Super peasants break into the city

Chapter 218 Kneeling and begging for mercy

Chapter 218 Kneeling and begging for mercy
Wang Lei and Li Dayong had a happy conversation, but Chen Aihua was worried.

When I saw the police coming just now, I wanted to take this opportunity to seriously injure Wang Lei, but now it seems that things will not go as I imagined.

"As a policeman, he even talks and laughs with criminals at a time like this. Our taxpayers' money is used to support garbage like you!"

Chen Aihua yelled at Li Dayong in a low voice, trying to make a final fight.

Now the injury on his face is real, so he can definitely defeat Wang Lei.

Amidst the dissatisfied hum of the chairman of Chen's Jewelry Co., Ltd., Li Dayong stopped talking with Wang Lei, and slowly turned his head to look at Chen Aihua.

"What are you looking at! Don't arrest him, otherwise, I will accuse you of accommodating criminals!"

Chen Aihua said coldly to Li Dayong.

However, on Li Dayong's side, there was a sneer on the corner of his mouth, he shook his head at Chen Aihua, and said straightforwardly: "The reason why Wang Lei attacked you, you should know best, you go to Wang Lei's house to bewitch first, from Wang Minghui cheated you out of 100 million yuan, and that's when Wang Lei stopped your car and begged for money."

Li Dayong avoids the important and ignores the trivial, and understates what happened to Wang Lei just now.

"If you must be convicted, you should be guilty of fraud. And the amount is huge. This crime is not light."

Chen Aihua's body trembled instantly. If things were really done as Li Dayong said, based on her behavior at Wang Lei's home just now, she could already be sentenced to five or six years in law.

"Do you still want to sue Wang Lei now?"

Li Dayong saw Chen Aihua's performance, sneered and asked aloud.

Following Li Dayong's words, the chairman of Chen's Jewelry Co., Ltd. shook his head almost subconsciously.

Having his jaw broken by Wang Lei, he could only swallow the bad breath forcefully. He must not sue Wang Lei, otherwise, he would be the one who suffers in the end.

Now that Chen's Jewelry Co., Ltd. is a listed company, if there is even the slightest accident, the company's operations will be ruined.

"Hehe, you're sensible, if that's the case, then I won't pursue the matter of Wang Lei..."

Wang Lei stood aside, listening to Li Dayong's words, very puzzled, Chen Aihua defrauded herself of 100 million, the evidence is convincing, and if she beat her herself, can't she be convicted?


When Wang Lei caught the sneer deep in Li Dayong's eyes, he instantly understood Li Dayong's intention of doing this.

Just when Wang Lei thought of this, Li Dayong smiled at Chen Aihua and said, "Since you have given up accusing Wang Lei of beating you, let's talk about what happened to you."

"Chen's Jewelry Co., Ltd. has close ties with the Hai Gang in Donghai City. They secretly use the power of the Hai Gang to suppress competitors. This is a crime involving gangsters and constitutes unfair competition. A year ago, in order to obtain the M land to expand the company's scale, you used The power of the sea gang wiped out the holders of the land M..."

Every time Li Dayong said a word, Chen Aihua's face changed tragically.

Before Li Dayong could tell what Chen's Jewelry Co., Ltd. had done over the years, Chen Aihua was already slumped on the ground, her face pale.

At this time, Chen Aihua was fully aware of her situation.

The reason why Li Dayong investigated himself in such detail was to avenge Wang Lei!

Thinking of this, Chen Aihua regretted what she did before, she shouldn't have provoked Wang Lei.

"I really didn't expect, my Chairman Chen, you are a philanthropist on the surface, but you have done so many shady things behind your back. You can spend several years in prison for any crime. Yes, it's amazing."

Wang Lei stood beside him and laughed out loud, but no matter how you look at it, that smile is very ferocious.

Following Wang Lei's laughter, which broke the deadlock in the field, Chen Aihua reacted instantly from the panic, and looked back at Wang Lei.

Just an hour ago, I could have trampled this farmer under my feet, but now, everything has turned around!

She was beaten up by this farmer, not only could she not take revenge on him, but she had to be humiliated by him in this way, Chen Aihua felt a serious sense of frustration in her heart.

A deep sense of powerlessness spread to every cell in the body.

Looking at Li Dayong who was sneering beside her, Chen Aihua knew that if she wanted to keep herself now, she had to ask Wang Lei for help, because the reason why Li Dayong treated her like this was to help Wang Lei vent his anger.

Thinking of this, the chairman of Chen's Jewelry Co., Ltd. knelt down in front of Wang Lei without any hesitation.

"Yo, Chairman Chen, what are you doing?"

Seeing Chen Aihua's actions, Wang Lei immediately sneered.

"Please forgive me, I already know I was wrong..."

While Chen Aihua was talking, she kowtowed to Wang Lei three times.

If people who don't know see this scene in their eyes, they will definitely sympathize with Chen Aihua, but Wang Lei is indifferent, and the smile on his face is colder and colder!
Just now when Chen Aihua kowtowed to admit her mistake for the first time, Wang Lei already wanted to spare Chen Aihua, but with the arrival of the police, Chen Aihua turned around and wanted to use the power of the police to attack Wang Lei. If Li Dayong didn't know the truth of the matter, now Chen Aihua may have already raised her tail to the sky.

"Excuse me? Hehe, now that I know I was wrong, isn't it too late?"

Wang Lei said coldly to the chairman of Chen's Jewelry Co., Ltd.

"Let go of your dirty hands, don't dirty my clothes!"

While speaking, Wang Lei kicked Chen Aihua in the face.

Li Dayong looked at Chen Aihua's weeping expression from the side, and heaved a heavy sigh. I knew why I did it today. You planted bad fruits in the early years, and now you will get this kind of retribution.

"Okay, she's pretty pitiful now, she's knocked on the head by you more than a dozen times, and her forehead is swollen, I think you can just forgive her."

Seeing that Li Dayong interceded for her at this time, Chen Aihua hastily kowtowed to Wang Lei three times again.

Wang Lei looked at Li Dayong and said, "Since Director Li has spoken in person, I will give you a face, but Chen Aihua has to compensate me for the losses I have suffered over the years..."

Before Wang Lei could finish speaking, the chairman of Chen's Jewelry Co., Ltd., who was kneeling on the ground, hastily said: "Compensation, I will definitely compensate you for your loss, grandpa, and I will send someone to transfer 500 million yuan to your account." .”

Wang Lei kicked Chen Aihua, and said in a cold voice, "500 million, you treat me like a beggar!"

(End of this chapter)

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