Super peasants break into the city

Chapter 243 Talking about cooperation

Chapter 243 Talking about cooperation


Very shocked!
Meng Hong never imagined that there would be such a perfect food in this world, and it was raised by a farmer.

At this moment, Meng Hong understood thoroughly why the farmer in front of him could afford to drive a Ferrari-F12berlinetta.

"Well, let's talk about cooperation."

Meng Hong said to Wang Lei.

Although he was rejected by Fu Hong Hotel before, but now, Meng Hong's mood is extraordinarily comfortable, because now he has the opportunity to cooperate with Wang Lei.

Although Fuhong Hotel is a five-star hotel, the ingredients for him are also provided by the farmer in front of him. Now he directly cooperates with Wang Lei, which can save a huge amount of expenses in the process.

Almost in the blink of an eye, Meng Hong had already analyzed the matter.

Wang Lei saw the excited expression on Meng Hong's face, the corners of his mouth rose slightly, and he also made a sound and laughed heartily.

"Well, if that's the case, I'll talk to Manager Meng about cooperation."

Following Wang Lei's words, Meng Hong nodded hastily, with an uncontrollable smile on his face.

At this moment, the manager Meng finally saw the hope of making his hotel business bigger and stronger.

"Brother Wang, stop teasing me, and tell me about the cooperation."

Meng Hong urgently urged Wang Lei.There has been a change in the voice, very anxious.

Sitting at the side, Wang Lei caught the expression of Manager Meng, couldn't help laughing, and said, "It seems that Manager Meng is more impatient than me."

"If this is the case, then I won't beat around the bush with you, Manager Meng. I know that the hotel business you run, Manager Meng, is in the form of chain stores, so I want to provide ingredients to you, Manager Meng. At the same time, I need to cooperate with you. Get [-]% of the proceeds."

After Wang Lei's words came out, Meng Hong was stunned for a moment, and couldn't help raising his head to look carefully at the farmer in front of him.

[-]% of the income, which is something that is unimaginable on weekdays.When others cooperate with themselves, they take the initiative to give up the greatest benefits to themselves.However, the farmer in front of him opened his mouth like a lion.

Looking at Wang Lei's expression for a while, it has slowly changed.

Wang Lei looked at Meng Hong's attitude, stopped talking, and didn't intend to continue talking. He stared directly at the manager Meng, sizing him up constantly, and the smile on the corner of his mouth became even brighter. .

On Zhou Mei's side, she was also constantly looking at Meng Hong.

I feel uneasy.From the attitude of this manager Meng, Zhou Mei already knew that Wang Lei's request just now had exceeded Meng Hong's bottom line.

I prayed secretly in my heart, hoping that Manager Meng would not be angry, otherwise, this would be a fatal blow to the development of Meier Hotel.

Offended the manager Meng who was developing in the capital.In the future, if Meier Hotel wants to develop in the capital, it may not be smooth sailing.

Under the watchful eyes of these two people, Meng Hong smiled wryly, and said to Wang Lei, "Can the dividend of this income be reduced? Isn't [-]% too much?"

In the words of this manager Meng.The farmer sitting next to him laughed aloud, shook his head directly at Meng Hong, and said, "I account for [-]%, although it seems a lot, but you must know that my ingredients are unique in the world. The dishes cooked by it can make the hotel's business more prosperous, and the daily income can be doubled several times. Even if the profit is taken away from me, Manager Meng, you rely on the remaining [-]% of the profit, you can You can make a lot of money.”

Zhou Mei sat on the side and listened to the words of the farmer beside her, nodded slowly, her eyes full of approval.

The development of Mei'er Hotel is a good example. Today, with the support of Wang Lei, this hotel has undergone earth-shaking changes compared to before.

Now the daily net profit is several times that of the past.And it's still growing.

"I agree with what Wang Lei said just now. There is nothing false about what he said. After the cooperation between Manager Meng and Wang Lei, relying on the remaining four floors, he can make a lot more money than before."

"Now Manager Meng has a total of six branches, and they are still in places like the capital where every inch of land is expensive. As far as I know, when Manager Meng opened a branch, he carefully selected the location of the hotel, not located in the financial circle. Just sitting in a place with a lot of traffic, if my calculations are not wrong, Manager Meng can earn two or three times more money than in the past with the remaining [-]% income."

Listening to Zhou Mei's analysis, Wang Lei raised the corners of his mouth slightly and smiled.

I didn't expect that this rich young lady looks a bit careless on weekdays, but after encountering something, her brain is still very easy to use, and she can analyze the problem straight to the point.

"If Manager Meng thinks that the [-]% shares are too small, then I have a way to solve it."

Following Wang Lei's words, the manager Meng from the capital sitting next to him twitched his eyebrows, and suddenly turned his head to look at the farmer beside him.

His eyes were full of anticipation.

At this moment, Meng Hong suddenly felt that he had switched identities with the farmer in front of him.The initiative that should have been in his own hands was completely in Wang Lei's hands at this time.

"Then tell me, how can I increase my income with the [-]% income?"

Under the question of Manager Meng, the farmer sitting next to him laughed aloud and said: "If you open more branches in the capital, as long as the number of hotels you run increases, Manager Meng, how much profit will you make every day?" Doesn’t it just rise with the tide.”

"Manager Meng has already experienced the deliciousness of the dishes cooked with ingredients like mine just now. If you transport them to the capital and cook them in the six hotels under your control, relying on the prosperous location , I think it shouldn’t be a problem for you, Manager Meng, to increase your income by five or six times every day, right?”

In Wang Lei's explanation, the manager Meng sitting next to him kept thinking about the meaning of the farmer's words in front of him.After Wang Lei finished speaking, Meng Hong raised his head and nodded at Wang Lei, saying, "That's right, your analysis is very reasonable."

Wang Lei laughed loudly, and asked Meng Hong, "If this is the case, can Manager Meng cooperate with me?"

During Wang Lei's words, the young lady sitting next to her hurriedly turned her eyes away from the farmer in front of her, and cast her eyes on Manager Meng next to her, her eyes were tense, full of expectation, and uneasy.

(End of this chapter)

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