Chapter 227
Following the man's exclamation, everyone in the accounting room turned their heads to look at the notes on the computer screen.

These people often deal with accounts in the past, and they have long been numb to this kind of remark, but now, everyone is staring at this remark, panting.

3000 million RMB, which not only broke the donation record of the Huahai Foundation in the past three years, but also exceeded the sum of all donations received by the Foundation in the past!

"Awesome, where did this Wang Lei come from? Why have I never heard of such a super rich man..."

"Donate 3000 million at once, how much money does he have to do this step..."

"Wang Lei? Why does this name sound familiar to me..."

"Fuck, this is a popular name!"

"No... Damn it! I remembered, the volunteers who popped up outside and the people who distributed food to the victims were all sent by Wang Lei!"

When these words were spoken, the atmosphere in the financial room almost froze.

Everyone gasped.

"I heard that this Wang Lei came from Wang Village..."


"Damn it, farmer? Your farmer can donate 3000 million at once!"

Amid the exclamations of everyone, a beautiful woman with a figure of S suppressed the astonishment in her eyes, looked away from the word 'Wang Lei' on the computer screen, and said to the people around her: "Now is not the time to discuss the origin of this person, since We have already received 3000 million donations here, so let’s act quickly, we are already far behind others.”

Wang Lei's donation, when the Huahai Foundation was most anxious, fell from the sky like timely rain.

It gave these people a sense of happiness that they were caught off guard.

As the beautiful woman spoke, the others nodded in agreement.

When those people started to get busy following the procedures of the foundation, the beauty had already pulled out her mobile phone and dialed the number of the general manager of Yongming Food Factory.

"Who is it!"

Not long after he got in the car, Qian Yongming was already upset, but now that he was disturbed by the sudden call, Qian Yongming was even more upset.

The next second after connecting the phone, he let out a roar.

"Hi, I'm the person in charge of the Huahai Foundation, Li Xiangjun."

Li Xiangjun frowned when he heard the roar on the phone, but he still suppressed his dissatisfaction and replied very politely.

"The Huahai Foundation..."

For a moment, Qian Yongming became angry.The 3000 million yuan was extorted by Wang Lei just now, isn't it all in the name of the Huahai Foundation?
Thinking of the 3000 million yuan, Qian Yongming felt pain all over his body. Not only did the damned farmer beat him up violently, but he also extorted 3000 million yuan from himself. When he joined the Huahai Foundation, his name was actually included in the notes.

This is simply a shame.The farmer earned such a famous name without spending a penny.

"Is there a problem?"

Qian Yongming suppressed the anger in his heart. When he left Wang Lei just now, the general manager of Yongming Food Factory made a poisonous oath. From now on, he will never ask about anything related to Wang Lei!Otherwise, you will always be the one who gets hurt!

Li Xiangjun's attitude on the other end of the phone suddenly turned 180 degrees, and he couldn't help but feel puzzled.

"That's right. I saw that Mr. Wang Lei entrusted you to donate 3000 million yuan to us. Could you please provide me with Mr. Wang Lei's contact information. I would like to express my gratitude to him in person."

Hearing Li Xiangjun's words, Qian Yongming was furious and burst into tears.

"Sister, the 3000 million was actually donated by me, Wang Lei didn't even pay a dime for that cheat..."

At this time, the general manager of Yongming Food Factory wanted to cry without tears, and had an urge to tell Li Xiangjun the truth of the matter, so that she could understand that she thanked the wrong person and that she really needed her thanks. people!However, when he thought that if he really told the truth, it would be tantamount to offending Wang Lei again. If he offended Wang Lei once, he would have to pay a heavy price of 3000 million. What price would he pay if he offended him the second time?
Thinking of this, the general manager of Yongming Food Factory immediately felt shuddering, and dared not continue to think about it.

"Wang Lei is dead! I'm going to see Lord Yan!"

Qian Yongming roared twice in his heart, then took the phone to his mouth again, and said, "Oh, you want Wang Lei's contact information, okay, okay, I'll send it to you now."

After saying this, without giving the other party a chance to speak, Qian Yongming quickly hung up.

On Li Xiangjun's side, listening to the beeping voice coming from the phone, the corners of his mouth couldn't help grinning.

His complexion became weird.

"What's the matter with Mr. Qian? Why do you become so panicked when you hear the name Wang Lei?"

Recalling the emotional fluctuations he felt in the voice from the phone just now, Li Xiangjun was puzzled.

The next second, the phone received a text message from Qian Yongming.

Li Xiangjun shook his head, and then dialed Wang Lei's cell phone according to the above contact information.

At this time, Wang Lei had already left Mingtai County and was rushing to the next place. During the process, he had a casual chat with Gao Mingyu. Seeing the phone screen suddenly lit up, Wang Lei pressed the answer button.


Wang Lei said very politely to this strange phone call.

Li Xiangjun: "Hello, I am the person in charge of the Huahai Foundation, Li Xiangjun. May I ask Mr. Wang if you have time now, I would like to meet you in person."

Gao Mingyu, who was sitting next to him, listened to the sweet voice on the phone, winked at Wang Lei, and said with a smile: "Oh, that's right, Li Xiangjun is a rare beauty in Huahai City, you kid actually put her Seduced by..."

During Gao Mingyu's ridicule, Wang Lei glared at him, covered the microphone, and snorted, "What are you talking about, your skin is itchy, you dare to tease me, I think you deserve a beating again."

Gao Mingyu: "..."

"Okay, okay, you're powerful, you're awesome, I'm dumb..."

"Hurry up and answer the beauties, leave the beauties aside, this is not something a man does..."

Seeing Wang Lei's face darken, Gao Mingyu hurriedly covered his mouth.

He signaled to Wang Lei that he would never speak again.

Wang Lei snorted, then removed his right hand from the microphone, and said, "If it's because of the donation, you don't have to express your gratitude to me face to face. I'm willing to do something to contribute to society."

Li Xiangjun was dumbfounded when he heard Wang Lei's words.

These days, when others donate one or two yuan, they have to publicize it. Wang Lei donated a real 3000 million. He didn't want to take the opportunity to promote himself?
(End of this chapter)

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