Chapter 234 Baked Goods
After Wang Lei said that to the staff of Yongming Food Factory, he turned around and walked towards the bakery factory.

Leave the other party in a daze.

Looking at Wang Lei's back, he opened his mouth, and could only spit out a sentence: "Damn, you actually instructed me..."

"Okay, hurry up and follow his orders. Manager Qian doesn't dare to complain in front of him. Why are you complaining here? If you annoy this farmer, you can learn from Manager Qian. do not forget."

"Um... Manager Qian is really pitiful. When I met this farmer, he cheated me of 3000 million yuan..."

The staff member of Yongming Food Factory muttered to himself, and then acted quickly.

A few minutes later, more than 100 catties of wheat were delivered to Wang Lei in a small cart.

At this time, the laboratory was already full of many people, all of whom wanted to see what Wang Lei was capable of, and how he could boast of such a thing.

"Okay, don't stay here anymore, all of you go out."

Just as everyone was waiting, they suddenly heard this voice coming from the farmer's mouth.

"What? You want us to leave?"

"Depend on……"

The voice of dissatisfaction sounded instantly, but before these people expressed their attitude, Wang Lei snorted heavily and said, "Nonsense, do I have to keep you here and let you learn my secret recipe! "

"Hurry up and get out!"

After finishing speaking, Wang Lei immediately drove people out.

The general manager of Yongming Food Factory was very dissatisfied with Wang Lei's actions, but he still didn't dare to show it too clearly, for fear that if the farmer's bottom line was offended, he would be the one who suffered in the end.

"Okay, let me see how capable you are!"

With a cold snort in his mouth, he turned and walked outside.

Wang Lei closed the door and began to run the power of the Shennong Collection.

As the farmer's hands continued to move, a hazy halo gradually formed in the middle, colorful, like a rainbow. If you look closely, you can feel the vigorous vitality exuding in this halo.

Wang Lei perfectly controlled this force in his hands, and hit the wheat that had already been spread on the clean ground in front of him.

When the power of Shennong's Treasure came into contact with the stricken wheat, it could be clearly seen that the wheat affected by the heavy rain seemed to be alive, continuously absorbing the power of Shennong's Treasure.

In just a moment, the originally gloomy wheat has changed its appearance.

Crystal clear, like pearls.Through the epidermis, the inner structure can be clearly seen.

A few minutes later, Wang Lei withdrew the supernatural power, and Mai, who was affected by the supernatural power, also stopped changing and became ordinary again.

"Okay, now you can take the wheat for processing."

Wang Lei pushed open the door and said to the people standing outside.

"So fast?"

After Qian Yongming heard Wang Lei's words, his expression was shocked, and he couldn't help but exclaimed.

Even if professionals from Yongming Food Factory were to process the wheat affected by the disaster, it would take a long time, but how long did Wang Lei take?

From going in to coming out, it didn't take more than 10 minutes!

10 minutes, for the professionals of Yongming Food Factory, the preparation work has not been done yet...

Qian Yongming was surprised by Wang Lei's speed.

"Hmm, that's right."

Wang Lei nodded at Qian Yongming, then moved out of the way, and signaled the staff of Yongming Food Factory to go in and move the wheat to the processing plant.

"Do as he bids."

Qian Yongming nodded to his staff.

After arriving at the processing plant, Qian Yongming called a bakery professional to further process the wheat processed by Wang Lei.

Although Qian Yongming has already made up his mind that the food baked with these wheats will receive bad reviews, but Qian Yongming is very curious about what kind of food can be baked with these affected wheats.

"Manager Qian, the quality of these wheat is not good. Are you sure you want to use them to make bread?"

The bakery professional put down his work, walked up to Qian Yongming and asked aloud.

Qian Yongming looked back at the farmer standing beside him, with mockery in his eyes, and said to his employees: "Well, put down what you are doing first, and bake these wheat into different foods."

"Okay then, but Manager Qian, you have to be mentally prepared. The taste of these wheat baked in the end is completely incomparable with the food we baked in the past."

Qian Yongming firmly believed in this talent's words. Over the years, Qian Yongming had always noticed his ability.

With a smile on the corner of Qian Yongming's mouth, he turned his head and looked at Wang Lei.

"Hehe, it's useless just to say, let's take it out and bake it yourself. Don't you really want to see the final effect?"

"There is no final conclusion yet."

Listening to Wang Lei's words, Qian Yongming laughed aloud, and said, "Okay, anyway, you have already lost, so I will let you lose willingly! Mr. Liu, you can start baking now!"

The employee nodded, his face became serious in a blink of an eye. According to the procedure, he began to order his helpers to start working.

"Now it will take two hours before it is processed into a finished product. Shouldn't you make use of this time. Ask your people to send me the money."

Qian Yongming withdrew his gaze from the employee, looked at Wang Lei, and laughed.

Feeling the mood swings emanating from the general manager of Yongming Food Factory, Wang Lei smiled lightly and said, "Manager Qian is really impatient, wanting to get money from me so soon? Haha, but your idea But it's a bit unrealistic. Although you have presented me with a dish before, you will understand how naive your so-called cleverness is after the food baked out of the junk wheat in your eyes .”

"Also, I would like to advise you, before I don't want to embarrass you, you'd better be obedient to me, otherwise, once I get upset and cancel the cooperation with you, then your loss will not be a little bit Son, when the time comes, even if you kneel on the ground and beg me, I will not soften my heart."

I rely on!

Arrogant, Nima is really too arrogant!

Qian Yongming instantly had the urge to run away, wishing he could pin the farmer in front of him to the ground and beat him up.

But at this moment, a faint fragrance suddenly entered Qian Yongming's nose.

(End of this chapter)

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