Super peasants break into the city

Chapter 219 To open a branch

Chapter 219 To open a branch
After Wang Lei's words came out, Chen Aihua's heart turned cold in an instant.

His heart twitched violently, and he asked Wang Lei, "Then how much do you want?"

Wang Lei shrugged and said, "30 billion!"

The simple three words made Chen Aihua's face pale instantly, and her body trembled violently twice.

On Li Dayong's side, the second after Wang Lei just uttered those three words, his whole body was petrified in place.

"My Cao! 30 billion... how dare you open your mouth!"

At this time, Li Dayong no longer cared about his image, and exclaimed at Wang Lei.

30 billion, placed in Huahai City, this is the overall income of the people in the city for a year!
While Li Dayong exclaimed, he cast his eyes on Chen Aihua, he felt very sympathetic to this woman, and it was really pitiful to offend a fierce bastard like Wang Lei.

Now that Chen Aihua's dead door is firmly held by Wang Lei, does Chen Aihua dare not agree?
Under Li Dayong's watchful eyes, Chen Aihua weakly said to Wang Lei: "But I only have one billion in liquidity now..."

Wang Lei spat coldly, and said: "That's your business, it has nothing to do with me, if you think I want too much, then you can refuse, I didn't force you anyway."

"It's just that if Chairman Chen goes to jail and your despicable deeds are made public, I'm afraid your loss will not be as simple as 30 billion?"

Chen Aihua's heart twitched violently when she heard Wang Lei's words.

30 billion, once it is actually entered into Wang Lei's account, it will cause a fatal blow to his career, but if he does not follow Wang Lei's instructions, the end will be the same as Wang Lei said, and the loss is not only 30 billion. Simple……

Gritting her teeth, Chen Aihua turned to Wang Lei and said, "Okay, I'll get you paid."

Before Chen Aihua could make another move, Wang Lei said aloud: "Let your subordinates call me the one billion yuan in working capital first, and then issue an IOU to me for the rest, and pay it off within three days. The interest is three thousandths per day."


Chen Aihua felt a thunder in her head, this damn is blatant blackmail!robbery!
Let me raise the remaining 20 billion in three days, this is pure nonsense!
"Okay, okay, I'll do as you ordered."

Chen Aihua was full of anger, but she could only swallow it forcefully. If she wanted to blame, she could only blame herself for not being good-looking and offending Wang Lei.

A few minutes later, Wang Lei received a reminder from the bank that the bank card had credited [-] billion!

"Hehe, not bad, you're so good. Finish writing the IOU, give it to me."

Wang Lei stroked Chen Aihua's head with his right hand, like petting a dog, and said.

After receiving the IOU from Chen Aihua, Wang Lei said goodbye to Li Dayong, and left happily.

"Cuff her."

Just as Wang Lei took a few steps, Li Dayong already spoke to the police officers beside him.

Chen Aihua's face changed drastically, and she shouted at Li Dayong: "I have already followed Wang Lei's request, why arrest me!"

Li Dayong spat coldly, and said: "You idiot, that's between you and Wang Lei, one is willing to fight and the other is willing to suffer, it's none of my business, it's his business if Wang Lei lets you go, I arrest you because You broke the law!"

Wang Lei had just walked to the side of the Ferrari-F12berlinetta, and before he opened the car door, Li Dayong's voice had already reached his ears.

Withdrawing his hand on the car door, he turned to look at Chen Aihua, sighed, and said, "If you commit a crime, you should accept the punishment of the law."

"Thank you Director Li, if you hadn't given me the time, I wouldn't have made so much money, haha."

"When you are off duty, my little brother treats you to dinner."

After speaking, he turned around, got into the Ferrari-F12berlinetta, started the vehicle and drove away.

It wasn't until the car disappeared around the corner in the distance that Chen Aihua realized that she had the urge to vomit blood.

Emotional self has been calculated by Wang Lei and Li Dayong since just now, and he is still cooperating like a fool!

"take away!"

Li Dayong watched his subordinates handcuff Chen Aihua, and after saying this, he walked towards the police car next to him.

But on Chen Aihua's side, thinking back on the worry just now, she secretly felt ruthless, she must seek Wang Lei's revenge!
When Chen Aihua was about to be detained by the police station, Wang Lei had already returned to Meier Hotel.

Before Wang Lei could stop the Ferrari-F12berlinetta, Zhou Mei rushed over with a group of people.

Among them is Wang Lei's father, Wang Minghui.

Ever since he learned the truth about being robbed of [-] million yuan by Chen Aihua, Wang Minghui blamed himself so much that Huang Fei took him to Mei'er Hotel.

"How things had been?"

Before rushing to Wang Lei, Wang Minghui had already asked aloud.

The people who came together also cast their eyes on Wang Lei one after another, their expressions were tense and full of anticipation.

Under everyone's gaze, Wang Lei smiled faintly, handed the lost and recovered bank card to Wang Minghui's hand, and said, "This is the [-] million that Chen Aihua defrauded from you, you take it."

Wang Minghui took it with trembling hands.

"Okay, it's really great, I thought the money would come back..."

Wang Lei comforted Wang Minghui, then turned to Zhou Mei and said, "The hotel business is booming now, and the number of diners has reached a critical point. Shouldn't it be time to consider opening a branch?"

Zhou Mei nodded repeatedly.

"But where should we open a branch? The number of wealthy people in Sanping County is limited, and there is Fuhong Hotel in Huahai City. We can't compete with Fuhong Hotel for customers there."

Wang Lei said aloud: "I've already thought about this issue. Let's not open a branch in Huahai City, but go directly to the capital."

After Wang Lei's words came out, everyone was instantly stunned.

"What? The capital!"

"Damn, did I hear it wrong, can we afford to open that kind of land where every inch of land is expensive..."

"Wang Lei, do you have a fever..."

Amidst the exclamation of the crowd, Wang Lei laughed heartily and said, "Relying on our secret seasoning and ingredients, you can make money by opening a branch in the capital."

Zhou Mei subconsciously said: "I earn, I definitely earn. There are rich people in the capital, and we don't have to worry about customers for our dishes there. But the problem is, if you don't have money, go and open a branch!"

Having said that, Zhou Mei's gaze changed instantly. Seeing the smile on the corner of Wang Lei's mouth, she asked with difficulty, "Did you gain anything else when you asked Chen Aihua for money?"

As soon as these words were said, everyone looked at Wang Lei nervously.

(End of this chapter)

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