Super peasants break into the city

Chapter 229 Additional Charity

Chapter 229 Additional Charity
"Okay, don't make a fuss about it there, quickly take out part of the money and distribute it to members of our foundation's action team, and let them hurry up to rescue."

"By the way, you must make a detailed account of this money, and there must be no mistakes. Every once in a while, we have to ask Mr. Wang to check the accounts."

Following Li Xiangjun's quick instructions to the people under his opponent, Wang Lei stood beside him and nodded in satisfaction.

A professional is a professional, much better than a half-assed person like myself.

With the Huahai Foundation, one's own money can be used wisely, and it can play a greater role in helping the poor.

"By the way, what is the main business of your Huahai Foundation?"

After Li Xiangjun hung up the phone, Wang Lei asked aloud.

Li Xiangjun hurriedly said: "The money in the foundation is all transparent. Generally, when there is no disaster, we will take out the money in the foundation for investment in order to achieve the effect of money making money, but Mr. Wang can rest assured, All the money we earned from those charitable funds was re-invested in the foundation. There is absolutely no one who embezzles it for his own use. This is clearly registered in the company's accounts. If Mr. Wang is not at ease, I can Let someone bring over the statement of accounts, and Mr. Wang can review it as much as he likes."

Listening to Li Xiangjun's words, Wang Lei waved his hands and said, "No need for this, I believe Miss Li's words."

"Just now you said that the Huahai Foundation's donations are generally used in times of disaster?"

Li Xiangjun nodded hastily, not knowing what Wang Lei meant.

Every foundation is selective when it comes to relief, and if all the big and small things are rescued, it will be difficult to maintain the operation of the foundation.

Seeing Li Xiangjun's statement, Wang Lei was silent for a moment, and then said aloud: "I think from now on, the Huahai Foundation will change the system of assistance in terms of assistance, and provide financial assistance to those poor people who need help. One point, when funding, you must investigate the situation of the other party clearly, and every penny in the foundation must be spent wisely."

Following Wang Lei's words, Li Xiangjun's face changed.

The originally beautiful eyebrows slowly came together.

It presents a state of hesitation and entanglement.

Wang Lei saw the expression on the face of the beautiful woman in front of him, and asked suspiciously, "Is there a problem with the funds?"

After listening to Wang Lei's words, Li Xiangjun smiled wryly, nodded slowly at Wang Lei, and then opened his mouth and said: "Yes. What Mr. Wang just said can indeed help more vulnerable groups. , In this way, it is not an insult to the meaning of the foundation's existence, it can help a wider range of disadvantaged groups, but if you really follow what you just said, Mr. Wang, it will inevitably cause a shortage of funds in the foundation. If things go on like this, it will not be able to support the development of a foundation at all.”

"This is also an important reason why every foundation will help the disadvantaged groups in a targeted manner."

Listening to Li Xiangjun's explanation, Wang Lei kept nodding his head. Li Xiangjun's explanation was very reasonable.

But this is not the original intention of Wang Lei to cooperate with Huahai Foundation!

What Wang Lei has to do is to help the vulnerable groups in need, so that everyone who is struggling in dire straits can see hope in life again.

But after listening to Li Xiangjun's explanation, Wang Lei realized that with his current strength, it is unrealistic to truly realize the ideal in his heart, and there is still considerable difficulty in achieving this goal.

After a moment of silence, Wang Lei raised his head and said to Li Xiangjun, "Let's expand it a little bit and focus the foundation on farmers. They are the people we need to help. Farmers have always lived at the bottom of society. The conditions cannot meet the targets, and the pace of life is getting faster and faster now. Some farmers are almost living in the heat of the water. Since then, the Huahai Foundation has focused on these groups of people, especially those left-behind children, disabled and poor Hu, you must take care of yourself."

"As for the issue of funds, I will find an elite in investment and financial management for the Huahai Foundation. On weekdays, the money in the foundation is used to invest in order to achieve the effect of money making money. At the same time, I will also go to Huahai every month. 500 million in the foundation."

When Li Xiangjun heard what Wang Lei said earlier, he was already very surprised. The elites in investment and financial management are not rotten cabbages on the street. The Huahai Foundation donated 500 million yuan...

"Wang...Mr. Wang, isn't it a bit..."

Li Xiangjun spoke up to this point, but he didn't know how to continue. Could it be that he directly stated that he had no confidence in Wang Lei's strength?
However, 500 million per month is 6000 million a year!Even if it's a listed company, I'm afraid it can't make such a steady stream of donations.

Feeling the emotional fluctuations emanating from Li Xiangjun, Wang Lei smiled lightly. His current income from farming alone is an astonishing figure every month, and he also owns the shares of Fuhong Group.

500 million is an astronomical figure in the eyes of others, but on my own side, the monthly income from the shares of Fuhong Group is more than 500 million.

"Don't worry about this Miss Li, just follow my request."

Looking at the serious expression on Wang Lei's face, Li Xiangjun felt that with his own eyesight, he couldn't see through the farmer in front of him more and more.

The other party was dressed plainly, with amazing courage, as if covered with an invisible barrier of light, the more you looked at it, the more frightened you became.

"Well, on behalf of the Huahai Foundation, I would like to express my gratitude to you, Mr. Wang!"

As he said that, Li Xiangjun bowed deeply in front of the farmer.

Li Xiangjun was secretly delighted, with a feeling that the flowers were brighter than others. Some time ago, he was still struggling with the normal maintenance of the Huahai Foundation, but now, after meeting Wang Lei, those problems of the Huahai Foundation are no longer a problem.

With the full support of Wang Lei, a big local tyrant, the Huahai Foundation will surely develop and grow in the future, and establish a strong prestige in the society.

"Zhao Fei, do you know any elites in investment and financial management?"

Just when Li Xiangjun was feeling unbearably excited, Wang Lei had already called Zhao Fei.

Although Zhao Fei is now following this farmer and concentrating on the affairs of the hotel, this cannot replace the achievements of this talented woman in the mall. Being able to become the right-hand man of the chairman of Fuhong Group naturally has a wide reputation in the mall. contacts.

"There is no problem with this. Do you want to get involved in the investment field?"

(End of this chapter)

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