Chapter 221
"Affected by the typhoon in E area, large-scale flood disasters occurred, and the rainfall broke the historical record..."

"Mingtai City is in danger under the influence of heavy rain, and there is a danger of embankment collapse at any time!"

"Many houses collapsed in Donghai City...someone was buried under the rubble and urgently needed to be rescued..."

On Tencent News, if you click on any piece of news, it is all related to this heavy rain.

And there are pictures, some places were affected by the heavy rain, the wheat that was about to be harvested fell to the ground in large areas, and no less than a hundred bridges were destroyed by the flood...

"Now the entire E region is in dire straits, and we urgently need donations from caring people from all walks of life!"

"Disasters are merciless, people are merciful, caring people stand up and reach out to help the poor..."

"The wheat production in Mingtai City has been greatly reduced, and they all fell to the ground. They need to be rescued!"

Wang Minghui looked at the contents of the news, and his heart felt cold for a moment. He did not expect that this sudden rainstorm would be so fierce.

"Wang Lei, let's help them too. It's really pitiful for these people to be displaced..."

Wang Minghui handed the phone to Wang Lei, and said almost pleadingly.

Although the villagers of Wangcun suffered some losses during the rainstorm, after seeing the content on the news, they all felt sympathy for those who were more seriously affected by the disaster. In Wang Minghui's words, they turned their heads towards Wang Lei looked over.

His eyes were full of pleading.

Although Wang Lei is dressed in shabby clothes, everyone knows that this farmer has already earned tens of thousands of yuan in his career, and now the only person in the village who has the strength to help those victims is Wang Lei.

Feeling the expectant eyes around him, Wang Lei waved his hands and said: "Everyone, you don't need to tell me about this matter, I will take action. We farmers have always lived at the bottom of society, and now our farmers brothers are suffering. I will definitely not stand by and watch."

"Dad, you, Second Master, and Sun Xiaoxue are in charge of the overall situation in the village, eliminating all dangers, and ensuring that the lives of the villagers and elders in the village are not in danger. I will call Gao Mingyu now..."

After Wang Lei finished speaking, he paused. Now that the disaster was urgent, he couldn't explain to Gao Mingyu on the phone. It would be more convenient to go directly to Sanping County and command the tens of thousands of members of the Sanlian Gang.

"Now I'm going to Sanping County, you should act quickly."

After the farmer threw this sentence at Wang Minghui, he hurriedly got into the Ferrari-F12berlinetta and drove towards Sanping County.

During the process, Wang Lei dialed Huang Fei's number, and he was completely relieved when he learned that his younger brother who had just been accepted for a few months was safe and sound.

"Thank you, Brother Wang, for your concern and advice. I will definitely do my best here to help the big guy save the loss."

Huang Fei's happy laughter came from the phone. Wang Lei is his boss, and being able to call to express condolences at such a time made Huang Fei very happy.

"Pay attention to your own safety. I'll transfer some people from the Sanlian Gang over in a while, and you will take full command of the disaster response."

After Wang Lei said this to Huang Fei, he hung up the phone directly.

The torrential rain outside is still on the rise. Some places on the road have been washed away, and the trees on both sides fell in the middle of the road. You must drive with extreme caution.

An hour later, driven by Wang Lei, the Ferrari-F12berlinetta stopped at the entrance of Meier Hotel.

"Why are you here now?"

When Zhou Mei saw Wang Lei appearing in front of her, she froze for a moment.

After waking up in the morning, I have already seen the news about the once-in-a-century flood sweeping across the entire E area. At this time, I saw Wang Lei risking his life to come here, and I felt very sorry for Wang Lei's dangerous behavior of driving here in the rain. dissatisfied.

There was already some sullenness in the voice.

"The acquisition of the Blue Sky Hotel is temporarily on hold, and the funds are used for disaster relief!"

Under the gaze of the daughter of Zhou's enterprise, the farmer opened his mouth without any hesitation.

These words instantly shocked the daughter of the Zhou family enterprise. Sitting on the chair, she could no longer maintain her composure and jumped up almost subconsciously.

"What do you think? The acquisition of the Blue Sky Hotel is related to the development of your career. It is the first step to gain a firm foothold in the capital where every inch of land is expensive. With the scale of the Blue Sky Hotel, if it is not for Manager Su's urgent need In terms of funds, it is impossible for you to buy the Blue Sky Hotel at a cabbage price..."

Seeing the furious look of the daughter of Zhou's enterprise in front of him, Wang Lei was shocked.

A little astonishment flashed in his eyes, does this woman like me?

This thought flashed in Wang Lei's mind, and then it was replaced by the current disaster situation. He nodded at Zhou Mei and said, "I know this is a rare opportunity, but the disaster is urgent now, don't you Can you have the heart to watch those disaster victims outside living in the heat of the water and not be moved?"

"I want to develop my career, but I have to conform to my true thoughts. I can't only have money in my eyes, but I will be hard-hearted and ignore those victims who are suffering from floods outside!"

"I don't want to be a money-making machine. I want to prove my value in life. I don't want to walk around in this world without doing anything. When I get old, I look back and see that I haven't made any contribution to society."

Following Wang Lei's words, Zhou Mei's expression changed, and the dissatisfaction just now disappeared. Seeing the righteous and awe-inspiring expression of the farmer in front of her, Zhou Mei felt a throbbing in her heart.

No one would have thought that a farmer would have the world in mind.

"Well, since you have already made your decision, that person will fully support you!"

"The current business of Mei'er Hotel has also been put on hold for the time being, and the organization will do its best to help the disaster!"

In Zhou Mei's words, Wang Lei nodded in satisfaction.

At this moment, the leader of the Sanlian Gang rushed in from the outside, and before he could stand firm, he said to the farmer: "Brother Wang, according to your instructions, I have dispatched all the people under my command to various places. The disaster site has begun to fight against the disaster, what orders do you have now?"

Wang Lei said: "Tell the account number of your subordinates to the financial office, and I will give each of them a payment of [-]. You ask them to use the money to buy food and distribute it to the victims."

"By the way, what happened to the supplies I asked you to prepare?"

The head of the Sanlian Gang said: "They are already outside, three trucks."

Wang Lei nodded and said, "Okay, now let's go to Mingtai County and distribute food to the victims there."

At the same time, in Mingtai County, a truck full of food had already stopped in front of the victims.

"Ten pieces of bread, five pieces of ham..."

 Will there be a reward?

(End of this chapter)

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