Chapter 213 was pitted

After reading the information, Wang Lei had a detailed understanding of the criminal gang.

The reason why Li Dayong asked him to participate in the operation was entirely because of his own skills. When dealing with criminal gangs, he was going deep behind the enemy's rear and could not get any assistance. He could only rely on himself.

"This is information about the criminal gang Zhao Hong. After reading it, act within half an hour."

While Li Dayong was speaking, he handed a red leather document to Wang Lei.

While Wang Lei was flipping through the documents, Chen Aihua was already heading towards Wang Village with people.

Half an hour later, Li Dayong started to implement the plan and successfully sent Wang Lei into the criminal gang. On Chen Aihua's side, he had already arrived at Wang Lei's home.

"It's you!"

When Wang Minghui saw the face of the person who came, his face turned cold instantly. He couldn't understand this woman very well, and he cursed Chen Aihua all the time.

"Hehe, don't get me wrong, I'm here to tell you something, I'm thinking of your son, if you don't want to see me, then I can leave now, but you don't regret it. "

When Chen Aihua said this, Wang Minghui's expression changed instantly, and he was particularly concerned about Wang Lei's affairs.

Seeing that Chen Aihua really turned around to go outside after finishing speaking, Wang Minghui rushed to Chen Aihua without any hesitation, almost like a conditioned reflex, and said, "What happened to Wang Lei?"

Following Wang Minghui's words, a sneer appeared in Chen Aihua's eyes.


Chen Aihua laughed in her heart.

Sighing at Wang Minghui, he greeted the people around him, took out a small video camera from his satchel, handed it to Wang Minghui, and said, "Wang Lei has been arrested by the police now, this is evidence."

"Although some unpleasant things happened between me and Wang Lei, no matter what, I have worked with him for several years, and I can't just sit and watch him fall into a situation where he cannot be restored..."

In Chen Aihua's words, Wang Minghui had already received the camera in his hands, and after just a little inspection, his whole face became unnatural.

The body trembled.

" is this possible..."

On the camera screen, Wang Lei was escorted by the police in shackles.

Almost instantly, Wang Minghui felt his life collapse.

Standing by the side, Chen Aihua saw the panic on Wang Minghui's face, and slowly sneered at the corner of her mouth.

"I didn't expect Wang Lei to do such a thing, but no matter how much grievances I had with him before, he is still my employee and the talent I value most. Now that such a big thing happened to him, we Absolutely cannot sit idly by."

"If you want to keep Wang Lei, I have a way..."

While Chen Aihua was talking to Wang Minghui, those people brought by Chen Aihua snickered one after another.

"Look, Chairman Chen is really powerful. If you follow the temptation carefully, it's impossible for this old guy not to take the bait."

"Hehe, Wang Lei is not at home now, Wang Minghui will definitely be fooled if he is in a hurry."

At this moment, Wang Minghui fell into a complete panic. It was clear from the video that his son was taken away by the police. Now Wang Minghui only thought about how to rescue Wang Lei.

"Chairman Chen, what can you do to tell me quickly, as long as my son can be rescued, I will definitely do it."

Following Wang Minghui's words, Chen Aihua's eyes revealed a ferocious smile, as if she had already stepped on Wang Lei, but on this woman's face, there was already a look of sympathy.

Sighing at Wang Minghui, he said, "I have someone I know in the police station. After learning about what happened to Wang Lei, I contacted him as soon as possible. The other party agreed to rescue Wang Lei, but he set a condition."

After Chen Aihua finished speaking to this point, she stopped talking, but quietly waited for Wang Minghui's response.

The people standing around, although they were all subordinates brought by Chen Aihua, saw Wang Minghui being manipulated by Chen Aihua, and they all felt sympathy.

Constantly shaking his head and sighing.

On Wang Minghui's side, seeing that Chen Aihua stopped talking, he hurriedly asked: "As long as my son can be rescued, I will agree to whatever conditions the other party has. Chairman Chen, don't delay any longer." , speak quickly."

Chen Aihua feigned embarrassment, sighed heavily, and said, "If this is the case, then I will tell you the truth. The condition offered by the other party is 100 million."

Wang Minghui: "..."

I was stunned for a moment, 100 million, so far, the money Wang Lei has earned is exactly 100 million.

Looking at the expression on Chen Aihua's face, Wang Minghui instantly thought whether the other party was deceiving him?
"Well, I'll go to the house now and get the money."

After Wang Minghui threw these words at Chen Aihua, he hurriedly turned around and walked towards the sleeping room. After entering the room, he stood at the corner of the window and looked at Chen Aihua sitting outside through the glass. Take out your phone and dial Wang Lei's number.

The next second later, Wang Lei's mobile phone was turned off, and the sound came from the phone.

This made Wang Minghui's heart skip a beat. He could no longer maintain his composure, and his whole body was overwhelmed by panic.Wang Minghui fully charged Wang Lei's mobile phone last night. Under such circumstances, Wang Lei's mobile phone will definitely not shut down due to insufficient power as yesterday.

Listening to the shutdown prompt voice on the phone, Wang Minghui couldn't maintain his composure.

He hurried to the bed, lifted the quilt, and took out a China Construction Bank card under the quilt.

Then he hurriedly ran outside.

"Chairman Chen, there is 100 million in this bank card, you hold it, and please help me rescue Wang Lei no matter what, even if you let me make a fool of myself."

Seeing the eagerness and panic on Wang Minghui's face, Chen Aihua sneered secretly in her heart.

Now Wang Lei's career development is inseparable from money, taking away the 100 million will cut off Wang Lei's development path.

If Wang Lei is attacked secretly in the future, he will never have another chance to stand up!

"Well, I'll contact the other party now... Oh, I dropped my bag on the floor, please bend over and pick it up for me."

Chen Aihua deliberately threw the satchel in her hand on the ground, and said to Wang Minghui.

The people standing around felt extremely sympathetic towards Wang Minghui at this moment.

Not to mention being humiliated by Chen Aihua, it is really pitiful to be humiliated by Chen Aihua now.

Everyone shook their heads, feeling unbearable. Some wanted to tell Wang Minghui the truth, but when they saw the coldness in Chen Aihua's eyes, they stopped instantly.

(End of this chapter)

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