Super peasants break into the city

Chapter 235 Delicious Bread

Chapter 235 Delicious Bread

Smelling the faint fragrance that suddenly entered his nose, Qian Yongming's expression was startled, and he quickly withdrew his eyes from Wang Lei, looked around, and began to look for the source of the fragrance.

"Does any of you know where this particular scent comes from?"

The things in the factory were the same as usual. After searching for a while without any clue, Qian Yongming turned his head and asked the surrounding employees.

"This... this is coming from Mr. Liu..."

Someone stuttered and explained to Qian Yongming.


As the other party's words came to his ears, the general manager of Yongming Food Factory froze for a moment, then quickly turned his head and looked towards the place where the damaged wheat baked goods brought by Wang Lei were being used.

I saw that the people there were all in a state of 'drunkness', and the originally skilled movements in their hands became sluggish.

"Old Liu, what did you add to it?"

Qian Yongming asked the bakery talent aloud.

Mr. Liu, whose real name is Liu Xiaohang, has more than 30 years of experience in baking food. He has created countless new baking techniques in his life and has a high prestige in the industry.

If Qian Yongming hadn't helped Liu Xiaohang in the most difficult time, with Liu Xiaohang's talent, he would never have stayed in Yongming Food Factory to work.

"This... I didn't add anything..."

"This is emitted from the wheat during the baking process..."

Liu Xiaohang opened his mouth to explain to Qian Yongming, but his eyes were fixed on the farmer next to him.

With more than 30 years of experience in baking food, he thinks he knows all the ingredients in the world like the back of his hand, but now, the existence of Taishan Beidou in the baking industry has completely impressed the wheat provided by Wang Lei.

I am extremely sorry for the behavior of sarcasm just now.

After Qian Yongming listened to Liu Xiaohang's words, he froze in place for an instant, gasping for breath.


"Hurry up and speed up the production!"

Swallowing with difficulty, the general manager of Yongming Food Factory could only make this sound.

At this time, Qian Yongming really wanted to taste how delicious the wheat that was originally affected by the disaster could achieve after being baked into food after being processed by Wang Lei.

On Wang Lei's side, feeling the emotional fluctuations emanating from the surroundings, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"What's the matter, Manager Qian, you can't take it anymore just by smelling it?"

Although he was humiliated by Wang Lei, Qian Yongming's current thoughts are all on the food that is being baked, and he has no mood to pay attention to Wang Lei's cynicism.

Seeing the expression on the face of the general manager of Yongming Food Factory, Wang Lei smiled wryly, stretched out his hand and pulled the chair next to him to him, sat down straight, and narrowed his eyes.

As Liu Xiaohang continued to bake the food, the aroma in the air became more and more intense.

It is different from the scent that is so strong that it makes people sick.With this smell now, everyone breathed heavily, feeling that every cell in their bodies was incomparably unobstructed, and the exhaustion in the whole body was swept away.

"The taste alone is already so irresistible, so the final baked food is so good..."

"I don't know how good it is, I just know that our Yongming Food Factory has never baked such perfect food over the years..."

"Yeah, judging from the smell, the food we baked before is completely rubbish!"

"Hey, why did I underestimate this farmer's methods just now? I didn't expect that he could actually process the stricken wheat into the highest quality wheat..."

Amid the exclamation of these people, time passed slowly, and with the aroma emitted during the baking process, almost everyone in Yongming Food Factory was alarmed. An hour later, Liu Xiaohang was already three floors away The three floors surrounded dozens of people.

Everyone's eyes were fixed on the movements of Liu Xiaohang's hands, for fear of missing every detail.

Under the gaze of everyone, Liu Xiaohang slowly turned on the oven for baking with trembling hands.

Having dealt with food for more than 30 years, Liu Xiaohang thinks he knows all the delicacies in the world like the back of his hand, but now, this bakery expert is stunned by the wheat that Wang Lei has handled, which is almost unheard of!

When the stove is fully turned on, a scent that suffocates you instantly emanates from the oven.

Everyone present was all excited.

"Oh my god! It tastes so perfect!"

"I just finished eating, and now I smell this smell, and I'm hungry again..."

"Woo, I've lived for half my life, and I've never smelled such a fragrance..."

On the side of the general manager of Yongming Food Factory, at this time, he has completely fallen into the bread that has just been baked in the oven in front.

This fragrant smell, like opium, makes people deeply obsessed with it, and there is no way to extricate themselves.

"Manager Qian, try it..."

Qian Yongming didn't know when Liu Xiaohang walked in front of him, but when the general manager of Yongming Food Factory heard Liu Xiaohang's words, he nodded subconsciously, then hurriedly moved his hands and tore off a small piece of paper. A piece of bread, under the gaze of everyone, was slowly stuffed into his mouth.

The movements are very gentle, just like treating a beloved woman.

As Qian Yongming stuffed a small piece of bread into his mouth, the atmosphere in the field instantly became solidified.

Everyone's eyes were fixed on the general manager of Yongming Food Factory.

"How is it, is it delicious?"

"Did you say..."

"Don't whet our appetite..."

Standing by the side, Wang Lei looked at the nervous and unbearable expressions of the people in front of him. A bright smile slowly appeared on the corner of his mouth, and he laughed out loud at the general manager of Yongming Food Factory, and said, "How about you give me an answer? Everyone is waiting now."

Qian Yongming sucked up the bread residues on his fingers, fixed his eyes on the piece of bread next to him, and said, "It's delicious, it's so delicious! I've never eaten such delicious bread in these years Woolen cloth!"

"Although it is baked with wheat, it tastes like lobster and sea crab when you eat it in your mouth and chew it a little bit... This is simply delicious in the world!"

The general manager of Yongming Food Factory had previously made up his mind that after the food was actually baked, even if it reached the level of his satisfaction, he would give a bad review, which would make Wang Lei lose a lot.

But now, Qian Yongming was completely overwhelmed by this delicacy, and didn't say a word about what happened just now.

(End of this chapter)

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