Super peasants break into the city

Chapter 239 did not negotiate

Chapter 239 did not negotiate

Looking back, a deep ravine instantly appeared in Wang Lei's sight.

This made Wang Lei swallow almost subconsciously.

Damn, how did this develop, it's too plump!
It wasn't until this time that Wang Lei noticed the perfect figure of the woman beside him. Although Zhao Fei and Zhou Mei were already rare beauties, the woman in front of him had a perfect body that was not inferior to those two beauties. pretty.

Especially the degree of physical development is too plump and mature, Zhao Fei and Zhou Mei can't match it.

"Haha, it's okay."

Wang Lei smiled at the beautiful woman in front of him, and he didn't mean to advance at all from the beginning to the end.

The beauty saw Wang Lei's performance, and she was stunned. Just now, he paid himself a full 10 yuan in advance. In the hands of ordinary people, it is enough to be worth two or three incomes.

"My name is Su Xian'er, what should I call you?"

Su Xianer?
Wang Lei couldn't help but carefully looked at the beautiful woman in front of him. As her name suggests, she has a sense of immortality. No matter where she goes, she can become the focus of everyone's attention.

"Hehe, my name is Wang Lei."

Wang Lei said politely to the other party.

Su Xian'er's eyebrows twitched twice, with a dumbfounded expression, "What a popular name."

Wang Lei smiled awkwardly and said, "Although it is popular, it is affordable to drive a Ferrari-F12berlinetta."

There is a lot of pretense in the words.

This made Su Xian'er giggle.

"This is my business card, the money that Mr. Wang paid in advance...can you allow me a few days..."

Su Xian'er's face darkened when she said this, 10 yuan was a small amount in the past, but now, her business is struggling and is facing the danger of bankruptcy, and now she has paid such an exorbitant price. The car accident made things worse.

If you want to pay back 10 yuan, there is great difficulty.

Feeling the mood swings coming from Su Xian'er, Wang Lei smiled lightly and said, "It's okay, Manager Su will be fine whenever he has money, don't worry."

"Money is something outside of me, and I am very happy if I can use it to help others."

Su Xian'er heard Wang Lei's words in her ears, and a bright smile burst out on her face, and she giggled at Wang Lei.

Said: "That's really great, so I can reduce the pressure on my body."

Seeing the smile on Su Xian'er's face, Wang Lei was also happy. Su's Distillery is an old-fashioned distillery in Huahai City, but now it is facing the risk of closing down, which is embarrassing.

This is the inevitable result of eradication.However, if Su's Distillery, an old winery that has carried the memories of countless people, is really allowed to close down, I am afraid that the memory that has carried a generation will come to an end.

"If possible, I really want to cooperate with Manager Su in business."

Wang Lei said to Su Xian'er.

These words made Su Xian'er's eyebrows twitch quickly, and she looked up at the farmer in front of her.

" really want to cooperate with me?"

When these words came out of Su Xian'er's mouth, the beautiful woman smiled wryly. Su's winery has lost its former glory and has become a hot potato in the eyes of outsiders. It's too late for others to hide. What fool would Cooperate with this bottomless pit of burning money?
"Hehe, if that's the case, I'll wait for Mr. Wang's arrival anytime."

Su Xian'er smiled at Wang Lei, and briefly brought up the topic just now.

Standing by the side, Wang Lei captured the emotional fluctuations of the beautiful woman in front of him and smiled.

He said to himself, "Don't you believe my words? Hehe."

Then he said to Su Xian'er: "Okay, now I have other things to deal with, so I won't stay here any longer, let's take a step first."

Su Xian'er was deeply affected by Wang Lei's emotions, nodded and smiled, and said, "Okay, go ahead, if there is a chance, I really hope to cooperate with you."

While talking, he saw Wang Lei walking towards the Ferrari F12berlinetta parked not far away.

"Hey, it looks like he really has something to deal with urgently..."

Su Xian'er saw Wang Lei's actions, smiled wryly, shook her head, then ignored what happened just now, turned and left.

On Wang Lei's side, after starting the Ferrari-F12berlinetta, he went straight to Meier Hotel in Sanping County.

Standing in front of Zhou Mei for half an hour.

"How is the disaster now?"

Wang Lei asked in the first sentence.

Zhou Mei said: "Don't worry, all places are doing their best to help now, and the situation is all under control. It won't take long to recover."

"By the way, after you cooperated with the Huahai Foundation, the foundation has performed very well, and the media are rushing to report on the Huahai Foundation."

Wang Lei listened to Zhou Mei's words, nodded lightly, and said: "That's for sure, the Huahai Foundation is originally an ambitious one, and after receiving my full financial support, if they don't have a big The action is really strange.”

"You inform Gao Mingyu and let him find a construction team to repair the houses for the victims."

Zhou Mei nodded beside her.

The expression in Wang Lei's eyes was full of admiration. This person did his best in disaster relief, but kept hiding behind and refused to accept the media's propaganda.

"You are in a hurry to come here now, it shouldn't be just because of this matter?"

Following Zhou Mei's words, Wang Lei nodded and said, "There is indeed another matter. Let me ask you, how is the acquisition with the Blue Sky Hotel going?"

After Zhou Mei said this, the expression on her face darkened instantly.

Looking carefully at the farmer in front of him, he smiled wryly.

"You still remember this..."

Wang Lei nodded and said, "That's for sure. Don't we need to go to the capital to expand the hotel business? Of course I have to take this matter to heart..."

However, before Wang Lei finished speaking, he stared at Zhou Mei in a daze, and asked almost subconsciously, "Could it be yellow?"

Under his gaze, Zhou Mei nodded with a wry smile, and said, "Since the rainstorm started, when you decided to temporarily put aside the purchase of the Blue Sky Hotel, the business that you originally acquired has already been sold out. Need money urgently, no matter how big your reasons are, people will not wait for you."

"Hey, that's a sure-fire business. As long as you buy the Blue Sky Hotel, even if you transfer it out, you can make a net profit of hundreds of millions. This is a good thing, and the ducks are flying away. "

(End of this chapter)

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