Chapter 248

After briefing the old security guard at the door, Wang Lei drove a Ferrari into Su's Winery.

Looking at the empty scene around him, Wang Lei sighed continuously. If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, he would never have believed that a distillery that had once been extremely brilliant would have fallen into such a sad state.

At the same time, in the general manager's office of Su's Winery, Su Xian'er began to put on her makeup after she received a call from Wang Lei.

Su's winery has accumulated the wishes of three generations of the Su family. Su Xian'er has tried her best to develop this winery, especially after the business of the winery has gradually declined, this woman has already sacrificed her life. All poured into the winery operation.

There is a separate compartment in the office, which is used by Su Xianer to dress up.

At this time, the beauty was sitting in front of the dressing table, while she was adjusting her makeup, she kept showing a silly smile on the corner of her mouth.

There was constant babbling in my mouth. When I was in contact with Wang Lei two days ago, I thought it was Wang Lei's casual mention, but I didn't expect that it would actually turn into reality now. Wang Lei came to find me to cooperate with him.

Since returning to the winery that day, Su Xian'er had sent someone to investigate Wang Lei's affairs, and learned that although Wang Lei was dressed in ordinary clothes, he was a famous figure in Huahai City.

Starting from scratch, he owns the shares of Fuhong Hotel, and is treated as a guest of honor by the chairman of Fuhong Group.

"It is really my blessing to be favored by Wang Lei. He is so successful in his career, Su's Distillery may really be able to bring him back to life by cooperating with him..."

The corners of Su Xian'er's mouth rose slightly, and she fell into a state of obsession, her face and cheeks were hot, like a little woman in love.

"I'm going to meet Wang Lei later, what kind of clothes should I wear?"

Su Xian'er stood by the closet and looked at the clothes hanging inside, slowly thinking.

When this curvaceous beauty stretched her hand towards the short yellow skirt in front of her, the originally closed door was suddenly opened from the outside.

Wang Lei looked at the decoration in the office and sighed, "I never thought that the dignified general manager of Su's Distillery would never come back home, and treat this office as his own home...


Looking at the scene in front of him and recalling the predicament Su's winery is facing now, Wang Lei couldn't help shaking his head, knowing that Su Xian'er was under a lot of pressure, no wonder this woman was talking about the Rolls-Royce Phantom to Meng Hong some time ago When they collide, they will show that worried and nervous look.


At this moment, a startled voice suddenly entered Wang Lei's ears.

Wang Lei's eyebrows twitched quickly, his whole expression was startled, and he subconsciously looked in the direction of the sound, only to see a vague figure with a s figure behind a sliding door with a white film on the right corner.

Before Wang Lei could react from the shock, the sliding door was already opened by the slender person behind him, and immediately after, a perfect figure appeared in Wang Lei's sight.

Every part of her body exudes seductive charm, like opium, which makes people linger and forget to return just by looking at it, and can't move their eyes.


When Wang Lei carried this perfect body to attract attention, he suddenly let out a scream from the other side.

"You, why are you here now..."

Su Xian'er was very flustered, and hastily stretched out her hand to pull the clothes next to her in front of her to protect her chest.

The general manager of Su's winery is a rare beauty.At this time, under the chaos, a charming red color appeared on his face. Although the daughter of Zhou's company and Zhao Fei who worked with Wang Lei were both beautiful women, Wang Lei looked at him and said that he was the general manager of the winery. , could not help falling into dementia.

"Cough cough!"

Feeling the emotional fluctuations coming from Su Xian'er, Wang Lei coughed heavily, and then withdrew his gaze from the beauty.

"Why am I here now, didn't you ask me to come over when you were on the phone just now?"

"Why are you still doing this in the office..."

"Hurry up and get dressed..."

Su Xian'er was a little frightened by Wang Lei's sudden arrival. After all, this was the first time her body was seen by a man.

However, feeling the emotional fluctuations coming from the man in front of her, Su Xian'er suddenly felt an inexplicable loss in her heart, as if she had lost her favorite thing, and forgot to put on her clothes for a while, but still kept with her That single gaze was fixed on Wang Lei just now.

"Am I not attractive to him at all..."

Seeing the man in front of him turn his eyes to other places and turn his back on him, the general manager of Su's Winery murmured twice in his heart, and his lips slowly clenched imperceptibly.

"Are you ready?"

When Wang Lei's words reached Su Xian'er's ears, the general manager of Su's Distillery, who had felt a little lost in her heart, reacted in an instant, and hurriedly stepped back two steps into the washing compartment and closed the sliding door in front of her. close.

After the beauty came out, she had changed her appearance, and the frightened expression just now was gone.

It gives people a feeling that they can only be seen from a distance but not played with.

"Okay, now you turn around, I'm fine."

Su Xian'er saw that Wang Lei was still standing with his back facing her as before, which made Su Xian'er's affection for Wang Lei double in her heart.There are very few men in this world who can have his quality.

Wang Lei slowly turned around and looked at Su Xian'er who had finished tidying up, his eyes lit up, he was suffocated by the beauty of this woman, his Adam's apple rolled twice, and he couldn't help swallowing.

"What a nice view……"

These words came out of Wang Lei's mouth involuntarily.

After Su Xian'er heard Wang Lei's words, two delicate red flowers suddenly appeared on Gu Jing's face.

"Bah! I thought you were an upright gentleman, but I didn't expect you to be so nasty!"

Su Xian'er spat heavily at Wang Lei, but no matter how you look at it, this beauty's demeanor always gives people a provocative taste.

"Hehe, I'm a normal man. If I don't lose my composure in front of such a beautiful woman as Manager Su, it would be too abnormal."

Wang Lei's words, not only did not make Su Xian'er feel angry at all, on the contrary, they were very helpful in his heart.

"Am I really that attractive to you?"

Su Xian'er almost subconsciously asked Wang Lei in a low voice, and when she realized it, the general manager of Su's Distillery couldn't help being taken aback, what's wrong with me, to say such words, oh, I've fallen... …

Su Xian'er lowered her head, her heart beat faster, she didn't dare to look at Wang Lei.

(End of this chapter)

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