Chapter 226 Donate All

"One... 1000 million..."

Qian Yongming was stunned for a moment, muttering to himself.

Wang Lei saw the attitude of the general manager of Yongming Food Factory, and suddenly held Qian Yongming's hands, and said enthusiastically: "I didn't expect Manager Qian to love the people so much. Since Manager Qian thinks that 1000 million is not enough, then 2000 million is good!"

Following Wang Lei's words, Qian Yongming's body shook violently twice.

It was extremely uncomfortable, as if being hit on the chest with a giant hammer.

"Hey, Manager Qian's love for the people is really beyond my imagination. Since you think 2000 million is still a little less, then 3000 million is fine."

The people standing around listened to Wang Lei's words and laughed out loud.

He stared at Qian Yongming with a playful face.These bastards are completely self-inflicted and unhappy. Now, in the blink of an eye, 3000 million is gone...

On Qian Yongming's side, the Qi and blood in his body surged because of Wang Lei's words, his eyes went dark, and he felt like the world was spinning.

Seeing that the farmer in front of him still wanted to keep opening his mouth, Qian Yongming hurriedly said, "Grandpa, please, don't raise the price any more. I can't take it anymore..."

While speaking, the general manager knelt down in front of the farmer, and at the same time stretched out his right hand and slapped himself hard on the face.

The people standing around saw Qian Yongming kneeling on the ground begging for mercy, and shook their heads one after another.

"You really deserve it for making you so arrogant just now!"

"If it were someone else, I would definitely sympathize, but this person is Qian Yongming, so I have to teach him like this!"

"Hmph, let's see if he dares to be arrogant again..."

"From now on, the general manager's face may be completely lost. Kowtow to a farmer to admit his mistake, hehe, Qian Yongming will never be able to hold his head up again in Huahai City."

Amid the low-pitched discussions among the crowd, Wang Lei stared at Qian Yongming with a sneer.

"Now you know what's wrong?"

Qian Yongming panicked for a while, and like a pug, he nodded quickly at Wang Lei and said, "Yeah, I got it, I promise to be a new man in the future."

While talking, Qian Yongming stared at Wang Lei nervously. He didn't have any thoughts now, but only hoped that the farmer in front of him would show his respect and let him go.

Before coming here, Qian Yongming still disdained the farmer in his heart, thinking that he brought more than 30 thugs here, and he could trample the farmer under his feet without any effort.

But now, Qian Yongming finally saw the strength of the farmer in front of him.

Going against him is completely courting death.

On Wang Lei's side, he caught the panic in Qian Yongming's eyes, and there was a coldness on the corner of his mouth.

During the whole process, I saw Qian Yongming's actions clearly. If a person like him is so bad in his bones, if he doesn't teach him a heavy lesson, he will never learn to be good.

"Whether you are a good person or not has nothing to do with me. If you break the law, the law will naturally deal with you, but shouldn't it be time to settle our matter?"

After Wang Lei's words came out, Qian Yongming's face twitched, his mouth felt parched, and he subconsciously asked Wang Lei, "What's the matter?"

The farmer slapped the general manager's face, instantly swollen it.

"What are you talking about?"

A simple sentence came out of Wang Lei's mouth, causing Qian Yongming's body to shake violently.

This powerful slap also made Qian Yongming come to his senses, knelt on the ground and hurriedly said to Wang Lei: "I'll ask someone to pay you."

While speaking, he hastily pulled out his mobile phone.

The people standing around listened to Gao Mingyu's words and envied Wang Lei.

"It's amazing, Wang Lei came to us to deliver some food, and he can still earn so much money..."

"Hey, there's no way, who made him have this ability, Qian Yongming is purely here to give money to Wang Lei."

"It's awesome. I got a huge sum of 3000 million from Qian Yongming without any effort. I think Wang Lei must spend a lot..."

When everyone had just speculated about Wang Lei's plan after getting such an astonishingly large sum of money, Wang Lei had already opened his mouth again to Qian Yongming, saying, "The money doesn't need to be deposited into my account, it can be directly deposited into the Donghai Foundation."

These words were tantamount to a blockbuster, causing the crowd to be in an instant uproar.

"What, he donated all the huge sum of 3000 million yuan?"

"This... Did I hear it wrong? Doesn't he want to keep some for himself at all?"

Standing beside Wang Lei, Gao Mingyu listened to the exclamations of the people around him, spat heavily, and said, "A group of country bumpkins, 3000 million is nothing. As for making you all so fussy, Brother Wang, for this A heavy rain has already shelved the plan to acquire the hotel, and directly spent hundreds of millions of dollars..."

Qian Yongming knelt on the ground, listening to Gao Mingyu's spitting, his heart instantly turned cold.

He raised his head subconsciously and looked at the shabby-dressed farmer in front of him. He thought Wang Lei was a street farmer, but he didn't expect that even though his clothes were inconspicuous, he turned out to be a super rich man.

Hundreds of millions of dollars, there are not many people with such arrogance.

"What are you doing in a daze, call your company quickly."

Wang Lei sneered at Qian Yongming who was in a daze.

Qian Yongming was shocked, and hurriedly dialed the number of the financial office...

At the same time, the Huahai Foundation was in trouble because of funding issues.

"Big guys, try harder, get in touch quickly, and strive to raise 500 million yuan. Now the situation is not waiting for anyone, and we must help the affected people as soon as possible."

"Hey, our Huahai Foundation is just a small foundation without a big name..."

Just as these people were sighing, an accountant sitting in front of the computer suddenly enlarged his eyes and stared at the computer screen.


"Boss, hurry up and take a look!"

Following the man's exclamation, the people in the accounting room all turned their heads to look at him.

"Someone paid us again?"

"How many people have surprised you with such a virtue?"

"Damn, three... 3000 million!"

"Someone sent us 3000 million at once!"

The entire financial room erupted instantly.

Someone hurriedly looked at the sender, and when they saw that the money was from Yongming Food Factory, everyone was stunned.

These people have never heard of the name Yongming Food Factory. Where did this wealthy enterprise come from?

"No, this is money paid by Yongming Food Factory for Wang Lei!"

At this moment, someone suddenly pointed to the note below and yelled in surprise.

(End of this chapter)

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