Super peasants break into the city

Chapter 238 Reach out for help

Chapter 238 Reach out for help
Seeing the attitude of the owner of the Rolls-Royce Phantom, Wang Lei was very satisfied.

If the other party put on a domineering posture because of the money in his hand, Wang Lei would definitely take action to teach him a lesson, but now, since the other party has a polite attitude, Wang Lei naturally smiled at him.

He waved his hand at the other party and said, "No, just now I just saw this young lady turned pale with fright because of such an expensive car accident, so I came here to see if I can help."

Following Wang Lei's words, discussions erupted in the surroundings.

"I, Cao, who does he think he is, dressed so shabby, that he still wants to help?"

"Hehe, nonsense!"

"I'm afraid he also came to watch the fun..."

The owner of the Rolls-Royce Phantom listened to the discussions of the people around him, and shook his head secretly, "What a bunch of idiots, they don't open their dog eyes to see things clearly, and just bark here. If you drive a Ferrari- A super sports car of the F12berlinetta level, let alone make you wear shabby clothes, even if you don’t wear clothes, I’m afraid you will have to compete.”

On the other side of the woman, after listening to the words of the farmer in front of her, her eyebrows twitched violently. Just now, she felt the coldness of the world from the crowd watching the excitement, and she was already disheartened. Someone would take the initiative to stand up and help himself.

This made the woman feel warm in her heart.

She raised her head and looked at the farmer in front of her, wanting to reject the other's offer, but after noticing the eyes of the owner of the Rolls-Royce Phantom, the woman subconsciously turned her head and looked back at the other's gaze. The vigorous red Ferrari-F12berlinetta sports car instantly appeared in the woman's sight.

This made the woman's heart skip a beat, and her gaze changed immediately.

"Is this the farmer's car?"

This idea popped up in the woman's heart instantly.Turning her head back and looking at the farmer in front of her again, the woman's heart has changed, the worry just now disappeared, she nodded at the farmer in front of her, and said, "This is a very expensive car accident for me, are you really willing to help me?"

In the woman's words, Wang Lei smiled lightly and said: "When you see injustice, you draw your sword to help. Now is the time when you need help. Except for the people watching the fun, there are probably very few people who want to help you. You can Don't worry, I want to help you out of my heart, and I don't have any other thoughts."

Following Wang Lei's words, the woman's face instantly turned red.Recalling that I don't have a date now, if this farmer really has other thoughts about himself, that would be great.

After all, although this person is dressed in a slightly shabby manner, he is proud of his courage and character. He drives a multi-million dollar super sports car, and he is still able to behave so politely, without any superiority. This quality is really commendable.

The crowd who were standing around watching the excitement and sneering at the farmer were stunned after feeling the peaceful atmosphere of the three people in front of them.

"Shouldn't the guy in the Rolls-Royce Phantom throw a fit?"

"Why is this completely different from the one in the legend? My car has been scratched, yet it's still so plain..."

"No, look at his eyes!"

After saying this, someone subconsciously followed the eyes of the owner of the Rolls-Royce Phantom and set their sights on the red Ferrari-F12berlinetta behind.

"Hey, when did this car appear?"

"I don't remember when I came to watch the excitement just now..."


"This Ferrari-F12berlinetta was driven by this farmer!"

In an instant, the atmosphere in the venue changed amid the exclamation of those people, and the sound of gasping for air could be heard endlessly.

"It seems so, just now I saw this farmer coming from the direction of Ferrari-F12berlinetta..."

Although someone in the crowd responded aloud, the atmosphere in the crowd changed again, and everyone became terrified.

What's more, he was swallowing hard.

"Damn, I looked down on him just now..."

"I didn't expect this person to be an invisible rich man!"

"No wonder the owner of the Rolls-Royce Phantom is so polite in front of him..."

On Wang Lei's side, hearing the exclamation of the people around him, a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth, and he sneered at the people around him.

Withdrew his eyes from the woman who was in shock and hadn't reacted yet, looked at the owner of the Rolls-Royce Phantom standing next to him, and said, "Tell me, how much should I pay, I will pay for this lady Pay you."

The owner of the Rolls-Royce Phantom laughed and said, "For the sake of the little brother's generosity, just give me 10."

These words made the people around them gasp.

"Ten... one hundred thousand..."

"Hey, I have to live without food or drink for two years to make money."

"This car accident is really expensive."

On Wang Lei's side, he nodded, looked at the most proud part of the Rolls-Royce Phantom, and said, "It seems that you have given me a lot of face, thank you, I will give it to you right now." Get the money."

After finishing speaking, the farmer turned around straight away, walked towards the Ferrari-F12berlinetta parked behind, and drew 151200 hundred-dollar bills from the 1000 yuan he had just earned.

He walked up to the owner of the Rolls-Royce Phantom, handed it over, and said, "Exactly [-], you count."

The owner of the Rolls-Royce Phantom smiled heartily at Wang Lei, and said, "No need, I believe that the little brother is a man, and he will definitely not lie to me. My name is Meng Hong, and I am the chairman of Beijing Hongtian Hotel. If the little brother needs help Wherever you can help, just find me."

"A hearty person like you is worth making friends with."

While talking, Meng Hong handed Wang Lei a postcard.

Wang Lei laughed and said, "Okay, maybe I will ask Brother Meng for help soon."

Now the business of Meier Hotel is booming and needs to be expanded. Wang Lei had already intended to develop in the capital, but he didn’t know how the situation between Zhou Mei and the Blue Sky Hotel was going. Take it directly.

Looking at the performance of the farmer in front of him, Meng Hong admired it even more, laughed twice, and then said: "Okay, now the trailer is here, I will deal with it first, and contact when I have time."

After finishing speaking, he walked towards the Rolls Royce Phantom parked next to him.

"Thank you, thanks to your help."

At this moment, a crisp and pleasant voice sounded beside Wang Lei.

(End of this chapter)

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