Super peasants break into the city

Chapter 215 Complete the mission

Chapter 215 Complete the mission
In Zhao Hong's eyes, he had some disdain for Wang Lei before. After all, this person was facing a group of desperadoes alone, but now, with Wang Lei's attack, Zhao Hong has instantly admired Wang Lei.

With one move, it is possible to fly people out, what kind of terrifying strength is this?

At this time, Zhao Hong also understood why Wang Lei was so calm after he exposed Wang Lei's identity.

"If you don't want to die, you can all stand where I am, and don't move. Otherwise, I don't mind killing you all one by one."

Just when Zhao Hong was terrified, Wang Lei's sneer had already reached the criminal gang leader's ears.

The criminals who had surrounded Wang Lei before had already panicked after seeing Wang Lei's fierce attacking moves. At this time, when they heard Wang Lei's words, they all retreated subconsciously.

Standing in the narration, Zhao Hong saw the performance of these people, and frowned instantly.

Although Zhao Hong also felt calm about Wang Lei's skill, but now, Zhao Hong knew that he had to make a move, otherwise, his subordinates would disperse in a rush, and the fighting power would be directly destroyed by Wang Lei alone.

"Grass! A bunch of waste, what are you doing for food!"

Zhao Hong growled at the people around him, stretched out his hand to grab the machete from the younger brother, and looked straight at Wang Lei.

"Boy, for the sake of your skill, I will give you a chance to join me. Otherwise, I will prevent you from walking out of this door!"

Amid Zhao Hong's low growl, Wang Lei shrugged his shoulders lightly and said, "Working with criminals? Hehe, nonsense. If you want to do something, do it quickly, or else, I will do it."

Listening to Wang Lei's words, Zhao Hong realized that the person in front of him was not a kind person at all, and it was impossible to keep him by his side.

"Hehe, since you are so crazy, then I want to see how capable you are!"

Zhao Hong let out a low growl, and without making any unnecessary movements, he directly attacked Wang Lei with the machete in his hand.

"Boy, being able to die under my knife is a blessing you cultivated in your previous life..."

Zhao Hong moved the saber quickly, and with a flash of the saber's light, it was already in front of Wang Lei. Zhao Hong was full of confidence in this extremely fast and powerful knife.

However, before he could finish speaking, the broad knife that was cutting straight towards Wang Lei's eyebrows suddenly turned around quickly and cut obliquely from Wang Lei's side.


Immediately afterwards, before Zhao Hong could react, there was already a heart-piercing roar from the direction where the machete fell, and Zhao Hong's little brother fell into a pool of blood.

The predecessor had already been cut open by a machete.


The change in the blink of an eye made Zhao Hong stunned for a moment. Just now, he thought he could kill Wang Lei with a single blow, but now, the one who died was actually his subordinate!

"Hehe, it seems that your sword skills are not good, you don't have any accuracy at all."

Wang Lei looked at Zhao Hong who was stunned, and laughed out loud.

"Is this saber technique learned from your teacher's wife?"

Amidst Wang Lei's cynicism, Zhao Hong had a different feeling in his heart. Regarding the change in the blink of an eye, it was not because of his poor sword skills, but because Wang Lei's hand speed was too fast!
When the machete was about to fall on Wang Lei's eyebrows, Wang Lei blocked it with his right hand on the back of the knife, which changed the trajectory of the blade.

Almost instantly, Zhao Hong no longer dared to underestimate Wang Lei, and panic arose in his heart.

The body backed up subconsciously.

However, Wang Lei didn't give the criminal any extra time at all. Taking advantage of the panic of the other party, he moved his feet and quickly bullied him forward.

Like preying on a cheetah, it attacked Zhao Hong.

Wang Lei punched Zhao Hong with a hammer.


Accompanied by Wang Lei's action, there was a muffled groan from Zhao Hong's side, and immediately after, the burly middle-aged man rose up like a scarecrow, and flew backwards backwards.

Until Zhao Hong fell heavily on the ground, the whole process took only a blink of an eye.


"He's the devil!"

"He's not human, run away..."

"The devil is coming!"

The people who were still full of expectations for Zhao Hong were in an uproar at this moment, they couldn't keep calm, they panicked and ran away one after another.

Looking at the actions of those people, Wang Lei shook his head secretly. The tree fell, the monkeys scattered, and without Zhao Hong, these people were just soldiers and generals.

With a sneer, Wang Lei withdrew his gaze from those people and looked down at Zhao Hong.

At this time, Zhao Hong was bleeding from the corner of his mouth and his face was pale. He was in unbearable pain when Wang Lei punched his lower abdomen just now.

"If you let me go, I can give you 100 million!"

Seeing Wang Lei walking in front of him, Zhao Hong hurriedly shouted.

"200 million!"

"500 million!"

During Zhao Hong's rapid price increase, Wang Lei sighed: "I really can't resist such an attractive price..."

"Zhao Hong became excited in an instant, and hurriedly said: "As long as you let me go, I will give you 700 million..."

However, before Zhao Hong finished speaking, the excitement in his heart stopped.

Wang Lei stepped on Zhao Hong's chest, and spat in a cold voice: "Put away your stinky money, don't think that you can do whatever you want if you have money in this world. With me, no matter how much money you have Money, that won't make me tempted either!"

"Letting go of a scum like you is to endanger more people."

Feeling the heavy feeling of the mountain on his chest, Zhao Hong was completely overwhelmed.

It is possible to bribe others with money, but it is impossible to bribe Wang Lei.

"Think about the facts of your crime. If you tell the truth to the police, you can get a chance to be sentenced. Otherwise, no one will be able to help you."

Wang Lei snorted coldly at Zhao Hong, and then directly lifted the leader of the criminal gang from the ground.

Half an hour later, Li Dayong looked at Wang Lei holding Zhao Hong in his hand like a chicken, and his whole body was instantly messed up.

According to the plan, Wang Lei needs to stay undercover in the criminal gang for a period of time, and then take action against Zhao Hong after finding a suitable opportunity.But now, only a few hours have passed since Wang Lei successfully broke into the criminal gang, and Wang Lei actually brought Zhao Hong here...

"This... so fast..."

"Did I have an illusion that this farmer arrested Zhao Hong so quickly?"

"Hey, what our colleagues haven't done for several months, is now done by a farmer in just two or three hours..."

Seeing Wang Lei throw Zhao Hong on the ground like a dead dog, the people in the police station were shocked instantly.

(End of this chapter)

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