Super peasants break into the city

Chapter 217 Vicious Woman

Chapter 217 Vicious Woman
It hurts, it hurts like hell!
Chen Aihua never expected that Wang Lei would dare to do something to her in this situation.

But now, Chen Aihua no longer thinks too much about Wang Lei's matter. At this time, the only thought of the chairman of Chen's Jewelry Co., Ltd. is to quickly find a hospital and have her chin plugged.

On Lu Zixiong's side, seeing Chen Aihua's painful expression, he rolled his Adam's apple twice, swallowing the dry saliva in his throat.

"you you……"

Lu Zixiong has seen a ruthless character before, but he has never seen Wang Lei so ruthless that he fights at the slightest disagreement?
Does this person have the word 'fear' in his dictionary?
"Me? What's wrong with me?"

Seeing Lu Zixiong's trembling expression, Wang Lei laughed out loud.

But it made the driver standing next to him stand still, not daring to make the slightest movement.

The movement in his hand stopped abruptly in the air, and he took two steps back subconsciously.


Just now I thought the farmer would be at a disadvantage, so the driver dared to attack Wang Lei, but now, Wang Lei is not at a disadvantage, he just pretended to be so aggressive!
Under the watchful eyes of the driver, Wang Lei stepped in front of Lu Zixiong, laughed aloud, and continued: "I asked you a question, but you should answer it."

Before Lu Zixiong could react from the incident just now, Wang Lei had already punched Lu Zixiong in the lower abdomen.

In an instant, the son of the leader of the Hai Gang curled up on the ground, his face was pale, and beads of sweat the size of soybeans appeared.

"In the end what you want!"

Lu Zixiong held back the severe pain in his body, and asked Wang Lei aloud.

The arrogant look of the son of the Hai Gang leader just now disappeared without a trace after being punched by Wang Lei on his weakness.

"What do I want? Haha, what a joke, I don't want to care about scum like you two, but you two are still stepping on your nose, and you dare to spread rumors while I am helping Li Dayong perform a mission , go to Lao Tzu's house to cheat, it's quite powerful."

In Wang Lei's voice, Lu Zixiong's body trembled unceasingly.

"It doesn't matter if you're having fun, now it's my turn to play, how about this, since you are the son of the leader of the Hai Gang, I don't want your dog's life, I will kneel on the ground and knock my head three times , calling Grandpa, maybe as long as I am happy, I will let you go."

Following Wang Lei's words, Lu Zixiong suddenly had the urge to vomit blood.

Humiliation, naked humiliation!
Just now I humiliated Wang Lei with such words and tone, unexpectedly, in the blink of an eye, such words of humiliating Wang Lei fell on my own head.

"How about it, do you still want to think about it?"

Wang Lei smiled at Lu Zixiong, and at the same time, punched Lu Zixiong again.

It's still the same position, the same technique, but the difference is that the strength in Wang Lei's hands has increased a bit at this time.Punching on Lu Zixiong's weakness made Lu Zixiong feel a heart-piercing pain.

Every cell in the body seemed to be roasted on the fire.

It also seemed that the limbs were being tied up and pulled by a horse.

"Grandpa... I'm sorry... I was wrong..."

Lu Zixiong was completely depressed. Facing Wang Lei, the son of the leader of the Hai Gang felt a deep sense of powerlessness in his heart. This farmer was really terrifying, even more ruthless than the members of the gang.

Going against this kind of person is completely courting death.

"Hey, that's right, so cute."

Wang Lei smiled at Lu Zixiong, then turned his head and looked at Chen Aihua, "My Chairman Chen, how about you?"

Chen Aihua was startled, she didn't expect that it would be her turn so soon.


Looking at Lu Zixiong who was kneeling in front of Wang Lei, Chen Aihua felt a sense of frustration. When it comes to strength, she relied entirely on Lu Zixiong to deal with Wang Lei, but now, Lu Zixiong had kowtowed to Wang Lei and begged for mercy. I dare not show it.

"I'm sorry, grandpa... I was wrong, I shouldn't offend you, and please grandpa, you have a lot of adults, don't care about people like me..."

Chen Aihua knelt in front of Wang Lei, her head hit the ground heavily.

Although what she said was sincere, Chen Aihua really wanted to take advantage of Wang Lei's unpreparedness and kill Wang Lei at this time, but she thought that if she really did this and didn't kill Wang Lei, then she would be in a precarious situation.

But at this moment, a hurried alarm bell sounded suddenly from a distance.

Chen Aihua was stunned, and subconsciously turned her head to look to the right, only to see a police car driving towards here quickly.

This made Chen Aihua show a cold look in the depths of her eyes, and she squinted at Wang Lei.

When the police car approached, a person in police uniform rushed out of the police car and said, "Don't move!"

Chen Aihua hurriedly got up from the ground, rushed to the policeman, and cried, "Help, this man robbed me in broad daylight and beat me up, arrest him quickly!"

Wang Lei listened to Chen Aihua's words, and instantly became cold.

Seeing Chen Aihua begging for mercy just now, Wang Lei already felt compassion for Chen Aihua, and wanted to write off all the past grievances, but now listening to Chen Aihua's words, Wang Lei clenched his fists.


Chen Aihua noticed the movement on Wang Lei's side, turned her head and sneered, and said in a low voice: "The injury on my body is the best evidence, now the facts are in front of you, you are finished!"

"When you get to the detention center, I will make you pay a heavy price for what you did just now!"

"Hehe, I think you heard it wrong, my people told you not to move, not Wang Lei."

Just when Chen Aihua was thinking about how to cut Wang Lei into pieces to vent her hatred, a resounding sarcasm suddenly came into Chen Aihua's ears.

The excitement that the chairman of Chen's Jewelry Co., Ltd. had just burst into his ears immediately became suspicious as the voice reached his ears, and subconsciously turned his head to look at the police officer standing beside him.

I saw the other party shrugging his shoulders lightly, motioning to the right.

Following the direction indicated by the other party, looking back, when she saw the face of the person who came, Chen Aihua's heart turned cold in an instant.

The whole person sat helplessly on the ground.

"I'm sorry, Brother Wang, I'm late, please forgive me."

After Li Dayong walked in front of Chen Aihua, he just glanced at the chairman of Chen's Jewelry Co., Ltd., and then spoke respectfully to Wang Lei.

"It's time to come."

Wang Lei smiled lightly.

"Ju Li hurried over now, presumably to give me a surprise."

Amidst Wang Lei's laughter, Li Dayong nodded solemnly and said, "That's right!"

 It is recommended that the eleventh class of "The Most Powerful Farmer" has been completed, and the story of leading farmers to become rich through limited and free, omni-channel.

  The quality is far better than the current book.


(End of this chapter)

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