Chapter 237
"Just give me the cash."

Wang Lei thought for a while, and said directly to the general manager of Yongming Food Factory.

Now that the disaster has not been resolved, money is needed for many things. If Qian Yongming were to transfer the money into Wang Lei's bank account, it would be too much trouble to use it.

"Well, I'll ask someone to take the money for you now."

The general manager of Yongming Food Factory has seen the hope of making money from the farmer in front of him. The baked food has just come out, and he has already received this continuous large order from Sun Ying. Although he only accounts for [-]% of the income, but The daily income is also enough for the past week's income.

A few minutes later, Wang Lei took the cash from Qian Yongming, casually held it in his hand, turned around and walked outside the factory building.

During the process, I saw Sun Ying leading people anxiously waiting for the food to come out of the oven at Liu Xiaohang's side.

From time to time, excited chatter and laughter came into Wang Lei's ears from over there.

Wang Lei walked up to Sun Ying, said his farewell to the manager of six supermarket chains, and under the watchful eyes of everyone, the farmer drove a Ferrari-F12berlinetta directly towards the outside of Yongming Food Factory.

When Sun Ying saw the farmer driving a Ferrari-F12berlinetta, she was stunned.

" that his car?"

Sun Ying subconsciously turned her head to look at the general manager of Yongming Food Factory, and asked aloud.

In my heart, I wondered if I was wrong just now.

Although the food raw materials provided by Wang Lei are of the highest quality, his clothes are too ordinary, and he can't be connected with a person who drives a Ferrari-F12berlinetta with more than 600 million supercars.

"Hehe, doesn't it feel very shocking, this is beyond your expectation."

The general manager of Yongming Food Factory smiled at Sun Ying.

I can't help but think of the scene when I met that farmer for the first time. At the beginning, I didn't pay attention to Wang Lei at all, but after a short time of contact, I was completely impressed by this ordinary farmer.

Especially after the investigation of this farmer, the general manager of Yongming Food Factory is more and more impressed with this farmer.Unexpectedly, the other party actually owns the shares of Fuhong Group!

Fuhong Group is a real estate tycoon in Huahai City. No matter how many big consortiums try their best, they can't get the shares of Fuhong Group, and this farmer actually owns 20.00% of the shares.

Seeing the change of expression on the face of the general manager of Yongming Food Factory, Sun Ying's expression gradually became astonished.

Total admiration for the farmer who has disappeared around the far corner of the road in his Ferrari-F12berlinetta.

"Hehe, this really exceeded my expectations."

Sun Ying smiled contemptuously at the general manager of Yongming Food Factory, recalling the scene when she was cold to Wang Lei just now, Sun Ying was secretly startled, fortunately Wang Lei didn't care as much as she did at that time, otherwise, she would suffer a great loss.

Feeling the emotional fluctuations emanating from this woman, the general manager of Yongming Food Factory laughed aloud and said, "Don't worry, you don't have to take what happened just now to your heart, although the time I have been in contact with Wang Lei is not counted. It's too long, but I know this person very well. He is a person who doesn't stick to small details. If he is really angry with you, I can guarantee that you will never be able to continue standing here happily like you are now .”

"I probably have to find a place where no one is around and cry secretly..."

These words made Sun Ying's eyebrows twitch violently, and she stared at Qian Yongming dumbfounded.

"It seems that the news I heard from the trail is not fake at all. Manager Qian really learned an unforgettable lesson from Wang Lei some time ago."

Following Sun Ying's words, Qian Yongming's face darkened instantly.

3000 million yuan, 3000 million yuan was cheated by that damn farmer all of a sudden!And all the reputation was taken by him. Thinking of this matter, the general manager of Yongming Food Factory felt like going crazy.

Looking at Sun Ying who was standing next to him with a smile on his face, Qian Yongming rolled his eyes angrily, and snorted, "You are really the most heartless person I have ever met. Just now I comforted you with good intentions, don't you It’s okay to thank me, but you actually poked my scar in person, hey.”

"Okay, it will take a while for this food to be baked. Go to my office and don't stay here."

After saying this, Qian Yongming turned around directly and walked towards the outside of the factory building, ignoring the woman behind him.

At the same time, on Wang Lei's side, after driving out of the Yongming Food Factory, he went straight to Mei'er Hotel in Sanping County.

Although the torrential rain has stopped now, the disaster situation is not completely over yet. Meier Hotel serves as a temporary footnote for this disaster relief, and now I have to hurry over to find out the details of the disaster relief.

When the farmer was driving a Ferrari-F12berlinetta out of Huahai City, he suddenly saw a car accident on the national highway.

A white modern car hit the isolation belt, and there was a Rolls-Royce Phantom next to it. The tail was already scratched. As the most proud part of the Rolls-Royce series, the golden line was already scratched and scratched.

It was not the expensive car accident that attracted Wang Lei's attention, but the woman standing in front who was about to cry.

Regarding this situation, Wang Lei sighed in his heart. From the scene of the accident, it can be seen at a glance that Bai Modern is fully responsible.

Looking at the crowd in front of him, Wang Lei stabilized the car and walked towards the scene of the accident. He came to the crying woman and asked, "Is there anything I can do for you?"

The woman looked up at Wang Lei, with amazement in her eyes. Although this man was dressed in ordinary clothes, the posture he possessed gave people a bright feeling.

It is completely the performance of a successful person.

"Hey, I accidentally hit someone's car just now, there is no money to pay for it..."

The woman sighed and said.

The mood has recovered from the panic just now and has become a little calm.

"The accident has been recognized just now, and she is fully responsible. She only needs to pay me the repair fee."

The owner of the Rolls-Royce Phantom said to Wang Lei, and he didn't feel slighted because of the shabby clothes of the farmer in front of him.

On the contrary, the voice was a bit polite. When the farmer walked over just now, the owner of the Rolls-Royce Phantom saw it all. A person who can afford to drive a super sports car like a Ferrari-F12berlinetta, is he an ordinary person?

"Are you her friend?"

The owner of the Rolls-Royce Phantom asked Wang Lei politely.

 Recommend "The Most Powerful Farmer" Class [-] is over, the story of leading farmers to get rich.Exemption of grades, all channels.


(End of this chapter)

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