Super peasants break into the city

Chapter 246 Seriously Contaminated

Chapter 246 Seriously Contaminated

The people in the office nodded at Qian Yongming, and then hurriedly followed behind and walked towards the factory building not far ahead.

A few minutes later, when these people followed the general manager of Yongming Food Factory into the factory building, they saw the farmer standing on the working assembly line in the factory building and observing carefully.

After checking all the workflows, Wang Lei didn't see anything special.

This made Wang Wei frowned, and said to himself: "Since there is no problem in the whole process, why is there such a reason?"

"What's up now."

At this moment, the voice of the general manager of Yongming Food Factory suddenly rang from the side.

Wang Lei turned his head slowly, shook his head at Qian Yongming and said, "There is no problem."

"no problem?"

After hearing Wang Lei's answer, Qian Yongming frowned instantly, his eyes full of doubts.I don't believe Wang Lei's explanation at all. If there is really no problem, then there will be no problem with the food baked by myself.

"Mr. Wang, are you reading it wrong?"

"Yeah, why is there no problem..."

"Yes, there must be something wrong here, but Mr. Wang Lei, you didn't notice it..."

Those people who came in with Qian Yongming spoke to Wang Lei one after another.At the same time, these people kept looking around, trying to find out the reason for this crisis.

At the same time, there is also more and more doubts in Wang Wei's eyes. First of all, it is absolutely impossible for these wheats to have problems after being nourished by the Shennong Collection. Since this first link can rule out the occurrence of such a situation The reason must appear in many other links that follow.

"Okay, you don't have to worry, don't worry. Manager Qian, take me to see all the procedures."

Wang Lei turned his head and said to the general manager of Yongming Food Factory.

Qian Yongming nodded hastily after hearing this. Now, in the heart of the general manager of Yongming Food Factory, he urgently hopes to find out the reason for this crisis. If he can't, he will inevitably face huge financial losses.

"Okay, Mr. Wang, you come with me now."

After Qian Yongming said this to Wang Lei, he motioned to Wang Lei to the right.

Following Qian Yongming and walking towards that side, Wang Lei restrained his mind and carefully observed every place he saw in his sight. No slightest mistake was allowed.

When he just walked to the warehouse where the grain was hoarded, Wang Lei suddenly saw a food factory worker standing in front of the trolley, holding a shovel in his hand and shoveling the grain in front of the hoarding belt into the trolley non-stop.

"What are you doing?"

Wang Wei stopped and asked the staff member aloud.

"He is following your instructions to take the wheat and nourish it with the nutrient solution you prepared."

The general manager of Yongming Food Factory, after hearing Wang Wei's words, he spoke out first before the staff member in front opened his mouth, and said it to Wang Lei.

Wang Lei heard these words, and his brows frowned instantly.

He walked quickly towards the direction where the worker in front was standing. When he got there, Wang Lei saw that some of the wheat piled up in front of him was moldy and rotten, and he could smell it even from a certain distance. A bad smell.

"You're using this wheat for your baked goods?"

Wang Lei turned his head and asked the general manager of Yongming Food Factory, with dissatisfaction in his voice.

The general manager of Yongming Food Factory caught the expression on the face of the farmer in front of him, and his heart skipped a beat, suddenly feeling ominous.

"Brother Wang, aren't the nutrient solutions you prepared specially used to nourish these stricken wheat?"

"Is there a problem now?"

The general manager of Yongming Food Factory had already shifted his eyes from Wang Lei to the wheat piled up not far in front of him while he was speaking. When Wang Lei brought the wheat over today, Qian Yongming had already seen it with his own eyes. The astonishing performance of the nutrient solution prepared by Wang Lei in nourishing the stricken wheat is just that he has no doubts in his heart that the nutrient solution can nourish the stricken wheat to achieve the effect of baked goods.

However, following his words, Wang Lei smiled wryly.

Following this movement of the farmer, the atmosphere of the surrounding people changed immediately, and everyone turned their heads to look at Wang Lei.

"Brother Wang, do you know the reason now?"

The general manager of Yongming Food Factory caught the expression on the face of the farmer beside him in his eyes, and asked almost subconsciously, his voice was full of apprehension and nervousness.

Under everyone's gaze, Wang Lei nodded to the general manager of Yongming Food Factory, and said, "That's right, I now know the reason."

These words made the general manager of Yongming Food Factory suddenly see hope, and a smile burst onto his face.

Hastily urged: "Then don't hesitate, tell me why this happened?"

Wang Lei looked at Qian Yongming's nervous look, smiled wryly, and said, "All the reasons are due to the use of materials. Although the nutrient solution I gave you can improve the quality of wheat, it doesn't Doesn't mean it can purify all wheat."

While speaking, the farmer turned around and walked towards the wheat pile in front. He stretched out his right hand directly into the wheat pile, and when he drew back his right hand, there was already some more wheat in his palm.

A rotten and moldy smell came out, and the people standing around couldn't help pinching their noses.

The general manager of Yongming Food Factory stepped back subconsciously, wanting to keep a certain distance from the pungent wheat.

Standing by the side, Wang Lei saw Qian Yongming's actions in his eyes, couldn't help but sighed, and said, "Now, Manager Qian, you should know why there are problems with the food baked by your employees? These wheats have been seriously polluted, tell me The wheat that I used before is completely different. Although the nutrient solution I prepared can improve the quality of the wheat, it can’t completely change it. The wheat has completely rotted and deteriorated, and it is simply unusable.”

As Wang Lei explained the reasons behind the incident, the general manager of Yongming Food Factory didn't feel any excitement. On the contrary, he looked worried, and subconsciously turned his head to look at the wheat piled up in front.

The amount of these wheats is large enough to form a large hill, about tens of tons.

"Brother Wang, are all these wheats unusable?"

Qian Yongming swallowed hard, turned his head and asked Wang Lei.

(End of this chapter)

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