Super peasants break into the city

Chapter 216 Direct Hands

Chapter 216 Direct Hands
"Brother Wang, do you need to call now?"

The moment the phone was connected, there was already a flattering voice from the leader of the Sanlian Gang.

Wang Lei told the head of Sanlian Gang about Chen Aihua's license plate number, and said, "Find out the location of this car for me within five minutes!"

Gao Mingyu heard anger from Wang Lei's voice, nodded his head hastily, and said, "Okay, tell Brother Wang your result within 3 minutes."

After saying this, Gao Mingyu hung up the phone in a hurry, and then quickly gave instructions to many members of the gang.

Since the Sanlian Gang was subdued by Wang Lei, it has completely changed its appearance. Some gang members work in the Meier Hotel, some work for Wang Lei in Wang Village, and others enter their respective fields to carry out different jobs. .

Following Gao Mingyu's order, the entire Sanping County felt like an earthquake, and wherever there were people, busy figures could be seen.

Two minutes later, Gao Mingyu told Wang Lei where Chen Aihua was.

"Brother Wang, do you need my help?"

Gao Mingyu asked Wang Lei directly.

Ever since the leader of the Sanlian Gang followed Wang Lei, he was deeply influenced by Wang Lei's deeds and words, and regretted what he had done. Now, Gao Mingyu has made up his mind to follow Wang Lei's side and start a new life.

"No need, just stay at Mei'er Hotel and help out. I can handle this matter myself."

Wang Lei said a few words to Gao Mingyu on the phone, then threw the phone on the passenger seat next to him, started the car, and drove towards the suburbs of Sanping County.

"Dare to fight against me, court death!"

Wang Lei let out a cold snort, and stepped on the gas pedal to the bottom.

At the same time, on Li Dayong's side, the bureau chief sat in the office and watched his subordinates bring the investigation results about Chen's Jewelry Co., Ltd. to him one after another, his eyes constantly changing.

In the eyes of outsiders, Chen's Jewelry Co., Ltd. is a benevolent enterprise, but now Li Dayong looked at the investigation results of Chen's Jewelry Co., Ltd., and slapped the information on the table heavily.

"I really didn't expect this to be a beast in wolf's clothing! If she hadn't had a conflict with Wang Lei, I really didn't know there was such a bastard in the world!"

"Find out the location of that old mess! Now I'll go find her!"

Li Dayong quickly gave instructions to his subordinates in front of him.

When asking Wang Lei to help deal with criminal gangs, Li Dayong once offered to help Wang Lei maintain his career, but Chen Aihua dared to violate his bottom line during this period of time, which made Li Dayong full of hatred for Chen Aihua.


After Jin Yue said this respectfully to Li Dayong, she turned around and walked outside.

When this capable policeman used the system to investigate Chen Aihua's location, Wang Lei drove the Ferrari-F12berlinetta into the suburban area of ​​Sanping County. According to Gao Mingyu's investigation results, he quickly turned around at the intersection and drove west.

A few minutes later, when Wang Lei approached the abandoned factory, he saw Chen Aihua's car.

Stepping on the accelerator, the Ferrari-F12berlinetta rushed towards Chen Aihua's car like a cannonball.

Almost in the blink of an eye, the car was forced to stop.


Chen Aihua was originally sitting leisurely in the car, but she didn't expect that the car that was running smoothly suddenly braked suddenly, and Chen Aihua staggered and hit the back of the passenger seat directly.

"Bastard, how do you drive a car!"

Chen Aihua immediately yelled at the driver, but when she noticed the car blocking in front, Chen Aihua frowned instantly.

And on Lu Zixiong's side, there was also anger on his face. As the son of the leader of the Hai Gang, how had he ever been stopped by someone?

"What are you still doing in a daze, let me go out and have a look!"

Lu Zixiong yelled at the driver.

However, the second after Lu Zixiong finished his speech, the Ferrari-F12berlinetta, which was intercepting in front, suddenly opened the car door, and a farmer wearing a big vest instantly appeared in the sight of Lu Zixiong and Chen Aihua.

The two looked shocked.

Subconsciously turned around to take a look, then laughed out loud.

"Hehe, it turned out to be this wretch, he came quite quickly."

"Go, go down and have a look."

During the conversation, Chen Aihua was the first to open the car door and walked out.

"Why, rushing up now, are you going to kowtow to apologize to my old lady?"

Holding the China Construction Bank card she got from Wang Minghui in her hand, Chen Aihua laughed loudly at Wang Lei.

Lu Zixiong got out of the car, stood beside Chen Aihua, fixed his eyes on Wang Lei, and also opened his mouth to laugh.

"Although this 100 million is a small number that cannot be lowered in my eyes, it is an astronomical figure in your eyes. The money you earned from working early and late is now in my hands. Did you come up to get the money back?"

"Hehe, no problem, as long as you kneel on the ground and kowtow to Lao Tzu three times, as long as you make Lao Tzu happy, I may return the money to you."

Amidst Lu Zixiong's big laugh, watching Wang Lei slowly walk in front of him, and really bent down as he said, this made Lu Zixiong's laughter even more ferocious and arrogant.

"Did you see, this person really kneels down to me!"

"It's not too bad, just like a dog for money, begging for mercy in front of the master..."

"My surname is Wang, I am against my old lady. You don't have that ability yet. Now you are considered sensible. Kneel down for my old lady!"

Chen Aihua laughed at Wang Lei, but on Wang Lei's side, there was a hint of coldness on the corner of her mouth, and she raised her eyes to look at Chen Aihua, who was full of fat.

"Let me kneel? I'm afraid you can't bear it?"

A simple sentence, matched with Wang Lei's facial expression without any emotional fluctuations, made Chen Aihua's heart skip a beat.

Along with Lu Zixiong, there was also a burst of panic in my heart.

The farmer in front of him had no way of seeing what was going on in his heart.

"I can't bear it?"

Chen Aihua frowned, her eyes fixed on Wang Lei's movements.

"Yes, you can't bear it."

Wang Lei smiled faintly at Chen Aihua, and then, the body that had already bent down suddenly leaned forward, swung out his right hand, and punched directly on Chen Aihua's chin.

A sound of bones breaking came from Chen Aihua's jaw.

The smile on the face of the chairman of Chen's Jewelry Co., Ltd. just now froze instantly with Wang Lei's action.

Immediately afterwards, Chen Aihua's complexion became extremely painful, and a howling sound like killing a pig came from the mouth of this femme fatale.

(End of this chapter)

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