Super peasants break into the city

Chapter 242 Talking about cooperation

Chapter 242 Talking about cooperation

Zhou Mei was originally immersed in Wang Lei's cold treatment of Meng Hong, but when she heard the hearty laughter from outside the room, she was stunned.

Almost subconsciously, he turned his head and looked at the farmer sitting on the chair, "I'm not even angry..."

Although she had never met Meng Hong, Zhou Mei swallowed her saliva when she heard his hearty laughter. The worry in her heart disappeared instantly. She hurriedly corrected her attitude and turned around again, with a bright smile on her face.

Under Wang Lei's watchful eyes, the rich lady hurriedly opened the door.

"Manager Meng, you are finally here..."

When Zhou Mei saw the middle-aged man standing opposite, she immediately laughed out loud.

This made Meng Hong startled, and subconsciously took two steps back, looked up at the house number, "Didn't Brother Wang come in just now?"

Meng Hong subconsciously asked the beautiful woman in front of him, he was very suspicious, he was only in shock just now, and forgot the room Wang Lei entered.

Seeing the expression on Meng Hong's face, Zhou Mei covered her mouth and giggled. She never thought that this general manager who owns six branches in the capital would still have such a cute moment.

"Hello, my name is Zhou Mei, and I am the general manager of this Meier Hotel."

While Zhou Mei was speaking, she already stretched out her right hand towards Meng Hong.

I want to establish a good relationship with this person who can help me enter the capital.

However, on Meng Hong's side, they just want to meet Wang Lei now, and ask Wang Lei what method he used to develop Mei'er Hotel to such a terrifying level.

Invisibly, Zhou Mei's words were not heard at all.

He just hummed subconsciously, and then looked into the box. When he saw the farmer who was already sitting on the chair, the general manager laughed heartily, "Oh, why don't you know how to sit here? There will be a sound, so that I thought I went to the wrong room."

While speaking, he already walked around Zhou Mei's side and walked straight towards Wang Lei.

During the whole process, Zhou Mei was completely left aside.


Seeing Meng Hong's performance, Zhou Mei instantly felt ashamed.

A beautiful woman like herself is so active, this person actually treats herself as air...

Wang Lei ignored him just now, but now he is still so polite to Wang Lei...

In contrast between the two, Zhou Mei instantly felt hurt.

"Haha, Manager Meng, let me introduce you. This is my partner, Zhou Mei, Manager Zhou."

Seeing the dissatisfaction on Zhou Mei's face, Wang Lei stood up from the chair, smiled heartily at Meng Hong, and said.

It wasn't until this moment that Meng Hong came to his senses, and hurriedly turned to look at the beautiful woman who was left aside by him.

"Hehe, I'm really sorry. I was only thinking about asking Brother Wang a question, but I neglected Manager Zhou."

While Meng Hong was speaking, he was already holding Zhou Mei's right hand, with a very sincere attitude, completely familiar.

Although Zhou Mei was full of dissatisfaction in her heart, she could only sigh secretly when she saw Meng Hong who greeted her with a smiling face.In Meng Hong's eyes, she, the daughter of Zhou's enterprise, is far less important than the farmer next to her.

"Hehe, it's okay. Please sit down, Manager Meng. Now we have prepared all the meals."

Zhou Mei giggled at Meng Hong.

Meng Hong was taken aback. He also had a daughter who was the same age as Zhou Mei, but his daughter only knew how to spend money every day and had nothing to do with her career. It would be great if she could have half of Zhou Mei's ability.

"Okay, sit down."

Meng Hong smiled heartily at Zhou Mei, then walked directly to the dining table and sat down on the chair.

However, this manager Meng was all focused on the scene he saw in the hotel lobby just now, and he was in no mood to pay attention to the delicious food in front of him.

Wang Lei saw Meng Hong's performance in his eyes, smiled aloud, and said, "Manager Meng wants to know the answer just now, and now he just needs to taste the dishes in front of him."

While Wang Lei was speaking, he reached out his hand to gesture to Meng Hong for the dishes that had already been placed on the table.

Meng Hong followed Wang Lei's gesture almost subconsciously, and looked towards the table in front of him.

Meng Hong's expression was shocked by the exquisitely shaped dishes in front of him.

Meier Hotel is not a star hotel. There are countless hotels like this built in small county towns in the whole country. However, the dishes on the table are from the hands of real chefs.

"Hehe, don't be surprised by Manager Meng. The chef in my hotel is provided by the chairman of Fuhong Group."

Seeing the surprise on Meng Hong's face, Wang Lei explained aloud.

However, after his words came out, Meng Hong was even more surprised.

Ignoring the dishes on the table, I hurriedly turned around and looked at the farmer beside me.

Meng Hong left the capital for Huahai City this time, originally wanting to cooperate with Fuhong Hotel, but this five-star hotel dismissed him. Unexpectedly, the chairman of Fuhong Hotel would meet with Wang Lei. Have such a good relationship.

This made Meng Hong envious in his heart.

I wish I could switch identities with Wang Lei now.

Sitting next to her, Zhou Mei caught the expression on Meng Hong's face and giggled. She wanted to see the situation most.

Since we want to cooperate with Meng Hong, we must let him see the background here.

Now, this purpose has been achieved.

"Manager Meng, try it."

Zhou Mei picked up a piece of braised carp meat and handed it to Meng Hong's bowl and chopsticks.

"Good good..."

With an expression of complete trepidation, Meng Hong hurriedly picked up the chopsticks at hand, grabbed the fish, and stuffed it into his mouth.

After the next second, his face changed instantly.


The fish meat is simply chewed twice in the mouth, and a delicate fragrance is emitted from the teeth, penetrating into every cell of the body.

Meng Hong felt that at this moment, his whole body was light and light, as if he had entered a fairyland.

"This fish is really delicious!"

"In order to cook this delicious food, apart from the chef's superb cooking skills, the ingredients are also very important. Brother Wang, where did you find such superb ingredients?"

Listening to Meng Hong's words, Zhou Mei's smile trembled wildly, she turned her head to Manager Meng and gestured to the farmer sitting next to her.

"Could it be... Brother Wang, you bred this?"

Seeing Zhou Mei's performance, Meng Hong's expression was shocked, he didn't care to put down the chopsticks in his hands, and he already screamed at Wang Lei.

Under his gaze, the farmer nodded and said, "That's right, I provided all the ingredients for Meier Hotel and Fuhong Hotel. What Manager Meng tasted just now was just one dish, but I think Meng The manager should have no objection to my ingredients, shouldn't we talk about our cooperation?"

(End of this chapter)

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