Super peasants break into the city

Chapter 247 To the Su Family Winery

Chapter 247 To the Su Family Winery

Wang Lei turned around and looked at the general manager of Yongming Food Factory, and said directly: "These wheat has been seriously affected, and the quality has changed. Even if I use the nutrient solution I prepared, it can't play any role. What's the use of keeping them?"

"It's not impossible to use them by force..."

After Wang Lei said this, the general manager of Yongming Food Factory smiled instantly.

All the wheat in front of us was purchased with money, and being able to use them can reduce the loss of money, which is what Qian Yongming really wants to see.

However, Wang Lei captured the change of expression on the face of the general manager of Yongming Food Factory in his eyes, secretly shook his head and smiled bitterly, and said: "If you really want to use them, then you need to be mentally prepared to lose money. The food you bake here will never taste as good as it once did."

Following Wang Lei's words, the smile on the face of the general manager of Yongming Food Factory froze instantly, and he couldn't smile anymore.


The general manager of Yongming Food Factory smiled wryly at the farmer in front of him. If he didn't know him very well, with Qian Yongming's violent temper, he would have already attacked the farmer in front of him.

"Brother Wang is not good at doing this. Isn't this intentional to ruin my business here?"

Qian Yongming said to Wang Lei. "Can you see if there are other ways to solve the problem?"

"After all, there are a lot of these wheats. It would be a pity to lose them."

Seeing the change of expression on Qian Yongming's face, Wang Lei knew what the general manager of Yongming Food Factory was thinking.

After a little thought, he finally turned around and set his sights on the wheat piled up in front of him.

The general manager of Yongming Food Factory stood beside him cautiously during the whole process, not even daring to breathe, for fear of disturbing Wang Lei's meditation.

I can only pray secretly in my heart, hoping that Wang Lei can come up with a solution to the problem.

Under the gaze of everyone, Wang Lei put his right hand into the wheat pile again, took out a handful of wheat, put it on the tip of his nose, and smelled it carefully.

"In terms of food, raw materials are very important, and there must be no ambiguity in the slightest, otherwise it will cause a serious blow to a company. But even though these wheats have been nourished by the power of Shennong Baodian, they have not improved and are no longer suitable For baked goods…”

Wang Lei thought quickly in his heart.

A moment later, the farmer's eyes suddenly shone brightly, and under the gaze of everyone, he hurriedly turned his head to look at the general manager of Yongming Food Factory.

Eyes burning with excitement.This change in his attitude made the atmosphere in the delivery room slowly change in the eyes of other people standing around, and a wave of excitement began to pervade imperceptibly, and the tension and worry just now disappeared.

"Brother Wang, have you already thought of a way?"

The general manager of Yongming Food Factory caught the expression on Wang Lei's face, subconsciously swallowed his saliva, and asked Wang Lei urgently.


Wang Lei nodded at Qian Yongming and smiled heartily.

"Although these wheats can no longer be used for baked goods, I just saw that after they are nourished by the nutrient solution I prepared, their internal quality has changed a little bit. If they are used for wine making, maybe this method will work."

After listening to Wang Lei's words, Qian Yongming grinned and his face became a little embarrassed.

I am in the food business, so I am a layman in wine making.

Wang Lei looked at the expression on Qian Yongming's face, smiled aloud, and said, "Manager Qian, don't worry about this, I know that you are only here for baked goods, and you don't know anything about wine making, but now I have a wine making partner , can cooperate with her."

"Of course, I will use your original purchase price to buy the wheat here, and I will definitely not let you have any losses..."

Before Wang Lei could finish his words, the general manager of Yongming Food Factory waved his hand hastily at him and said, "Brother Wang, what you said is too outlandish. If you need these wheats, I will buy them all." I will give it to you without receiving a cent.”

Now the reason for the crisis in the factory has been found that as long as normal wheat is used for baked goods, the previous losses can be made up for.Qian Yongming was grateful to Wang Lei in his heart.

At the same time, Qian Yongming has a deep understanding of Wang Lei's strength through the previous incidents. These wheats are completely useless in his hands. Instead of throwing them all away, it is better to be a favor and let them all be given to Wang Lei for wine making. In this way, they can also establish a good relationship with Wang Lei, which will play a very important role in the future development of Yongming Food Factory.

"Hehe, since Manager Meng is so polite, I won't see you anymore."

Wang Lei saw the attitude on the face of the former manager in front of him, and smiled lightly, knowing that the reason why the other party flattered him so much was because of his ability.

"However, the wheat is temporarily stored here, and the wheat will be shipped there after I get in touch with the partner."

The general manager of Yongming Food Factory nodded and said, "No problem."

"Okay, let your staff sort the wheat, separate the ones that can be used for baking, and put those that can no longer be baked aside separately." After Wang Lei said this to Qian Yongming Then he turned and walked outside the factory building.

After the general manager of Yongming Food Factory reacted, the farmer had already disappeared from everyone's sight.

"Hurry up and act according to Wang Lei's request. Don't use these wheat anymore. Pick some better quality baked goods."

Qian Yongming turned around and quickly gave instructions to the staff around him.

Now the buyers outside are all blocked at the company's door, if they can't give them a reasonable explanation, it will definitely have an impact on the company's economy.

Ten minutes later, Qian Yongming stood next to the baking equipment and smelled the long-lost fragrance again, with a smile on his face.

"It's really like this..."

Thinking back to Wang Lei's analysis, Qian Yongming smiled wryly.Previously, for a small profit, he almost gave up the company, which made Qian Yongming regret it.

At the same time, on Wang Lei's side, driving a Ferrari-F12berlinetta has already arrived at Su's Winery in the suburbs of Huahai City.

Now Su's Distillery no longer has the glory it once had. The front door is withered and empty, with only one elderly security guard sitting in the sentry box.

"Hey, I didn't expect that the winery, which has entrusted the memory of a generation, would be in such a state now."

Wang Lei is determined to help this old winery.

(End of this chapter)

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