Super peasants break into the city

Chapter 222 Three Trucks of Food

Chapter 222 Three trucks of food

"What! It's so expensive!"

"My Cao! You are making disaster money!"

"A profiteer! A complete profiteer!"

The victims gathered around the truck, spitting and cursing at the person who stood at the front and shouted loudly.

These disaster victims did not expect the other party to give alms, but now, selling their daily food at too high a price is simply an act of a beast.

"I know him, this guy is from Yongming Food Factory in Donghai City!"

Someone immediately recognized the identity of the middle-aged man standing in front of the truck. Following the words of the victim, the surrounding victims shouted and cursed.

"My Cao! Yongming Food Factory is such a jerk!"

"Damn it, garbage!"

The people from Yongming Food Factory stood in front of the truck, listened to the words of the victims around them, spat lightly, and said, "Poor, if you want to fill your stomach, you can buy it, and if you don't want to fill your stomach, you don't need to buy it." , anyway, I didn’t force you.”

"Dad, I'm so hungry..."

At this moment, a little girl covered in mud pulled the clothes of the parent next to her and said pitifully.

This sudden torrential rain disaster caught people by surprise, and now the victims are all hungry.

Some people subconsciously swallowed their saliva as they watched the trucks loaded with food coming from Yongming Food Factory.

"Hehe, do you want to eat? Buy it with money. We are not philanthropists. We spent money to make these foods, so we can't give them to you for nothing."

People from Yongming Food Factory said to the victims present.

"Damn it, I didn't expect such scum to exist in society!"

"To make disaster money!
"Bastards that are not as good as pigs and dogs..."

"Hehe, it doesn't work if you scold me. If you want to fill your stomach, you have to spend money."

The people from Yongming Food Factory sneered at the victims present, as if they were God.

"Just wait, someone will clean you up sooner or later!"

Someone whispered to the people at Yongming Food Factory.

However, at Yongming Food Factory, he was still unmoved by the words of the people around him, and the sneer on the corner of his mouth became stronger.

"Want to clean us up, hehe, dreaming!"

Just after the man finished speaking, a loud voice sounded from the side: "Hehe, what you said is really loud."

Following the sound of this voice, everyone was shocked.

The victims all turned their heads to look in the direction of the sound, this is really what they want!
On the other side of Yongming Food Factory, he also looked in the direction of the sound, and saw a poorly dressed farmer walking towards him.

After seeing the other party's attire clearly, the Yongming Food Factory's face showed a sneer, "Are you here to buy food?"

Wang Lei saw the smile on the other party's face and shook his head secretly. He really didn't expect such a cold-blooded company to exist.

"Do you think it's really nice of you to do this?"

Those words made the people of Yongming Food Factory stunned. They didn't expect this poor farmer to say such words.

"If you buy food, we welcome it. If you don't buy it, go away and don't stand here and hinder our business."

Following the words of the staff of Yongming Food Factory, the people around shouted loudly.

"Grass! Who would buy crap from black merchants like you!"

"Get out now!"

"A factory like yours won't last long!"

Wang Lei waved his hands at the people around him, signaling to be quiet, then turned his eyes away from the people around him, looked at the staff of Yongming Food Factory again, and said aloud: "Get your shit out of here, Don't affect Lao Tzu's mood here, people here don't need to buy your rubbish."

The staff of Yongming Food Factory was stunned. Looking at the expression on the face of the farmer in front of him, he laughed aloud and said, "Hehe, let us go away with these foods? You should think about it, don't regret it! "

"Boy, look at you being so arrogant, what are you doing!"

Wang Lei shrugged lightly, and said: "I came here to help the big guy. Now your grandfather and I have brought three trucks of food to distribute to all the victims present for free. Do you think it is necessary for the big guy to buy things from your junk food factory?" ?"

The people around were all taken aback when they heard Wang Lei's words.

Three truckloads of food?

This farmer is dressed in such shabby clothes, he doesn't look like the kind of big spender...

Could this guy deliberately speak out against Yong Ming Food Factory staff?

To fool the big guy?

For a while, the atmosphere in the field slowly changed, and everyone stared at the farmer with suspicion.

"Haha, what a big joke! You said you brought three truckloads of food, but I didn't see any of those trucks. Boy, don't pretend to be a fool here, a poor guy like you , I have seen a lot."

The people from Yongming Food Factory glanced around, then laughed arrogantly at Wang Lei.He didn't take Wang Lei's words to heart at all.

Wang Lei shook his head, ignored this kind of biting dog, turned his head and looked at the surrounding crowd, and said, "Fathers and elders, all the big guys come to my side to gather, and the truck that delivers food to the big guys It will be here in a while."

"Young man, are you really here to deliver food to us?"

An old man walked up to Wang Lei with a cane and asked suspiciously.

Feeling the doubtful eyes of the people around him, Wang Lei walked up to the old man, supported the other's arm, and said, "Master, don't worry, I will not deceive you on this kind of issue. The traffic is difficult on the road now, just now I came here first, the truck is behind, and it will arrive in a few minutes."

Just a few seconds after Wang Lei finished speaking, the sound of an engine was already heard in the distance.

Everyone hurriedly looked back, just as the farmer next to him said, it was exactly three trucks!

"You are truly a living Bodhisattva!"

"Little brother, you are really a good person who saves the suffering..."

"Thank you, thank you so much..."

Some people knelt in front of Wang Lei to express their gratitude.

Seeing this, the other victims standing around also knelt down one after another.

Wang Lei saw the sudden scene in front of him, his expression changed, he hastily bent over and pulled the victim closest to him from the ground, and said: "Master, don't do this, you will break me. Now big guy When encountering difficulties, I am very happy to be able to help the big guys. Hurry up, big guys hurry up."

In Wang Lei's words, Gao Mingyu jumped off the leading truck, walked up to Wang Lei, and asked, "Brother Wang, what's wrong?"

 Sorry everyone, chapter 264 is temporarily blocked, sorry, just contacted the editor in charge, but there is no movement, contact again tomorrow, and it will be unblocked tomorrow, sorry for the inconvenience.

(End of this chapter)

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