Super peasants break into the city

Chapter 220 The rainy season is coming

Chapter 220 The rainy season is coming
At this time, the atmosphere in the field gradually became restless.

Everyone stared at Wang Lei nervously, not even daring to breathe, for fear of missing the farmer's next words.

The number of diners in Mei'er Hotel had already exploded a week ago, and it was not without reason that Wang Lei didn't propose the idea of ​​opening a branch until now.

Under everyone's gaze, Wang Lei laughed aloud, and said to Zhou Mei: "That's right, not only did I ask for 100 million back from Chen Aihua just now, I also made her realize her mistake. In order to show her determination to correct it, Chen Aihua , give me 30 billion RMB.”

Simple words uttered from Wang Lei's mouth, but like a blockbuster, it instantly ignited the crowd!
"I wipe! 30 billion!"


"How many zeros are there after this..."

Everyone exclaimed again and again, feeling that the brain was not thinking enough.

On Zhao Fei's side, Wang Lei's gaze has become adored. From Wang Lei's search for Chen Aihua to his return, it took just over an hour. In such a short period of time, this farmer actually made a profit. 30 billion, this kind of money-making speed is too scary.

Even if it is the Fuhong Group, a commercial tycoon dominating Huahai City, it will take more than a year if it wants to earn 30 billion yuan.

Just when Zhao Fei looked at Wang Lei and was filled with emotion, Zhou Mei already let out a wry smile.

"Chen Aihua is not a fool. If you hadn't used special means, she wouldn't have given you 30 billion for no reason. If I didn't make a mistake in my calculations, this 30 billion could seriously damage the foundation of Chen's Jewelry Co., Ltd.'s development. "

After Zhou Mei's words came out, Wang Lei smiled lightly and explained: "There's nothing I can do, just beat him up and have something to do with her."

"Hehe, now do you think we can open a branch in the capital?"

In Wang Lei's words, Zhou Mei almost nodded at Wang Lei without even thinking about it.

Although it is said that every inch of land in the capital is expensive and the land price is staggeringly high, Wang Lei now has 30 billion yuan!Even if you have your own hotel on the second ring road of the capital, there is no suspense!

"Well, you and Zhao Fei should prepare now and learn about the situation in the second ring road of the capital. It would take too much time to rebuild a hotel, so we can just buy one."

Following Wang Lei's words, all the people standing around were speechless.

I can't wait to kneel down in front of Wang Lei on the spot, expressing my inner admiration.

This is the boldness of being rich!

Others are careful and budget-conscious spenders, and now Wang Lei is spending a lot of money to buy a hotel in a place like the second ring road in the capital where every inch of land is very expensive!
This is the legendary big local tyrant!

"Amazing my brother!"

"Idol, please accept my worship..."

"It's good to have money, you can spend it however you want..."

Everyone worshiped Wang Lei endlessly, but at this moment, light rain suddenly fell in the originally clear sky.

"Huh? Is it raining?"

Wang Lei frowned instantly, there was no rain in the weather forecast.

"Okay, guys, let's go to the hotel first."

After Wang Lei finished speaking, he turned around and walked towards Mei'er Hotel.

Zhou Mei looked up at the sky, shaking her head secretly, the current weather forecast is no one, not accurate at all.

Following behind Wang Lei, after entering the hotel office, Zhao Fei and Zhao Fei began to get busy looking for a hotel in the second ring road of the capital.

Half an hour later, Wang Lei looked at the results of Zhou Mei's investigation and was very satisfied.

"This Blue Sky Hotel is very good, it is close to the financial center, the transportation is convenient, and it is only a few 10 minutes away from leisure places. It is very good to buy it."

In Wang Lei's words, Zhou Mei swallowed hard.

Brother, even if we have money, we can’t spend it like this!Use 20 billion to buy a dilapidated restaurant...

Zhou Mei really couldn't imagine, anyway, if it was her, she would definitely not be so proud.

Feeling the emotional fluctuations emanating from the beautiful woman beside him, Wang Lei smiled back and said, "Although the Blue Sky Hotel has been in disrepair for a long time, its location is very precious. If it wasn't for his poor management, I'm afraid it would never be sold. You must know that it is the second ring road of Shanghai, 20 billion is not much, you can contact him now, I am sure to win this hotel. As long as it is refurbished, it can be opened for business."

Zhou Mei listened to Wang Lei's words, secretly admiring that the farmer in front of her was right in her analysis, the Blue Sky Hotel could reopen with just a little decoration.

Invisibly, the daughter of Zhou's enterprise was still a little excited. After all, it was the first time in her life that she spent an astronomical figure of 20 billion to buy something.

"Well, I'll negotiate with the people at the Blue Sky Hotel now to discuss the purchase."

Wang Lei nodded and said, "Okay, you can negotiate slowly, and tell me directly when there is a result."

After saying this, he turned around and walked outside.

The daughter of Zhou's enterprise stood up and sent the farmer out of the hotel, then hurriedly turned back to the office, dialed the phone number of the general manager of the Blue Sky Hotel, and discussed the acquisition.

Under the watchful eyes of the crowd, the farmer helped Wang Minghui into the Ferrari-F600berlinetta beast-class sports car worth more than 12 million yuan, then directly started the super sports car and walked away.

A group of people were left standing there sighing.

Some time ago, this farmer was still relying on delivering food to people for a living, but now, only three months have passed, this farmer has not only driven a super sports car worth more than 600 million that the world dreams of, but also has The capital to open a branch in the capital.

"Hey, people are more popular than people, this guy's development achievements are too fast..."

"I have struggled for ten years, and today I can drive an Audi A8, but it took him three months to drive a Ferrari-F12berlinetta... I can't compare with him for this achievement alone... ..."

A big boss with a briefcase on his shoulders and a bodyguard by his side smiled wryly as he watched the back of the farmer driving away.

On Wang Lei's side, looking at the rain that was falling harder and harder outside the window at this time, his frown deepened.

The weather forecast did not say that there would be rain during this period of time. I don't know if the sudden rain was good or bad. In the vagueness, this sudden rain made Wang Lei feel a little heavy.

"This year's rainy season came a little early."

Sitting in the passenger seat, Wang Minghui caught the emotional fluctuations emanating from Wang Lei and said aloud.

 Recommend "The Most Powerful Farmer" Class [-] is over, the story of leading farmers to get rich.


(End of this chapter)

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