Super peasants break into the city

Chapter 233 Get cheated?

Chapter 233 Get cheated?
Following the words of the general manager of Yongming Food Factory, people standing around turned their heads to look at Wang Lei.

"Now that Qian Yongming has made such a request, the farmer probably won't agree to it, right?"

"Of course not. We are all dry food processors. The wheat is all contaminated. There is no way to make food."

"When Manager Qian didn't make this request just now, Wang Lei might still be able to sneer for a while, but now, Wang Lei definitely doesn't dare to keep smacking. I can assure you that within a few minutes, he will have to leave in dismay... "

Qian Yongming listened to the discussions of the people around him, with a sneer on the corner of his mouth, and fixed his eyes on Wang Lei, his eyes were full of teasing.

"If you want to continue to cheat me, don't even think about it! I'm a master now!"

The general manager sneered in his heart.

However, the farmer standing in front of him said without any hesitation, "Okay, since Manager Qian wants to sign this kind of agreement with me, of course I have no problem, but I need Add two points to the agreement."

Qian Yongming's eyebrows twitched twice, and he subconsciously said, "What do you want?"

Wang Lei smiled heartily and said, "Don't be nervous, and you don't have to be afraid. I've come to look for you very sincerely this time. Look at your talent. You're still a dignified general manager of a food factory. I haven't said anything yet. Well, I have already scared you into such a virtue, hey, you are useless."

"First point, if the wheat cannot be baked to your satisfaction after my processing, then I will double compensate Manager Qian for the loss. How about it?"

This made Qian Yongming very satisfied. He nodded immediately and said, "Continue to the second request."

Wang Lei said directly: "The second requirement is to test Manager Qian's courage and endurance. I will account for [-]% of the profits from the food baked with these wheat."

Qian Yongming couldn't help but gasped at Wang Lei's words.

"[-]% of the income, this is really a lion's mouth..."

If these wheats are really usable, then based on the amount in front of us, after deducting the labor costs, the food produced can make a net profit of 600 million, or [-]% of the income. How much is this?
Qian Yongming was a little dissatisfied with Wang Lei's request, but when he thought that this would ensure that he would not be fooled by Wang Lei again, and the [-]% profit would also allow him to make a fortune... His eyes turned slightly, the manager of Yongming Food Factory The manager nodded at Wang Lei and said, "Okay then, just follow your request, and now I'll ask someone to draw up an agreement."

A few minutes later, the general manager of the food factory and Wang Lei signed an agreement.

"Okay, now I can buy it with confidence. Come on, let me organize people to weigh the wheat that these people brought in. According to the purchase price of [-] yuan per catty, after the calculation is completed, the money will be distributed directly to everyone. .”

Qian Yongming solemnly held the agreement in his hands, and heaved a long sigh of relief.

Wang Lei saw the performance of the general manager of the food factory, and shook his head secretly, "If you taste the food baked with these wheat in a while, don't kneel on my ground and beg me to change the agreement."

Wang Lei firmly believed in the power of the Shennong Collection.

That strange force can change the genes of cells, and has the magical effect of bringing the dead back to life. Under the influence of Shennong Baodian, Fuhong Hotel and Meier Hotel have developed rapidly by relying on the ingredients cultivated by themselves, which fully explains everything.

"Tch, don't worry, you still want to fool me now, you should be prepared to pay me double compensation. In this world, food that can satisfy me has not yet been born!"

After Qian Yongming's words came out, the victims who were planning to go to the weighbridge behind the Yongming food factory staff were stunned.

Those who hadn't stepped onto the tractor turned their heads and looked at Qian Yongming almost subconsciously.

"Damn it, you are cheating!"

"Even if you bake the most delicious food, you will say that you are not satisfied..."

Hearing the exclamation of those in front of him, Qian Yongming smiled and turned his head to look at Wang Lei.

"Haha, that's what I meant! Boy, you were so cool about cheating on me before, now you should let me cheat again!"

"Quickly ask the people under your command to send me the money..."

Qian Yongming was very satisfied with his calculation just now, but on Wang Lei's side, he sighed. He didn't expect Qian Yongming, a bastard, would dare to put himself on the same side.

Seeing the excited appearance of the general manager of Yongming Food Factory, Wang Lei shook his head, ignored the other party, but straightened up and walked towards the weighbridge not far in front.

"I rely on..."

Qian Yongming originally wanted to see Wang Lei's intestines turning green when he learned that he regretted being calculated by him, but now, he didn't even have the slightest regret at all, which made Qian Yongming exclaimed.

"Damn it, it's also a skill to pretend to be coercive for your sake. After the food is baked, I will tell you that I am not satisfied. At that time, I will see how arrogant you are!"

With a grunt, he turned and walked towards the factory building ahead.

At the same time, Wang Lei was already surrounded by a group of disaster victims.

"Little brother, I'm sorry, you were tricked by Qian Yongming because of our affairs."

"Let's see if this agreement can be changed again..."

"Let you suffer such a big loss, we have no face to see you..."

Hearing the sighs of the people around him, Wang Lei waved his hands and said, "Everyone, you don't have to worry about this matter. Since I made that kind of request on my own initiative, I'm sure. Everyone just need to Feel at ease, just put the money from selling food in your trouser pockets."

"After you go back, you can inform the people around you. If anyone's wheat is also affected, they can be shipped to Yongming Food Factory for sale. They will accept everything here."

In Wang Lei's words, the staff of Yongming Food Factory, who was standing by and weighing someone, staggered instantly.

He raised his head and looked at the farmer, "Damn it, this fucker thinks Manager Qian's factory is his own property!"

"This is starting to overwhelm the host..."

Hearing the disdainful voices from around him, Wang Lei smiled, and said, "Just leave this little brother here to weigh the big guys, and you can go over there and send the whole bag of wheat on the tractor to the processing plant, and wait a while." I'm done with it so I can use it for baked goods."

(End of this chapter)

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