Chapter 228 Cooperation
Li Xiangjun heard Wang Lei's words in his ears, and his heart twitched violently, the fruit that ordinary people dare not expect?

Li Xiangjun couldn't even imagine the price of this fruit being sold by Wang Lei.

But Li Xiangjun told himself with certainty that the quality of the fruit cultivated by Wang Lei is absolutely extraordinary.

Looking at the farmer in front of him, Li Xiangjun's eyes are constantly changing. He has lived for more than 20 years, and he has never met a person with such means as the farmer in front of him. Those rich second generations, big bosses, etc. Yes, compared with this farmer, it pales in comparison.

Li Xiangjun was very fortunate to meet Wang Lei in the vast crowd.

His simple life style is simply impeccable.

Those who eat and drink as soon as they have money, there is no way to compare with this farmer.

At this moment, Li Xiangjun suddenly thought of the predicament that the Huahai Foundation is facing now. The foundation has been established for three years, but it has no background, and the donations it receives every year are pathetic.

This has always been a headache for Li Xiangjun.

Staring at Wang Lei for a moment, the person in charge of the Huahai Foundation was silent for a while, then finally raised his head again, and said to Wang Lei: "Mr. Wang, your performance in this rainstorm is obvious to all, but In any case, your idea is to help those affected by the disaster, have you ever thought about helping the vulnerable groups more systematically?"

Following Li Xiangjun's words, Wang Lei's eyebrows twitched twice.

Since the rescue started, this problem has become prominent. At this time, Li Xiangjun's words gave Wang Lei a feeling of enlightenment.

One is to develop their careers, and the other is to help those disadvantaged groups through their own abilities. If they want to handle these two problems perfectly, they must come up with a perfect solution.Use something more systematic to help the disadvantaged.

Looking up at the tension and anticipation on Li Xiangjun's face, Wang Lei smiled and said, "Miss Li wants me to join the Huahai Foundation?"

After Wang Lei said these words, Li Xiangjun smiled awkwardly, but still nodded at Wang Lei.

Said: "I have this idea, but I don't know if Mr. Wang is willing or not?"

Li Xiangjun's voice was full of tension and anticipation. The Huahai Foundation is small in scale, and the rich and famous all donate money to foundations of a certain size and popularity. This can gain some reputation, but it is too late for the Huahai Foundation to raise money. How can there be spare money to give others publicity? This has created an embarrassing situation for the Huahai Foundation.

It seems to be trapped in a vicious cycle of reciprocating cycles. In terms of scale development, it has always stagnated without any progress.

But this person in front of him made Li Xiangjun see the hope of developing the Huahai Foundation. Wang Lei is dedicated to helping the disadvantaged and does not want to make a name for himself. If he can climb the big tree of Wang Lei, for the Huahai Foundation, the benefits he will get cannot imagine.

"Hehe, helping the disadvantaged is exactly what I am very happy to do. Since Miss Li thinks highly of me, of course I will join."

After Wang Lei's words came out, Li Xiangjun's face instantly showed uncontrollable excitement.

A smile bloomed on his face, like a blooming peony, the beauty was breathtaking.

"It's really good!"

Li Xiangjun shouted excitedly at Wang Lei, while holding Wang Lei's hands tightly.

"On behalf of those vulnerable groups, I would like to thank Mr. Wang..."

Feeling the emotional fluctuations emanating from Li Xiangjun's body, Wang Lei was deeply infected, the corners of his mouth raised, and he smiled.

But he shook his head and said, "But there is one thing I need to declare in advance. I can donate money to the Huahai Foundation to help the disadvantaged, but I will not participate in any matters in the management of the Huahai Foundation."

Li Xiangjun stared blankly, and the smile on his face froze instantly.

He looked at Wang Lei suspiciously.

"Not involved in management?"

Wang Lei nodded, and explained: "I'm too busy with my career, I just don't know how to get out."

Li Xiangjun: "..."

This is true. Now the farmer has to take care of the development of the Meier Hotel as well as the business of the village. He is so busy every day that he really doesn't have too much energy to take care of other aspects.

"Mr. Wang does not participate in the management of the foundation, isn't he afraid that we will transfer the money to other places?"

Li Xiangjun teased Wang Lei.

However, what he got in return was Wang Lei's laughter.

"You can move around and try."

A simple sentence, although it came out of the farmer's mouth with a smile, but without the slightest emotion.

This made Li Xiangjun's heart skip a beat, and a panic swept through his heart instantly.

Looking at Wang Lei's eyes, it changed again and again.

For a moment, Li Xiangjun had an illusion in his heart. The farmer in front of him seemed to be the god of war, and he was in control of the whole battle situation with confidence.

"Ahem, just now I was joking with you Mr. Wang, don't take it to heart..."

Li Xiangjun was immersed in Wang Lei's deterrence, and subconsciously explained aloud, for fear that what he said just now would cause Wang Lei's misunderstanding.

Capturing the emotional fluctuations on Li Xiangjun, Wang Lei nodded lightly and said, "I know."

The words are full of force.

"If I didn't know something about the Huahai Foundation, I wouldn't have put the 3000 million donation into your account before."

"Now that the cooperative relationship has been established, I will ask someone to send some money to your foundation so that you can perform well in this rainstorm."

Speaking of this, Wang Lei ignored Li Xiangjun who was completely stunned, took out his mobile phone, and dialed Zhou Mei's number.

A few minutes later, Li Xiangjun's phone rang.

The moment it was connected, there was already a howl of excitement from inside: "Sister Li! Someone has transferred money to our account again, and now it's 5000 million!"

Li Xiangjun looked at Wang Lei with gratitude and admiration in his eyes, held the phone by his mouth, and said with a smile: "I already know, this is Mr. Wang calling our foundation."

"What? It's that Wang Lei again!"

Li Xiangjun nodded and said, "Now our foundation has reached a consensus with Mr. Wang. From now on, Mr. Wang will strongly support the development of our foundation."

"Damn it, our foundation is awesome, Mr. Wang, a billionaire, has become our big backer!"

Hearing the exclamation from the phone, Li Xiangjun smiled awkwardly. Before meeting Wang Lei, he thought he was a billionaire, but after meeting Wang Lei, Li Xiangjun knew that Wang Lei was actually a farmer.

It's just that it's easier and more luxurious for him to earn money than ordinary people!

(End of this chapter)

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