Chapter 214
Wang Minghui saw the sneer in Chen Aihua's eyes, and knew that what happened just now was deliberately done by Chen Aihua, but now Wang Minghui wanted to ask Chen Aihua to help him rescue Wang Lei, so he could only suppress the anger in his heart .

Under the gaze of everyone, he bent over and picked up the satchel that Chen Aihua had left on the ground.

Chen Aihua saw Wang Minghui's actions in her eyes, as if she had won a battle, she was extremely excited.

"Hey, brother Liu, now Wang Lei's father has agreed to the conditions you set out, please hurry up and help Wang Lei..."

Chen Aihua held the mobile phone to her mouth and pretended to speak, but the call was not dialed at all.

"Well, well, I'll let him wait for the news at home."

After saying this, Chen Aihua 'hanged up' the phone, turned her head and said to Wang Minghui, "Now you can rest assured, the other party has already started to rescue Wang Lei, and Wang Lei will come back safe and sound within three days."

"Now I have other things to deal with, so I won't stay here anymore, let's go first."

After Chen Aihua finished speaking, she turned around and walked outside.

When Chen Aihua got into the car, an abrupt voice sounded from inside, "How's the matter?"

Chen Aihua stared at Lu Zixiong, with a smile on her face, she was not in a hurry to answer, but sat in the carriage and closed the door with her hand.

Looking at Wang Minghui standing at the door through the car window, Chen Aihua showed a bright smile on the corner of her mouth, and said to Lu Zixiong: "This kind of idiot is really easy to fool, just a few words, he believes everything is true, look, he Give me all of Wang Lei's wealth."

While speaking, Chen Aihua had already handed the China Construction Bank card to Lu Zixiong.

"Hey, I thought I'd have to work hard with this old bastard Wang Minghui. I didn't expect him to be so easy to fool. I just showed him the synthesized video. Guess what?"

When Chen Aihua finished speaking, the smile on her face became wider, and before Lu Zixiong could speak, the woman opened her mouth and said, "This old man Wang Minghui is only thinking about getting Wang Lei out, just now I deliberately threw the satchel away. Let him pick it up on the ground, Wang Minghui didn't even fart, just picked it up for me... You didn't see that situation just now, it was so satisfying!"

Amid Chen Aihua's laughter, Lu Zixiong shook his head secretly, disapproving of Chen Aihua's behavior of humiliating a country bumpkin by lowering her figure.

"Okay, now that we have taken all of Wang Lei's funds, let's go now."

After Lu Zixiong said this calmly to the driver, he closed his eyes.

The joy of taking the opportunity to hit Wang Lei completely disappeared in Lu Zixiong's heart following what Chen Aihua said to humiliate Wang Minghui just now.

At the same time, on Wang Minghui's side, watching Chen Aihua's vehicle drive out of the village, he sat powerlessly on the ground.

"Wang Lei, Wang Lei, what did you do out of the ordinary, why did you end up like this!"

While Wang Minghui was talking to himself in pain, a figure quickly walked towards Wang Minghui from a distance. Looking at Wang Minghui, who was slumped on the ground, the other party's expression changed, and he hurriedly asked, "What happened? What happened to you?" What are you doing?"

Wang Minghui looked up at the middle-aged man who appeared in sight, sighed heavily, and said, "Brother, something happened to Wang Lei now..."

Wang Minghui told Wang Yangtian what happened just now in detail.

"Oh! Why are you so confused, who is Chen Aihua, how can you deal with her! Don't forget how that femme fatale seriously injured Wang Lei three years ago..."

"I think there must be something wrong here. In this way, you call Huang Fei and ask him to ask the chairman of Fuhong Group. Let him go and see Wang Lei's current situation. I will give it to Meier Hotel now. Manager Zhou called, let's act quickly."

In Wang Yangtian's words, Wang Minghui nodded heavily, then hurriedly stood up from the ground and ran towards the fish pond.

When Wang Minghui found Huang Fei and told the details of what happened just now, on Wang Lei's side, he had already exchanged fire with Zhao Hong, the leader of the criminal gang.

"I didn't expect that those people would dare to make trouble for me after losing some hands in my hands. If I hadn't been hiding something from others, I really have no way to know your real identity now!"

Zhao Hong has now asked his younger brother to surround Wang Lei in groups.

Looking at the people around, Wang Lei's gaze did not change at all. Others can't face these people, but Wang Lei can, because Wang Lei possesses supernatural powers, and Shennong Baodian has already cultivated to the second level.

Strength, speed, and responsiveness are far comparable to ordinary people.

"It doesn't matter. Now that you know my identity, it's good. Then I can compete with you in an upright manner, so that I won't insult my honorable title."

Following Wang Lei's words, Zhao Hong was taken aback, his brows furrowed instantly, and his eyes were fixed on Wang Lei.

The man's demeanor was so calm that it started to scare people.

Compared with the people sent by Li Dayong before, they are no longer at the same level.

For a while, Zhao Hong put away his contempt for Wang Lei, sneered, and said, "Want to compete with me? Hehe, you don't have the qualifications yet! Come on, let me control him!"

Zhao Hong said coldly to the younger brothers who surrounded Wang Lei, and then took two steps back.

"Hehe, boy, you are courting death when you come here!"

"We'll show you what happens to your arrogance!"

"Wait a minute and see if you can be more arrogant..."

Those criminals continued to sneer, holding various weapons in their hands, and attacked Wang Lei.

"Haha, this person turned out to be a braggart, not good at skills, but now he is too scared to move."

An abrupt voice sounded beside Zhao Hong.

But on Zhao Hong's side, the brows were furrowed even deeper. He had his own reasons for being able to get to this point. At this moment, Zhao Hong felt a dangerous signal from Wang Lei.

Before Zhao Hong opened his mouth to reprimand the short-sighted younger brother, Wang Lei saw the machete that was about to fall on him, and he already made a move.

One punch!
Everyone saw Wang Lei move his right hand, and a second later, the machete in the hand of the person closest to Wang Lei was not only taken away by Wang Lei, but also flew backwards in the opposite direction.

The whole process happened in an instant, leaving no time for thinking.


The atmosphere in the field changed instantly, and there were exclamations everywhere.

(End of this chapter)

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