Chapter 236 Make Money
"Hey, Manager Qian, what new food have you made here? This taste is really delicious."

Just when the general manager of Yongming Food Factory was obsessed with the taste of the food, an abrupt voice came into everyone's ears from the side.

Immediately afterwards, a woman in a dress with a charming complexion appeared in Wang Lei's sight.

Under Wang Lei's gaze, this charming woman walked directly in front of Qian Yongming and looked at the bread beside her.

"This is……"

Sun Ying followed the smell that passed into her nose. When she saw that the source of the smell was freshly baked bread, she was taken aback.

"This is what we just baked."

Qian Yongming smiled at Sun Ying, and then hurriedly introduced her to the farmer next to him, "This little brother is from Wangcun, Wang Lei. The food source we used this time was provided by Mr. Wang."

The voice of the general manager of Yongming Food Factory became so polite that it was completely unimaginable that just now this person was still ridiculing and even trying to cheat Wang Lei secretly.

"Yo, not bad, you can have such a great ability at such a young age. It seems that the wheat you provided is extraordinary."

Sun Ying giggled at Wang Lei, stretched out her right hand, and introduced herself, "Hello, my name is Sun Ying, and I have been doing business with Manager Qian. I have opened several large supermarket chains in the city."

Wang Lei nodded politely, stretched out his right hand to hold Sun Ying's weak and boneless white hand.

"Nice to meet you."

To put it simply, it made Sun Ying look shocked.

Involuntarily raised his head and looked carefully at the plainly dressed or even shabby farmer in front of him. Although his own business was not too big, he still earned tens of thousands of dollars every day. Relying on his beauty, even the rich When the second generation meets him, there will be emotional fluctuations, but the farmer in front of him has not changed from the beginning to the end...

"Ha ha."

Sun Ying smiled at Wang Lei, and then turned her attention to the general manager of Yongming Food Factory.

"I want all these new baked goods, let me make a price."

Sun Ying said directly to Qian Yongming that she had already paid attention to the situation here when she came over just now, and knew that Yongming Food Factory produced rare delicious food.

There is a price but no market, and now Qian Yongming has not yet mass-produced it, so he must take this opportunity to firmly grasp these foods in his hands and make himself a fortune.

After Sun Ying's words came out, the general manager of Yongming Food Factory stared blankly. He didn't expect that the other party would move so fast.

Looking back at Wang Lei, he said, "Mr. Wang, please come and set a price."

He had ridiculed Wang Lei before, but now he must seize this opportunity to build a good relationship with Wang Lei.

Although Qian Yongming only accounts for [-]% of the net income, the most perfect food in the world can be baked using the wheat processed by Wang Lei. This [-]% income is enough for Qian Yongming to earn more than before.

Under the gaze of everyone, Wang Lei smiled lightly, and then said to Sun Ying: "Because of the quality, these delicious foods are destined to follow the high-end route. Ordinary foods need to be calculated according to the catty. Calculate the price according to the number of blocks, sixty per block."

These simple words were uttered from Wang Lei's mouth, which instantly caused emotional fluctuations in the people around him.

Everyone exclaimed one after another, and almost instantly cast their eyes on the farmer.

"What! Sell by piece..."

"61 yuan..."

Sun Ying was completely stunned by Wang Lei's words. She couldn't care less about maintaining a perfect image, so she roared loudly.

I have been in the food business for more than three years, and have dealt with countless Chinese foods. Even imported foods have been dabbled in. In Sun Ying’s eyes, only delicious foods carefully crafted by foreign dim sum masters can be sold at high prices. I never thought that one day I would encounter such a thing at the door of my house.

Seeing the exclamation on Sun Ying's face, the farmer standing next to him shrugged lightly and said, "You heard me right, it's 61 yuan. You must know that the taste of these foods is not inferior to that of foreign dim sum masters." Standard, if you don’t want it, then I won’t force it. Anyway, as long as this kind of food is put on the market, there will be no worries about sales. After all, people’s living standards have been greatly improved now, and they are all paying attention to the quality of life. For those rich people, as long as they can eat the food they like, they will buy it no matter how expensive it is.”

In Wang Lei's words, Sun Ying gave a wry smile and sighed. The fact is just like what the farmer said, people's consumption level has improved now, and 61 yuan of food is not considered expensive in the eyes of diners who love food. .

After a moment of silence, Liu Ying saw that the farmer in front of her still had no intention of letting go, so she could only let out a long sigh and said, "Okay, at your price, I will take all the food here. Also, the next time I make I also buy all the food that comes out."

Wang Lei didn't pay any attention to what Liu Ying said.

After all, my main business is all on farming, and the food business is entirely because I want to help the victims of the disaster through this crisis.

"No problem. The baked ones just now are just samples. As much as you want, just report the amount to Qian Yongming now, and he will arrange people to make it for you."

The general manager of Yongming Food Factory nodded hurriedly at Sun Ying amidst the farmer's words.

"I now have six supermarket chains, and this kind of food is very popular. How about it, you bake [-] catties for me every day, and I can sell fresh ones every day."

Qian Yongming made a quick calculation and said, "There are about six yuan in a catty of food, and each yuan is 60. You need to pay me 216000 yuan a day..."

When Qian Yongming said the figure and the amount, before Sun Ying could make a move, he was the first to gasp.

216000 yuan, if it was changed in the past, it would take Yongming Food Factory a week to make a profit.

"No problem, I'll get someone to send you money now."

Sun Ying smiled at Qian Yongming, and a few minutes later, Qian Yongming was reminded by a text message from the bank.

"Okay, let's start working now, process all the wheat, and let Manager Sun take it away."

After Qian Yongming said this to the people under his command, he turned his head and looked at Wang Lei, and said, "Mr. Wang, you are really good. You can easily earn 151200 yuan."

"Do you want me to send you a transfer or cash?"

(End of this chapter)

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