Super peasants break into the city

Chapter 240 Contact Meng Hong, Unexpected Surprise

Chapter 240 Contact Meng Hong, Unexpected Surprise

Thinking of hundreds of millions flying away in front of her, Zhou Mei felt pain in her heart.

However, on Wang Lei's side, they were very calm, as if the whole matter had nothing to do with him.

"Hey, I said what's the matter with you, now I'm telling you about the loss of the hotel, why don't you respond at all!"

Zhou Mei saw the expression on Wang Lei's face, and said it angrily.

At the same time, he pinched his waist with both hands, expressing his inner dissatisfaction.

This posture was completely like a shrew, Wang Lei saw it, and swallowed subconsciously.

Knowing that Zhou Mei wanted to use her own strength to make the hotel business bigger and stronger, just now when I brought up the matter of the Blue Sky Hotel again, it was tantamount to poking Zhou Mei's sore spot, so this woman is so angry now.

Thinking of this, Wang Lei grinned, looked Zhou Mei up and down, and then teased: "Although we lost the opportunity to acquire the Blue Sky Hotel, this does not mean that we have cut off our way to enter the capital, you won't Naively think that only by acquiring the Blue Sky Hotel can we gain a foothold in the capital, right?"

Zhou Mei was taken aback by those simple words.

After reacting, he hurriedly raised his head and carefully looked at the smiling farmer in front of him.

Seeing the smile on the other person's face, Zhou Mei really wanted to rush up and bite him hard on the shoulder, to vent all the dissatisfaction in her heart.

He rolled his eyes, gave Wang Lei a blank look, and said with a snort, "If you have anything to say, just say it quickly, don't continue to tease me here, or else, I'll be impatient with you!"

Following Zhou Mei's words, the farmer standing next to her laughed loudly.

Withdrawing the ridicule on his face, he coughed heavily, and the attitude on his face immediately became serious.

Zhou Mei was still secretly angry at first, but after seeing Wang Lei's freely sending and receiving mood swings, she gasped.

Even if it were my father, the chairman who controls Zhou's enterprise and can have hundreds of thousands of credits every day, I'm afraid he can't control his emotions so perfectly like the farmer in front of him.

Just when the young lady was in shock, Wang Lei's voice rang out from the side.

"Although I lost the opportunity to acquire the Blue Sky Hotel, I just happen to have a partner in my hand, who also runs a hotel business in the capital, and it seems to be quite big..."

At this point in Wang Lei's words, Meng Hong's figure appeared in front of his eyes. The man was polite, with the air of a superior, and he was driving a luxury car like a Rolls-Royce Phantom. Although he didn't directly explain that his subordinates How big is his business, but from these two points, Wang Lei already knew that Meng Hong must have a certain reputation in the capital.

On Zhou Mei's side, after hearing Wang Lei's words, she was taken aback, "The hotels in the capital are so worthless now? They actually let you meet one after another..."

If this kind of thing is placed on a normal day, it would be pretty good for others to meet one, but now, Wang Lei unexpectedly met another one, and judging from his tone, it seems that the other party's hotel business is still very successful.

"Then hurry up and talk about it, don't ink it."

Wang Lei stopped talking in front of Zhou Mei, and couldn't help urging her.

Wang Lei no longer intentionally teased this young lady's sensitive heartstrings, nodded and said, "The other party is the general manager of Hongtian Hotel, named Meng Hong."

Zhou Mei blinked, living in Sanping County, she had never heard of this hotel in the capital, so she took out her mobile phone and started Baidu.

Enter the keywords to check, and in the next second, various news about Hongtian Hotel have appeared on the mobile phone.


Zhou Mei's eyes were fixed on the phone screen, and she was already stunned.

"Is this Hongtian Hotel very powerful?"

Wang Lei caught Zhou Mei's expression in his eyes, and subconsciously asked suspiciously.

At the same time, he already moved his head towards Zhou Mei.

At this moment, after hearing Wang Lei's question, Zhou Mei also raised her head. She wanted to explain to Wang Lei, but the moment she raised her head, she didn't expect that Wang Lei had already put her head in front of her.


When the red lips of the young lady were pressed against Wang Lei's mouth, the young lady could not help but cry out.

His face instantly became extremely red.

Ever since she was a child, Zhou Mei never even let other men touch her. She never thought that her first kiss would be lost under such circumstances.

"Ahem, it wasn't intentional."

Wang Lei smiled awkwardly.

It seems that the feeling just now was quite soft...

He recalled the feeling when Zhou Mei's lips were pressed against his own just now.

"You... big bastard!"

Zhou Mei stomped her feet fiercely, but she was extremely happy in her heart. Ever since Wang Lei helped the rich lady get through the hotel crisis some time ago, Zhou Mei has already felt affection for the farmer in front of her.

"Okay, you can see for yourself."

Zhou Mei rolled her eyes, handed the phone directly to Wang Lei, and said.

Seeing the blush on Zhou Mei's face, Wang Lei couldn't help being dazed, smiled awkwardly, reached out to pick up the phone, and checked it carefully.

Hongtian Hotel is located on the third ring road of the capital, close to the financial circle, with a superior location.

Meng Hong, a hotel wizard, started from scratch. In three years, he developed a humble hotel into a leading hotel chain in Beijing, with a daily income of 80 million.


Looking at the content published by Baidu, Wang Lei suddenly took a deep breath. He didn't expect that what he encountered was actually a big crocodile in the hotel industry.

"You're posting it. Although Meng Hong doesn't run a star-rated hotel, each of his hotels has its own characteristics. If we can cooperate with him, it's impossible not to make money."

"By the way, how did you get in touch with him?"

Zhou Mei stood by and exclaimed at Wang Lei.

Wang Lei briefly told Zhou Mei about the encounter between Meng Hong and Zhou Mei, which made Zhou Mei speechless at Wang Lei's bad luck. In a car accident with someone else, she helped the other party to pay the compensation out of kindness. It actually attracted the attention of people like Meng Hong.

Wang Lei was also overjoyed. 10 yuan was exchanged for the attention of a hotel predator. This deal was really a bargain.

Especially now that he is about to enter the capital, he just learned that the acquisition plan of the Blue Sky Hotel has not been successful, and now that he knows Meng Hong's identity, Wang Lei has a feeling that something is going on.

"By the way, you just said that you met Meng Hong in Huahai City. Now you should call him quickly and ask if he has returned to the capital. If not, we have to get in touch with him as soon as possible."

(End of this chapter)

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