been pulled down a lot, but Wang Lei didn’t notice that when he was practicing, when the energy of Shennong’s Collection flowed through the heart, there There is always a hazy multicolored glow.

If you look carefully, you can find that in Xiaguang, there is an exquisitely shaped jade pendant appearing and disappearing, devouring the supernatural power in Wang Lei's body.

In the early morning of the next day, just as Wang Lei finished washing, Li Dayong had already found Wang Lei.

"It looks like Li Ju, you didn't sleep last night."

Looking at the bloodshot eyes of Li Dayong, Wang Lei joked.

"Hey, there is no way. In order for you to successfully connect with the criminal gang, I made a detailed plan with my subordinates overnight. By the way, are you alone at home?"

When Li Dayong said this, he asked Wang Lei, and at the same time, his eyes scanned the surrounding courtyard.

After Wang Lei left the bureau yesterday, Li Dayong asked someone to investigate Wang Lei. Unexpectedly, Wang Lei's net worth is now 10,000+, but the living conditions at home are still so simple.

This made Li Dayong admire him. There are very few people like Wang Lei who can always maintain a simple style.

"My dad went to the fish pond after dinner, and now I'm alone at home."

"Sit down and eat something now?"

In Wang Lei's words, Li Dayong shook his head and smiled wryly. How can he still be in the mood to eat now? Work is important.

"Okay, hurry up and eat, and follow me after you finish eating."

Wang Lei nodded, "Well, I don't care about you."

Li Dayong stood beside him, watching Wang Lei eating slowly, feeling speechless in his heart, he had already explained the matter to Wang Lei in detail yesterday, and now that it was at this juncture, this guy could still eat with patience, "Hey……"

Li Dayong could only smile wryly.

A few minutes later, Li Dayong saw that Wang Lei had finally finished eating, and he didn't let Wang Lei clean up the dishes, so he hurriedly said, "Okay, don't waste your time here, I beg you, okay, time is running out, If the plan we worked so hard to formulate yesterday is delayed, it will be very difficult to get in touch with the criminal gang, so act quickly."

Feeling the emotional fluctuations coming from Li Dayong, Wang Lei smiled wryly and agreed.

Then he followed behind Li Dayong and walked directly outside.

"This is the detailed information of the criminal gang. You should read it quickly and write it down. You must not reveal any telltale signs. Those people are all murderers. If you are careless, your life will be in danger."

Sitting in the driver's seat, Li Dayong took out a stack of documents while speaking and handed them to Wang Lei.

Wang Lei took the file, opened it and read it carefully.Li Dayong let the criminal gangs he contacted be responsible for many murders, and acted extremely cautiously, and many people have already lost their lives.

Wang Lei's task is to contact the leader of the criminal gang and subdue him.

(End of this chapter)

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